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Everything posted by zkom

  1. Deleted my last remaining Twitter account. But it's not much of a consequence because I was using it mostly just to follow various news outlets, artists and gimmick accounts. I wasn't really posting anything or "networking". Anyway, fuck Musk.
  2. Drunken Dragon (1985) last night. This is probably the craziest kung fu movie I've seen so far. Absolutely nuts.
  3. Nothing to see here.. Two Russian oligarch's already found dead with their families https://www.businessinsider.com/2-russian-oligarchs-found-dead-spain-moscow-reports-2022-4?r=US&IR=T Russian military research facility near Moscow on fire. Russian chemical plant on fire
  4. I was thinking about this the other day when listening Grischa and I agree that vast majority of his stuff doesn't sound like Autechre but there are some tracks that come pretty close. Like I could imagine this being an Ae track around Confield-Draft era. Maybe just the lack of reverb and the overall track structure betrays it a bit. And I think that time Autechre was also more into sampling?
  5. An easy way to do this is by just setting the "Base Note". Go to Sampler, then select the Keyzones tab, below the Keyzone grid there's Base Note. Just set it to F-appropriate octave.
  6. Tesla Shanghai to Enter "Closed-Loop" System With Workers Sleeping in Factory https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-04-18/tesla-shanghai-sets-out-hand-washing-sleeping-plans-for-workers
  7. It's going to be interesting to try to build a self sufficient Russian tech sector when all the top engineers are gone..
  8. Besides the millions fleeing Ukraine more than 200.000 Russians have left Russia "Hundreds of thousands flee Russia and Putin’s ‘two wars’ At least 200,000 Russians have abandoned their homes and jobs for fear of being persecuted as ‘scum and national traitors’." https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/4/18/why-white-collar-russians-flee-two
  9. zkom

    Now Reading

    I read Arthur C. Clarke's novelization of 2001 A Space Odyssey and after that rewatched the movie. The book was published after the movie but it was partially written while to movie was being made and it's based on an older version of the script so the events aren't exactly the same. But the funny thing for me was that while the movie is long as hell and explains nothing, the book is relatively short (about 220 pages) and explains fucking everything. It has an omniscient narrator that just hands out all the explanations on a plate. So if you ever wondered about things like what the monoliths were, who made them, what actually happens in the "Star Gate" sequence or what the hell is the ending about then this book basically answers those questions in detail. It's like the polar opposite of Kubrick's artistic vagueness and "let the viewer make their own interpretation" stance. Also while the movie has a bit of space horror thing going on because of the music and how the monoliths are represented as ominous alien things, the novel is more straight up hard scifi with quite an optimistic message. A decent scifi novel in any case. And it made rewatching the movie a more rewarding experience. Reading the book and watching the movie got me thinking that, while an iconic part of the movie and culture in general, the subplot with HAL is pretty much completely irrelevant to the main plot. I mean both the book and the movie would have ended pretty much the same way even if all the shit with HAL didn't happen at all? It feels kind of pasted on from some other story. Just my hot take.
  10. Subscription based font services blocked in Russia.. Times New Roman, Arial Fonts Blocked in Russia https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2022/04/14/times-new-roman-arial-fonts-blocked-in-russia-vedomosti-a77352
  11. Russian oligarch Alisher Usmanov's $735 million superyacht Dilbar — the largest in the world — has been impounded in Germany https://www.businessinsider.com/oligarch-usmanovs-superyacht-dilbar-seized-in-germany-2022-4?r=US&IR=T
  12. There's speculation that in the future western goods will be transported to Russia through Kazakhstan making it a transport hub. Which would in part explain why they would want to stay out of sanctions, in regards of not recognizing Donbas etc. Of course everything will be even more expensive, no guarantees, no official repair, geolocked software updates and app stores, etc. Russia has been cut off from western cloud and license services anyway like Adobe Creative Cloud, MATLAB, etc. I guess it's back to software piracy then where it's possible.
  13. I'm planning to become 100% microplastic in the next decade, making me non-biodegradable and thus immortal.
  14. The evolution of first person shooters
  15. Korean doctor says those who haven't contracted COVID-19 have no friends https://news.yahoo.com/korean-doctor-says-those-havent-013307806.html
  16. Members who voted against: ECR: Hoogeveen, Roos, Szydło ID: Anderson, Annemans, Beck, Blaško, Buchheit, David, De Man, Fest, Haider, Krah, Kuhs, Mayer, Reil, Vandendriessche, Vilimsky, Zimniok NI: Bocskor, Buschmann, Deli, Gál, Konstantinou, Kósa, Radačovský, Schaller-Baross, Sonneborn, Tóth PPE: Bernhuber, Braunsberger-Reinhold, Caspary, Doleschal, Ehler, Jahr, Lins, Mandl, Pieper, Polčák, Sagartz, Schmiedtbauer, Thaler, Walsmann, Weiss, Winzig Renew: Calenda, Gade, Hlaváček, Knotek, Kovařík, Pagazaurtundúa S&D: Agius Saliba, Ara-Kovács, Cutajar, Engerer, Ertug, Fuglsang, Geier, Hajšel, Heide, Kammerevert, Krehl, Lange, Leitão-Marques, Lucke, Marques Margarida, Molnár, Penkova, Pizarro, Regner, Sant, Schaldemose, Schieder, Silva Pereira, Sippel, Stanishev, Tarabella, Vind, Vitanov, Vollath, Wölken The Left: Botenga, Demirel, Ernst, Konečná, MacManus, Michels, Pereira Sandra, Pimenta Lopes, Pineda, Rego, Scholz, Wallace
  17. One of the demands for peace after the Continuation War between Finland and Soviet Union in 1944 was actually to ban all "fascist" organizations in Finland which included the White Guard militias, Lotta Svärd paramilitary auxiliary organization and Academic Karelia Society. The Soviets set up a supervisory commission in Finland to make sure of that. Also they made sure that Åland archipelago in the Baltic Sea stays demilitarized by setting up a consulate that still operates there, which is a bit questionable now.. Anyway, Åland is still demilitarized although there are Finnish border guards. Fun fact: the demilitarization of Åland was originally included in the 1856 peace treaty after the Crimean War. How the circle closes..
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