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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. Just a few more trophies to go on Casual difficulty before I finish Dead Space 2 (again) and begin the hell that is HardCore mode...
  2. Perhaps using the tag 'satire' would help the more clueless realize this isn't an official document... but funny nonetheless!
  3. Since the old thread got too long and took ages to load, we continue forth (think of it as a sequel, to use a movie metaphor).
  4. Since the old thread got too large and took ages to load, here's a fresh start.
  5. Wow, that's really slow shipping, considering it came out in the 90's...
  6. OK, beat Dead Space 2 on Zelot difficulty, now gonna breeze through a lower difficulty in New Game + and get all the "kill x necromorphs with x" trophies, then get ready for Hardcore difficulty - I know you can only create three save points, but the game said that when you die, you start from your last save point - is that true? I thought you could only save three times, but if you died you started off at the last checkpoint. If it's the former, then I may have to consider abandoning the game, because FUCK THAT.
  7. How about, y'know, having a listen and see if your feelings are grounded in reality or not? You might be missing out on good music (which you actually are, IMO).
  8. I think that track is better than 'Plague' - it will be interesting to see if the album has an overall 'theme' like the second one did.
  9. It's an interesting concept, but gets repetative fast. The visuals are nice and crisp 60fps, but the designs are very generic and hard to see at times.
  10. Finally gave up on trying to beat the last boss in Dead Space 2 with no ammo and just the Plasma Cutter, so I reloaded Chapter 14, and then remembered the infinite node/credit glitch in this area - basically there is a room you can open with a node, and inside, there can be anything from two nodes and a ruby semiconductor, or one node, or 3000 credits (it's on a randomizer). By saving and reloading, you can keep coming back to this room and the items refresh themselves (due to a glitch in how Visceral Games does their item placement with proximity-triggered placement) every time. So, I'm buying and building up all the weapons, and once I get all the weapons and the requisite trophies, I'll stock up on massive amounts of ammo and some health and go destroy the last boss. After that, it's playing the lesser difficulties to get the "kill x number of enemies by x" trophies, and then do Hardcore mode to get the Platinum.
  11. The DLC pack for 360/PS3 comes out on October 23rd/24th US/UK/ROW Oh that's great news. I wonder if I have to start a new character. No, apparently it opens up if you've done certain things in the main game (it's like a portal to another world), but is independent of the rest of the game - like side quests, and has it's own storyline (a term used very loosely with Dark Souls) and bosses, etc.
  12. The DLC pack for 360/PS3 comes out on October 23rd/24th US/UK/ROW
  13. Finally at the end of Dead Space 2 on Zelot difficulty, and the last few chapters have been a slog, with little ammo, little heath, and no money to purchase either. The final confrontation (click only if you want to be spoiled)
  14. You realize (as far as I know and have read) that Wii games won't upscale, but instead display at native resolution (which if you ever watch SD on an HDTV you'll know what I mean), so if anything, you're going to see it look WORSE I would imagine. I hope not. Having digital GameCube games would be nice... Nintendo needs to get into the HD remake game and redo Wind Waker, Mario Sunshine, Galaxy, etc.
