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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. its looking like mueller has a strong obstruction case. removal from office takes a two thirds supermajority in the senate, following impeachment by simple majority in the house. ugh. the possibilty for indictment dosen't seem worth hoping for, though it's a possibility.
  2. in an NPR story I heard that the #releasethememo twitter hashtag had the biggest influx in bot tweeting in history. this article goes into some detail on how it came about https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2018/02/04/trump-twitter-russians-release-the-memo-216935 the memo damages fbi sources and methods in that, because it was put out for political reasons, against the fervent warnings of the fbi and the justice department, it makes it seem like us intelligence cant be trusted to keep secrets, and will therefor be less likely to receive sensitive intel in the future and it erodes trust in the fbi and muddies the waters in public minds for what looks like an impending obstruction charge
  3. did i miss any digital tapes? i bought the first batch. where do i go to check
  4. trump scrapped DACA, by himself, for no reason, and imposed the march 5 deadline to absolve himself of the blame. now he tweets this heinous
  5. the reason there is any offer is because the democrats demanded it. they are bargaining because they know they have the leverage to do so. also, the dreamer thing was created by obama. the republicans are not the ones fighting for dreamers. democrats are.
  6. Josh, I've always noticed very thoughtful posts from you on these topics, and gleaned that you're down there in the heartland, engaging people in discussion. You're fighting the good fight, man. It seems to me that the information environment is an evolutionary scale hurdle that we are stuck at. Some people say that listening to the other side is important, and that makes a lot of sense to me. Do you agree? And what other thoughts do you have on bridging the polarization that was already a problem before, apparently, foreign adversaries decided to worsen it?
  7. i have never once heard a democrat say that the republicans are just as bad as the democrats. about a hundred times i have heard republicans say that the democrats are just as bad as the republicans.
  8. Heaviest Presidents: William Howard Taft 332 lb. Grover Cleveland 275 lb. William McKinley 233 lb. Zachary Taylor 230 lb. Trump is 239 pounds. He is the 3rd greatest president.
  9. yeah... i was really musing on the long term. my point was that the anti-socialism stance is flawed so i wouldn't put it past bernie to win despite it
  10. i'm not going to act like i've studied the polling for each batleground state, but my feeling is that bernie would have a shot at winning the general, though he does start with that disadvantage you described. a lot of people voted for trump because they just wanted anything that's not status quo, someone to shake things up. bernie could appeal to those voters. honestly, for voters who wanted someone to step into washington and drain some swamp, shake some things up, and do so intelligently and successfully, bernie is probably the closest thing to what they imagined trump was. regarding your points on where america is at with regard to socialism... i think it's only a matter of time before people realize that socialist programs are the unavoidable solution to the gravitation of wealth to the wealthy. i think the trend of technology improving has been making the species more and more productive, but the benefits are distributed disproportionately and this bias builds on itself. when it is apparent that automation deprives the masses of jobs and enriches the wealthy, the problem and solution will be to stark to deny so i dont think the issue will unavoidably sink sanders, because i don't think the stance is really tenable in the first place.
  11. i bet he runs. i think he likes pulling the dems left. plus the age thing is outdated. both him and warren are spry af
  12. that one's great. also really enjoy chalcedony and cm 2017
  13. adam said music is done and vocals are being applied. danny said album definitely out this year. https://www.instagram.com/p/BeG1WgYHF_8/
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