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I'm trying to record a couple of tracks for demo purposes for playing live. I might have the possibility to play my music in front of people for the first time of my life somewhere in the second half of October. I told the people of the collective organizing this concert night that I'll send them a couple of recordings because the tracks currently on my soundcloud don't represent the live set that well.


I just recorded three of them and thought I'd also share them here... I'd love to have some feedback from Watmmers because as the preparation works keeps going forward, it's getting harder and harder to imagine how the whole stuff will sound for the audience, on a bigger system than my monitors, in the context of a party etc...


They're private on soundcloud so you'll have to go there to listen to them, here's the playlist:





I know it might sound a bit dry as is and you might notice some places are a bit wonky but I'm still preparing the whole stuff and I've to say I'm also counting on the energy of the live situation to make good things happen.


Anyways... enough talk now. any feedback welcomed, thanks!

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Dartz1 - Is a really cool track and way superior to the other 2 in my opinion. Not that they other 2 are bad it's just that one is really good.


In terms of live I would expect this track to do a lot better as it has more 'drive' behind it.

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Thanks for your honest feedback. Dartz1 is somehow different to the others two because it's a track I developed in my software-based configuration (Reaper-Renoise + some hardware, original version here), then I exported some MIDI files, load them into my MPC500 and made a new beat with the Electribe. I guess what you call "more drive" comes from the fact this track is pretty melodic (I was impressed myself when making it because I rarely come up with so smooth melodies). As for the "live" part, I thought it would make sense to focus the live action on the breaks, making them evolve constantly. I also switch the different parts live and play with some knobs for the acid line, +reverb/delay sends. To be honest I don't know what to do more and I think it's technically hard (track is fast!). That being said I'm happy how it is already and think it should work well for a dancefloor although I'm still improving the sound of it (this sub bass is definitely too big in the spectrum) and might add more variations into the beat patterns in the future.


Before that I have to improve other tracks of the set though, plus it's still a bit too short as it is now (~40 min?). Those two versions of Minerle and Disco Feever 4k (might rename this one heh) are still a bit clumsy, especially for Minerle which is the newest track of the bunch. I think I have more or less all the musical ideas I need for them but I still need to practice arranging them better through time.


I recorded those three versions pretty quickly and will do better ones in a near future. At this point I decided continuing feeding/improving this soundcloud playlist, let it private and use it for demo purpose. I'll also keep posting updates here in case someone cares about listening and give some feedback.

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