  15. Don't get me wrong; Bayonetta was a great game, but certainly not a 'killer app' on any system, and certainly not a sequel (and make no doubt this is just an exclusivity window; it will come to PS3/360 afterwards). Strangely enough I had this feeling watching NSMBU - then I checked out the rest of the lineup and with no Zelda or anything else remotely interesting, I'm backing away from the idea. Thing is, Nintendo is really good about proposing things, but usually fall short in execution - time will tell though. Plus, they're pretty good at announcing things that end up never getting released (I think they've done that for their last 3 consoles) Yeah, I really wish they'd show more of whatever Zelda title they're working on - or something totally new and innovative that doesn't look like an HD Wii mini-game collection. Thing is, Nintendo is really good about proposing things, but usually fall short in execution - time will tell though. Plus, they're pretty good at announcing things that end up never getting released (I think they've done that for their last 3 consoles) this time around I'm thinking it will be that elusive "third party support" Yeah, I really don't see 3rd parties supporting this - and there is already shovelware in the launch window - not a good sign. Amazing game, isn't it - supposedly LBP Vita is even better with the touch interface. Truly one of Sony's flagship games, and one of the most innovative games to come out in a long time. See, Nintendo could do this with Super Mario - imagine building your own Mario levels and sharing it with friends online! I will say this - at first I scoffed at the Wii U's 8 or 32GB internal memory, but I just read you can add a USB HDD and expand the storage that way - Nintendo's stance is to offer gamers the storage options they want, at the price they want - so really it does make sense and in retrospect is a smart move. We might all be wrong and this is the renaissance Nintendo has been waiting for to go back to the glory days of the NES/Famicom and their dominance in the console market. Or, it could be their biggest mistake, and they end up becoming a software-only company, and finally make their flagship games for other platforms.
  16. You may just want to wait a bit longer and see if Sony/Microsoft announce their next consoles around the launch window of the Wii U Thing is, Nintendo is really good about proposing things, but usually fall short in execution - time will tell though.
  17. I'm really shocked at the Wii U's pricing - 350USD for a console with only 32GB of memory? You can get a PS3 or 360 with a HDD that is around 160GB for much less than that. Nintendo is really taking the piss, thinking their die-hard fans are going to pony up just to play the next derivative Mario game.
  18. Continuing on from here, let's keep talking about games!
  19. I went to the show Saturday, and it was my son's first concert (he really likes Tycho's music), and since we arrived early, I emailed Scott and let him know we were at the show, and he invited us backstage to hang out before the show with him and his live band! Scott's a super-nice guy and probably the most down-to-earth guy I've met - if you've never seen Tycho live, you really need to do yourself a favour and do so - the live versions of his tracks are just as amazing as the album versions, only enhanced more by the live drums and guitar/bass. His drummer on this tour, Rory (who also drums for Com Truise) was a machine - such talent and dedication to his craft, and really poured his heart and soul into every track, and was amazing to watch. Zach, the bassist/guitarist, was also equally amazing, delivering complex, meaty basslines, easily switching between bass and guitar as the tracks demanded. Big thanks to all of them for being so accommodating and nice - certainly not typical in the music industry. Scott also played some unreleased stuff during the 'solo' part of his show, and the new stuff sounds great - hopefully more great Tycho music is forthcoming in the near future. To top things off, we got to watch the show from the sidelines, and in such a small venue like Fitzgerald's, we were literally 10 feet away from them as they performed. I had hoped my son's first concert would be a memorable one, and I can really say it couldn't have gotten any better than this! My son really enjoyed the show, and I could tell he was pretty blown away by being able to meet the guy behind the tunes he enjoys so much. Tycho's tour companion, The Album Leaf does music in a similar vein, and while we were backstage when he performed, what we could hear from backstage sounded really good, and Scott cites him as an early influence on his music. I had personally never heard of them (him) before, so he's on my list to check out his stuff - he (Jimmy) was really nice to meet as well. You can check out upcoming dates of his Fall US tour at Tycho's Official Site.
  20. Big props to Squee for taking on the task of bringing some sense of order and community to YLC - I'll see if there are any options or addons that could make things even more productive and conducive to contributing feedback.
  21. Theres your film title right there. Don't hold your breath - it will probably be called something more obvious like "Prometheus II" or "Prometheuses" Or should that be "Prometheuii"?
  22. At first I thought it was one of those "mermaids", but probably fake taxidermy.
  23. Crystal Castles have made their new song, "Plague" available on their Soundcloud page for free: http://soundcloud.com/crystal-castles/crystal-castles-plague
  24. Is thread a service to all aspiring musicians who want a "clever" name?
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