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Perversions of the wealthy


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I was working at a holiday party in the Hollywood hills last night. The host was a 50-year-old Indian dude who had basically hired a whole house of young, white models to hang out and party like they were his friends. Then, he went around to all of the girls and put his hands all over them like each one was his girlfriend. He kept telling people where to stand and what to do. It was really fucking weird. I overheard him say some really sexually vulgar things to some of the models that didn't seem to shock them. I think the whole night was all a part of a larger sex fantasy this guy was living out.


I had heard from people that some big time models (even the biggest, supermodels) get booked by their agencies to go on dates and sometimes sleep with dates. Then, their agents get 15%. I guess it's especially common in Hollywood. I also heard first-hand-account stories about how some of these studio moguls have indoor grottoes and crazy orgies like in Eyes Wide Shut.

Last night felt like Eyes Wide Shut a bit. It was really creepy. I can't imagine the mentality it takes to make something like that happen.

At the end of the night, I was even curious if the house was his. Everything felt like a crate & barrel showroom. We also all had to leave in a rush, at the same time.

Anyway, I can't stop thinking about it and I wanted to hear some other creepy stories about stuff like that. I can't really believe it's real.

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My brother told me a story about when he was a the tube having a drunken conversation with a posh guy around his age. He was on his way to friends house who was having a party and all the women wore masks and asked if he would like to come, my brother was intrigued but found the masked aspect odd. He inquired some more and it was revealed that the women were prostitutes, he declined the invitation.

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It's funny how history recorded the stories of the way the super wealthy of the roman empire lived it up, it was common knowledge at the time, but in our time of even more spectacular fortunes we're all very much out of touch with what these people are doing with their considerable tithe on all our daily labours. I'd say some of it has to be quite abominable given that they have the likelihood of expressing the same failings as the rest of us and the means to feed them to a terrible degree.


That said, those women were paid to be there for his entertainment. No one forced their attendance at spooky hills mansion random sex soiré.

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If they don't like they shouldn't do. Coercion into having your fanny wacked by a half-limp hollywood troll imp, there has to be something on the other end of the deal; money, contacts, contracts.

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You could argue that these model girls have been working for these pimps, away from their families, since they were quite young and programmable. I'd be down with that line of thinking, so i'm not morally justifying some of the creeps that work in that business. Just the myriad of older girls that come to hollywood and will do anything to advance their careers that i am talking about.

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I was working at a holiday party in the Hollywood hills last night. The host was a 50-year-old Indian dude who had basically hired a whole house of young, white models to hang out and party like they were his friends. Then, he went around to all of the girls and put his hands all over them like each one was his girlfriend. He kept telling people where to stand and what to do. It was really fucking weird. I overheard him say some really sexually vulgar things to some of the models that didn't seem to shock them. I think the whole night was all a part of a larger sex fantasy this guy was living out.


I had heard from people that some big time models (even the biggest, supermodels) get booked by their agencies to go on dates and sometimes sleep with dates. Then, their agents get 15%. I guess it's especially common in Hollywood. I also heard first-hand-account stories about how some of these studio moguls have indoor grottoes and crazy orgies like in Eyes Wide Shut.

Last night felt like Eyes Wide Shut a bit. It was really creepy. I can't imagine the mentality it takes to make something like that happen.

At the end of the night, I was even curious if the house was his. Everything felt like a crate & barrel showroom. We also all had to leave in a rush, at the same time.

Anyway, I can't stop thinking about it and I wanted to hear some other creepy stories about stuff like that. I can't really believe it's real.

It seems perfectly normal. If you are rich and have strong moral values you don't do these kind of things. But if you don't you totally do. I'd do them if I were rich and didn't give a shit, only at my parties there would be more explicitness.

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yes, it did seem rather tame, perhaps he hadn't quite figured out how far he could go in his obnoxious use of power, was still on the training wheels of an house full of willing hook-up servants. Hadn't yet progressed to private yacht dungeon filled with abducted eastern euro teens.

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Christ, Corey Feldman's party looks depressing. Bitches ain't worth my time.


Anyway J3ff, that's a pretty amazing adventure. Did you feel any voyeuristic pleasures?

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Christ, Corey Feldman's party looks depressing. Bitches ain't worth my time.


Anyway J3ff, that's a pretty amazing adventure. Did you feel any voyeuristic pleasures?

No. It was gross and sad. No one got naked or anything. It all felt like a first act building up to something really perverted that was to happen after we left.

