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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. made some categorized favorites playlists yesterday. "mellow," "not mellow," "aggressive or abrasive," "eerie" here's the mellow one, which is rather choice
  2. thanks, yeah was enjoying those other ones bradley jump pump too
  3. doesn't sound like him. there's a thread for suckerfish soundclouds here
  4. i still view analord as his greatest achievement this is getting close though
  5. many new favorites. lannerlog, go to sleep, dub cliker, band pass beat slo, pianox, to name a few i had gak 1 as my alarm this morning. sweet
  6. unclear, i'd guess many are tentative tracklists orders
  7. i have to wait a week to see what happens? i watched all of breaking bad in 2 weeks
  8. Sorry! We can't find that user. odds it's soundcloud sucking: 50/50 someone said something about closure?
  9. for every new track uploaded i promise to learn a yoga pose
  10. Quoting myself cause I just can't find this out. Was it a track that he dj-ed in? Cos it works. someone said something about it being an african choir or something like that
  11. so many good tunes. i put user48736353001 favorites with the modular stuff from the noyzelab interview in a playlist and its ace. that hi hats tamclamp was one of those i had to wait till it finished to turn the car off today.
  12. yeah i dont see the best answer at the top of the page, using pc and classic watmm theme ( the light blues), but i see it on my android phone, not logged in also, when on the new content page, hitting the arrow symbol that expands the thread information for this thread, i dont see links to page numbers, so if i want to just get to the last page its tricky
  13. kettel makes my ears feel good

    1. Ifeelspace


      polly put the kettel on

    2. Brisbot


      Said everyone ever :P


  14. what is the goal of sending people to mars? these people will discover free energy over there, which will allow them to create vast enclosures that shield them from the deadly radiation, and heat them from the insanely cold temperatures? this does not add up for me. i guess its cool to just send people into space to explore, but sending robots is way cheaper and has tons of other advantages. this smacks of moon landing nostalgia. i guess they will bring a mars car to cruise around on, plant a flag, capture some heart warming video. i'm all for the technology development but sending people there this early seems like putting the wrong foot forward. let elon musk do this shit, he will do it better than nasa, which is at the mercy of congress's and the president's whims. musk created a rocket that's 90% more efficient than nasa's rockets as side project, then he made it do a hover landing. thats what a manned mars mission needs, elon's rocket that lands itself, not nasa's 20 year old design. i guess when trillions of dollars worth of work and decades of nasa's attention goes up in smoke and some brave explorers meet their fate it will be worth it because humans have creative thinking that robots dont have or something. pls can someone explain to me why nasa should be focusing on putting humans on this gravity well? i love nasa, that's why im ranting, i want them to do the cool things they do, not blow people up in expensive new ways. figure out fucking black matter. 70 percent of the universe is this shit and we have no idea what its deal is. design some gear to get to the bottom of that, maybe we can get some free energy out of it, then we can send people to mars to drive around. i guess this ship will be used to send people to asteroids which is cool, and could end up being useful if we need to do a bruce willis on an asteroid, it's just the sending people to mars thing that bugs me. i'm thinking its tacked on and it wont materialize. maybe if they incorporate musk's landing technology somehow, but the useful aspect of this ship definitely seems to be asteroids.
  15. sline in 320 is a lot better 1 nocares is great. it was going off for 2 hours as my alarm.. its too good and relaxing for an alarm notting hill bus is excellent cottage 4 is awesome making a collection of favorites and shuffling through it is amazing
  16. yep. i have about 20-30 tracks, will upload them when i have ok internets this thread will never die that would be awesome, thanks
  17. here you go http://forum.watmm.com/topic/85636-richard-d-james-soundcloud-a-gift-to-the-fans/page-274?do=findComment&comment=2286407 is there a way we could have the thread op best answer a post that links to a place that will be updated with the most recent archive?
  18. great additions to my afx relaxing and afx piano playlists lately. dat red calx slo
  19. the first 12 or 13 minutes of the 2010 metz show has a couple songs that would be cool to hear without the outdoor audience recording and fireworks. loving the recent uploads.
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