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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. tillerson was one of many administration appointees who had unusually close ties with russia. the statements by tillerson last week were remarkable for their departure from the friendly tone toward russia that is typical of the trump administration. the firing came the next day. when someone does something the day before they were fired that is a surprising departure from previous behavior and runs counter to the norm there, it's fair to speculate that they were linked. to those aware of the hundreds of concerning data points on trump/russia, this is another fitting the pattern i don't even find that to be the interesting part about it. the reason i brought it up here is because of what tillerson was saying. tillerson, secretary of state, longtime friend of the kremlin, said that despite the administration bending over backwards to appease russia, they have only seen escalating aggression from russia.
  2. the interesting thing about tillerson's surprise firing is the statements he made the day before. from the nyt article published the day before: this was in the context of tillerson's corroboration of british intelligence's conclusion that the kremlin was involved in the poisoning of a former russian double agent and his daughter in a park on british soil tillerson's statements were remarkable because of his long history of close ties with russia in july 2017 the senate voted 98 to 2 to force the administration to maintain existing sanctions on russia and advised the administration to implement new ones. the trump administration declined to implement new ones, and trolled the legislation's requirement of providing a list of oligarchs by copying and pasting a list from an issue of forbes. link also last week, a 4 star general tweeted
  3. In case anyone missed it, John Brennan, former director of the CIA, tweeted this to Donald Trump today.
  4. https://twitter.com/curtfloodjr/status/975032558760050689
  5. david lynch pretty much nailed it. the trinity explosion attracted attention, likely from billion year old ai. their trolling of us is the deliberately visible aspect of their presence. who knows what timeline engineering they could be getting up to weee
  6. What Palmer does is basically speculation and deduction to offer a window into things that aren't strictly known. If you bear that in mind, the sheer amount of things he puts out makes it useful because if even a portion of it is right, it offers insight into what's going on behind the scenes with the Mueller investigation. Also he's pretty knowledgeable about legal things and watches details amazingly closely so he routinely offers great insight. For example, If Priebus, McGhahn, and Spicer all have the same lawyer, and one of them has flipped, then that means they have all flipped. And we know that Priebus provided his notes to Mueller. These kinds of things a news outlet can't say, but they're interesting to consider.
  7. bold added forgive the liberal media bias https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/04/world/europe/state-department-russia-global-engagement-center.html
  8. are you saying you're not anticipating many additions? i bought individual tracks, being stingy. i spent like 90 bucks anyway. richard dropped a pretty ridiculous amount of material last year. it's kind of odd how this thread has been kind of quiet, but maybe it's because people have been happily enjoying so im sure it makes sense to give it some time and let people buy up last year's batch and take it in. plus he said the bleep store is hard to administer and he has to learn it
  9. in case you guys missed it, one of the charges gates plead guilty to was conspiracy against the united states
  10. this is not the first time donald trump has talked about closing up the internet. there's a video here from 2015 in which he says we need to maybe close up parts of the internet, and those who say otherwise are foolish people. statements like this should land with the utmost alarm. trump already unilaterally dismantled net neutrality, creating the mechanism by which ISPs can flip an off switch on a website. the internet is far more essential to preserving democracy than guns...............................................................
  11. i think he put out word somewhere that he was going through some shit. i hope he's doing ok
  12. i think its time for some simulations of stars getting torn apart by black holes gas cloud, but still:
  13. im sure he meant it in the affectionate british way
  14. following coverage from outlets around the world is a great way to learn what the various spins are. (following the international sections of major outlets from all over so you see how different outlets cover the same story) by plainly seeing various spins it kind of isolates the language pertaining to attribution. an important skill is recognizing when people talk like a scientist and when they talk like a sales person.
  15. weird how american liberal media coverage is so similar to news outlets around the world. they have nearly completed their campaign to conquer the media globe. only a brave few remain. btw the term "liberal media" originates with republicans trying to discredit stories about nixon, leading up to his impending removal and resignation over a spoil of crimes so massive he didnt have any hope of escaping the two-thirds senate vote needed to remove a president from office
  16. https://twitter.com/PalmerReport/status/964385013402710016 btw, you need to follow that account
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