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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. It needs to come with graph paper, do you know how tough it is to find graph paper if you're not on a school campus? My engineering dept. had jack shit, and I had to import it from Amazon, lol LOL WUT - an engineering department that doesn't have graph paper? That's like a culinary school with no parchment paper.
  2. OST out on vinyl: http://store.relapse.com/item/42316 Also, here's an interview with SURVIVE, the Austin, TX band that did the soundtrack: http://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/rock/7488050/survive-stranger-things-soundtrack-interview The surviving members of Tangerine Dream covered the Stranger Things title theme: https://soundcloud.com/tangerinedreamofficial2015/without-glitch https://soundcloud.com/tangerinedreamofficial2015/ii-1
  3. I've been playing Doom since it came out and I still haven't finished it. I don't know if it's because I'm playing on the hardest available difficulty and because I'm playing on console... or if I just suck at Doom? Anyway, I've bought a Raspberry Pi and installed RetroPie on it so yesterday my friends and I were playing a bunch of old NES, SNES, N64 Dreamcast, PS1, and DOS games. Pure nostalgia. How well did the PS1 games run on the Pi3? They run almost perfectly! Actually, Silent Hill seems to run better than I remember it doing on the PS1. The N64 games are a bit more wonky. Goldeneye was a jittery mess. That's good to know - I keep putting my RetroPie project on the side. Perhaps later this year when everything's calmed down a bit, I can finally focus on this.
  4. Fucking AMAZING pictures from Mars sent back by the Curiosity rover: More info here: http://mars.nasa.gov/msl/curiosity-murray-buttes-raw-images/ These are seriously the best Mars images yet I think - really gives you more of a feeling "being there" than any previous images.
  5. I've been playing Doom since it came out and I still haven't finished it. I don't know if it's because I'm playing on the hardest available difficulty and because I'm playing on console... or if I just suck at Doom? Anyway, I've bought a Raspberry Pi and installed RetroPie on it so yesterday my friends and I were playing a bunch of old NES, SNES, N64 Dreamcast, PS1, and DOS games. Pure nostalgia. How well did the PS1 games run on the Pi3?
  6. Ah, looks like Sony anticipated this, and has made transferring from PS4 to PS4 Pro easier: http://www.polygon.com/2016/9/8/12851382/ps4-pro-slim-backup-data-transfer-firmware-4-0
  7. Was going to get it, but the price is too high for a game that reviewed so-so. I'd get the pro, as you will be getting the very best version of a game (especially going forward). Increased performance is nothing to sneeze at. the price point of both slim and pro is pretty good. the idea of selling the ps4 and using the cash to upgrade to pro isn't too terrible. not amazing, but all things considered ... it's not as bad as i would've expected. I guess. But the PS4 Pro (ugh!) can't even play 4K Blu-rays, so all you're really getting is the same games you can get on your regular Peasant Edition PS4 but with more colors, more pixels, and more grass. It's not like the games themselves will change much, given that they'll have to work on both systems. Not to mention that you need a 4K TV to even take advantage of all this in the first place and a pretty size-able one at that, for the whole 4K resolution thing to be much more than a fancy number. Maybe I'm wrong about all this and maybe the Pro (uurrgh!) will sell a ton of units, but right now Sony has been insanely bad at presenting this thing. Even if it turns out to be a major success, that new Xbox thing (Scorpio?) will come out next year and totally wreck its shit anyway. So that leaves both the Peasant and Pro (...) versions in the dust of not only the PC but also the Xbox. And potentially the NX, if this was some kind of bizarro universe where Nintendo suddenly decided to make sensible decisions for the first time in a decade. Just give me the new Mass Effect (and let it be good) so I can escape this vidja insanity. The lack of UHD Blu Ray is on the surface a forehead slapper, but most likely it was left out to keep costs down. There's really not that much UHD Blu Ray content (let alone worth owning) right now, and that's not likely to change until late next year. Which brings me to my next point... Is XBONE Scorpio going to be more powerful? Yes. Will it have a UHD Blu Ray just like the XBONES has now? Yes. Is Scorpio coming out Holiday 2017, more than a year after the PS4 Pro? Yes. Does anyone honestly think Sony is not working on PS5 right now, probably set for mid-to-late 2018 release, that almost certainly will be more powerful than Scorpio, and by then 4K and UHD BD adoption will be more mainstream? Yes. PS4 Pro is a stop-gap to keep the fans happy until PS5, and not allow Microsoft to get the jump on them (again). People who don't want the PS5 can stick with the PS4/PS4 Pro, keeping the majority of their user base happy. If Sony is smart (and that's a big IF sometimes, smh), they will make the PS5 backwards-compatible with PS4, and will run the Pro games in native 4K, at higher frame rates, and offer 4K/60 gameplay on a console. The drive itself will be no doubt yes, the contents nope - PS3 and PS4 uses drive encryption with a different key in every machine. You put your hd in a different ps4 and it'll just appear to it as unformatted junk and request you format the drive. Your saves are in the cloud, so all you would need to do is swap out the 1TB for the 2TB in the Pro, format, and re-download your games.
