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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. dude, good stuff. really enjoyed listening through it. sc said something about the release date being today. are there flacs around somewhere?
  2. i don't know where the release is but i found this SC account has a bunch more songs:
  3. apparently kojima cuts the trailers himself. this is the big "launch trailer"
  4. yeah, i considered pandering. it doesn't necessarily entail the disingenuous part. sophistry comes closer because, in some definitions, it specifies that the bad arguments are deceptive. that aspect - where the politician knows what they are doing, knows they're full of shit and knows they're duping people - is part of this toxic thing that i have been observing.
  5. yeah, i feel like somewhere someone must have coined a term for it. the state the of the world is shaped by public discourse and public discourse is shaped by what's easy to talk about and what's not, so it's a significant thing. there could be a whole field of study into needed terms and how to establish them. such injections would function as catalysts for social change. double-think is related, but what i'm thinking of is not exactly that. what i'm talking about is when a politician knowingly deposits false or misleading rhetoric because they know it will trick their targetted demographic into the desired support. this one distinct phenomenon is central to a lot of confusion in the states. it's manipulation, but a specific species of manipulation that deserves its own term. dishonest or disingenuous manipulation of voters by a politician. that's a mouthful, that's the difference between something that has a term and something that doesn't. it's a lot harder to get the long definition across.
  6. sorry to be meta but there should be a word for these things - when there's not a word for something. is there not a word for when there's a thing that doesn't have a word for it? or a term? serious question. i've actually been thinking about this subject. it seems like one of the great things you can do with a work of creativity is to put a name on something that didn't have one, like how the book catch 22 gave people a name for that kind of self-contradiction, and all of a sudden it was easier to use that concept in conversation. i notice these things once in a while. a lot of times there actually is a word or term, you just don't realize it. i wish there was a succinct word/term for how politicians manipulate voters with disingenuous rhetoric.
  7. gotta love bill barr's "watch this" attitude "hold my beer" this dude is a trumper who's probably more than half-way toward realizing he fucked up
  8. it's far worse than that. we need to stop hoping we're not heading toward a civil war / authoritarian takeover and start acting like now is the time when we can prevent it. right now, best case scenario is that this 250 year-old machine fires up, runs, and disposes of an attempted overthrow. the frog water heated over a few years but we're there.
  9. the house republicans who bum-rushed the secure conference room on bogus pretense were trying to get arrested by capital police, but failed to. it speaks to how this was a stunt intended to distract, confuse, and falsely frame democrats as aggressors.
  10. the SC account description says: "SOME BANDCAMP EPS SOON more vinyl soon" the SC album description says: "serious idm nonsense from the woman like mrs mangel. shout out to jane and bouncer. hold tight erinsborough. EP release date: 31 October 2019" I seached for the EP title and didn't find anything so I'm guessing it will be a BC digital release, at least initially. maybe someone here will have more info... hype
  11. house republicans now a roaming pack, squatting in the scif and ordering pizza
  12. McConnell is firing blows Trump's way. it sounds like yesterday was another damning hearing - ambassador taylor testfied that ambassador sondlund lied to congress and that the ukraine arrangement was certainly a quid pro quo. and this was after yavonvich's testimony, which apparently moved congressmen to tears. one thing i can tell you about the closed door hearings is that they shield the republicans in there from public view so they are free to participate. reportedly they have been participating. there's also not a time limit, when the hearings are closed. members are able to ask questions until their questions are exhausted. it's going to be a very interesting vote in the senate this winter. hopefully it won't even get that far. would be nice if the gop senate just reached consensus that they would pass articles, and the white house will get word, and maybe dumper will resign and take a long vacation in turkey.
  13. new book to contain details of regular sexual assaults at beauty pageants
  14. whoa. i wonder if it has to do with the speed and relativistic "time travel" neil tyson goes over relativistic time travel in this recent thing. i want to know if there's a multiverse. i guess it's a standing paradox, with regard to what happens if you go back in time - have you created a new timeline? i think so. fucking space is a mess.
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