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Rubin Farr

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Everything posted by Rubin Farr

  1. more good stuff at name-your-price Ancestral Intelligence by VoltageCtrlR Cosmos High by VoltageCtrlR
  2. That picture disc is pretty sick, but how does he possibly make a profit on $75 vinyl? Psilosonics by VoltageCtrlR https://www.audibleobjects.com/
  3. Rubin Farr


  4. Kind of a culty vaporwave infomercial thing going on
  5. He can make a good Summer radio jam, but yeah he could easily be Will Smith or any other half-assed auto tune rap singer
  6. Some Lionel Richie vibes on this one, and the video is pretty cringe. He is touring though, so we gonna try to see him in Tampa.
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