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happens all the time in China


i have stories


not really that special though, it's not like someone scooping out a supermodel's eyeball and skullfucking her or something


just guys getting drunk and playing drunk party games with lots of girls


there's only so many different kinds of drugs you can take and ways you can fuck or expose yourself publicly


unfortunately, it really can rock to be rich (or, somewhat-wealthy-in-comparison-to-the-less-fortunate).


I have some friends in Vietnam who arrange a beauty pageant then take the "winners" out to a private bungalow on one of the most exclusive beaches and take X with them and just relax and fuck for days. Kind of hard to beat that, as far as hedonism goes.

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nah, everything is voluntary and I'm sure, well paid. It's the old "casting couch" thing.


as long as there's no coercion involved and everyone ends up getting what they came for (a good time, or cash, or whatever floats your boat) I see no problem with it.


but yeah, one's immortal soul etc etc.


i'm happily married now, but a younger me would have very much enjoyed that.

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I guess if the women love it I have no problem. But imagine that happening to your hometown. A bunch of people with more money than God come down, pick out the most beautiful women, and drug them and fuck the shit out of them for a week. Sounds like old school colonialism with a paycheck. It's hard for me to believe that these women are not treated like slaves in practice. The money doesn't excuse the behavior.


Sorry, I know I don't really know the situation, but the way I imagine it makes my blood boil.

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I know where you're coming from, and just generally like your take on things, A/D. Tbh I don't like being in the position of being an apologist or poster boy for debauched behavior, but whatever, I guess I am. In this case it was a case of my friend basically boasting and showing me photos and all the gals looked quite genuinely happy (hey, could be the X, but being in a lovely spot with great food and not being required to do anything but fuck a random dude/dudes once in a while...I can imagine worse). Happiness is always arguable/relative, though - one could say "well they seem happy but it's a hollow happiness and I predict in 20 yrs they will regret selling their bodies for cash", well, who's to say? We all make bargains in this life, the 3D industry took away my good looks and physical health but all told, I think it was (barely) worth the tradeoff.


Btw it's not at all like what you describe, like Vikings pillaging or something, there's no "against their will." I think the most on point observation/condemnation one could make is that it's pathetic for older guys (we're talking early 50's, I'm guessing) to be cavorting with 20 yr olds. Thing is, I'm quite certain said guys don't give a flying fuck. Which is one of the nice things about getting older, not giving a f what other ppl think of you. If you want to re-enact and try to re-capture some frayed memory of what it was like to make love in your 20s, well, who's to say it's wrong?


But then I'm a pretty non-judgmental guy, unless we're talking Tomorrow's Harvest.

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Guest disparaissant

christ if i had millions i would buy a tiny house, get a puppy, buy a ton of books and records and a reliable car, squirrel away enough money to buy groceries and insurances and property taxes for the rest of my life, and then give the rest of that shit away. rich people are fucked up and i have no desire to be one. living comfortably seems enough.

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christ if i had millions i would buy a tiny house, get a puppy, buy a ton of books and records and a reliable car, squirrel away enough money to buy groceries and insurances and property taxes for the rest of my life, and then give the rest of that shit away. rich people are fucked up and i have no desire to be one. living comfortably seems enough.


I would also like this, but with the addition of a decent-sized workshed in the back so I can clank things around all day and cause the neighbors to be like WHAT'S HE BUILDING IN THERE? in a Tom Waits voice


edit: i might possibly be slightly fucked up already, though

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christ if i had millions i would buy a tiny house, get a puppy, buy a ton of books and records and a reliable car, squirrel away enough money to buy groceries and insurances and property taxes for the rest of my life, and then give the rest of that shit away. rich people are fucked up and i have no desire to be one. living comfortably seems enough.


I think that's the main thing, amassing wealth is usually driven by the fear of not having enough...fear of "inadequacies" that the money would then allow you to paper over...at the end of the day money is an amazingly powerful tool for getting others to act the way you want.


I would certainly be much less afraid of failing if the country I live in had a good safety net.


It's tough to calibrate getting to the end with "enough", given the cost of health care these days...


this thread is about perversions of the wealthy right? since all those perversions by definition arise from an imbalance of economic power, I'd say one expects them to be a bit "icky" on some level. Money debases both the ones who have a ton, and the ones who don't have enough...

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Guest disparaissant

in short, money sucks, ban money, invent replicators, bring on the star trek economy, and let's all have an orgy on risa.

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