  8. Supposedly devs must keep the game up to PS4 standards, and only enhance on Pro... I am really baffled by why they didn't include a 4K Blu Ray player - Sony invented Blu Ray, and hell, even the damn XBONES has one! I think it will be worth it - they were wise not to price it higher than 400.00. The thing is... Microsoft's "Scorpio" will be out a year later, and (on paper) be more powerful - what's next? PS4 Pro Plus for Holiday 2017? It's almost as if Sony is trying to turn consoles into smartphones with biannual upgrades...
  9. I really hope this game will do the original movies justice... I caved in and got Sky Force Anniversary for PS4... played the shit out of it on iOS, always wondering what it would be like with a proper controller. Now I know, and I'm back into getting all the stars on each stage.
  10. Been playing Lumines on iOS - just as fun as I remember, but the touch interface takes some getting used to. Still, that music tho...
  11. Would a dedicated DANK MEMES gallery on NuWATMM be desirable?
  12. No kidding, I wish it'd come out on PS4 as well, the 30's cartoon style art looks friggin' amazing! Yeah, really amazing how the captured the "filmed animation" feel and fuzziness, not to mention the spot-on fonts, voices and tinny audio.
  13. Not that it needs to be said, but Cuphead (due out later this year on XBOX and PC) still looks amazing: PLEASE come out for PS4 as well!
  14. Listen to Jupiter's Auroral lights as radio emissions:
  15. There is a 50% sale on Auria Pro for iPad in the iTunes Store: $24.99 sale for Labor Day FEATURES: • Unlimited audio and MIDI tracks • Lyra multi-format sample player with a free downloadable 4GB sample library. Lyra is a true disk streaming sampler, capable of playing multi-GB sample instruments. Supports SFZ, EXS and SF2 • FabFilter Twin2 and One analog synthesizers included • Up to 24 tracks of simultaneous recording when used with compatible audio interfaces (Lightning to USB Camera adapter required) • Real-time audio warping using élastique Pro v3, allows audio tracks to be stretched in real time. • Powerful audio busing system allows flexible routing of audio between tracks, subgroups and Auxes. • Piano roll editor • Tempo and Time-signature Tracks • Real-time MIDI parameters allow immediate control over MIDI tracks • Comprehensive MIDI processing functions • Groove quantizing, includes a free set of DNA grooves from Numerical Sound (additional grooves available for purchase). • User groove extraction from MIDI and audio tracks • Audio quantizing • Audio transient to MIDI conversion • Transient slicing • Project templates • Support for external iOS-compatible Hard Drives for project backup • 24-bit recording • Vintage-inspired ChannelStrip and MasterStrip on every channel by PSPAudioware includes expander, multiband EQ and compressor • 64 bit double-precision floating point mixing engine • Third party plug-in support via in-app purchase • MIDI Sync support with MTC Chase, MIDI Clock and MMC • MIDI Remote Control (Mackie MCU and HUI protocol) • Supports sample rates of 44.1KHz, 48KHz and 96KHz • AAF import and export allows transferring complete sessions between popular DAWs like Logic, Pro Tools, Nuendo, Samplitude and others • StereoDelay, StereoChorus, ClassicVerb and Convolution Reverb plugins included • 8 Assignable subgroups and 6 aux sends • Time Stretching using ZTX technology and élastique Pro v3 • Real-time audio scrubbing • Flexible snapping tools allow snapping to events, cursor, bars, beats and more • DropBox, Audiobus, IAA, SoundCloud and Audio Copy/Paste support • Track freeze for minimizing CPU usage • Full automation support • True 100mm faders when used in Portrait Mode • Adjustable pan law • Auto-punch mode • Full delay compensation on all tracks, subgroups, busses and aux sends • Adjustable metering modes, including pre or post fader, RMS and peak • Sample accurate looping • Automatic sample rate conversion
  16. Dragon Quest VIII (the best DQ, IMO) will also be released on the 3DS in 2017. WHY NOT THE PS4 HD REMAKE ARRRGH
  17. LOL, fans make better Sonic in 3D game than SEGA ever did:
  18. I was really underwhelmed by the Nintendo Direct - more rehashes, per usual. The only interesting game I saw was Endless Oasis, and that is so far off it will probably be ported to the NX (if the rumours of it being portable are true), as I really can't see the 3DS and NX co-existing for very long.
  19. I guess I could do this with my kid. With his hair the way it is he could easily be Billy Idol, Calvin, and Butters from South Park with merely by changing his outfit. SO KAWAII
  20. YAAAAASSSSSS! Those episode titles tho...
  21. Mexico's Elton John, Juan Gabriel, died yesterday from a heart attack at age 66. Big fan of his music over the past 20 years:
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