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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. you just bumped it, man. and i almost had a cardiac event. honestly though, people should be allowed to discuss the 20 hours of music recently released. i grabbed about half of the NA stuff and now i need to check out the other half. stand-outs for me so far are Asheville and Seattle
  2. i like descending and invincible better, so far. i think we will find the new songs to be more distinct, in their own ways. tool always kind of forms these "tool songs" that coalesce around some elemental observation. because they spent 12 years jamming, i think the songs may have even more concentrated personalities. descending seems to be their "save the earth, get our shit together" call. invincible is an introspective meditation that nicely focuses energy on being in the moment. i don't know what the title track is about yet. trying to not over-listen.
  3. i agree, the new song is great. i think all 3 that we've heard are. and they're all different, and different from previous tool stuff. this is going to be a brutal CD.
  4. i was into battles before the vocalists and always kind of preferred it instrumental. EP C / B EP is my favorite of their stuff.
  5. biden's speech the other day was pretty good. i always liked biden. i could see him doing a good job as president.
  6. yeah. i think we agree. i was offering a different perspective on the dynamic that you were remarking on. the difference in aggressiveness between the right and the left can be accounted for by the fact that one side can fall back on facts, and the other can't. the right is engaged in perpetual information warfare, because they have to in order to survive. they're better at it, more motivated, and willing to outright lie, because they will go all-in, because they have to. it' a distinction worth making because it should alarm us that this is the situation. it's precarious. people should know that the left needs to fight harder than the right does. the information warfare works.
  7. it profoundly bums me out when people gripe about the dems over meager things. meanwhile, the gop is rigging the country for the rich at the expense of the middle class, climate stability, the environment, justice, truth, human rights, civil rights, education, healthcare, international stability, econmic stability, and the integrity of the country.
  8. the honest are at a disadvantage against the dishonest. spreading lies about your opponents is a powerful tool. the dems are not the problem, it's the nature of the fight: the corrupt get highly motivated because they survive on lies. historically, power consolidates. that's why democracy exists, solely to stand in the way of the consolidation of power. it's an uphill battle to maintain fairness. the dems are fine. the republicans want to destroy the earth. let's not shit on dems.
  9. i would like to see his long form birth certificate
  10. whoa, stanier and williams sounds like an awesome lineup, honestly. new song is good!
  11. you guys gotta jettison whatever expectations you're bringing in. it's not going to be what tool albums were for you in the past. you were 15, then.
  12. i get that dank, balmy, borderland, book smell from this song, which is exciting. maybe it's just my room. this and the other 2 i like very much. imagining another 50 to 60 minutes of comparable material... oh boy.
  13. if you search youtube for "new tool opiate" you'll find it. they played it live youre right, that would be random to include. hm
  14. i still had in my head "a 20 minute song plus 10 others, none under 10 minutes" so i had been expecting a double album. i dug around, in case there could be more than a disc of material (plus opiate) coming, like if the 89 minute download is totally distinct, or if there is a separate release planned for after, or maybe a puzzle that reveals additional songs. Justin, from here: it looks like they boiled it down to 80 minutes. they may have some other songs they don't know what to do with. the new version of opiate is 10 minutes, and they had said they would release it, so that's a good bet for the extra 10 minutes in the download. i won't be surprised if it's just more new music, though. i found this clinic promo video. posting here for hype.
  15. loudwire is reporting 85 minutes, 7 tracks plus 2 transitions.
  16. beto o'rourke piercing the veil. fuck yeah. (the text, not the video)
  17. reasonable people look at this and they see how heinous the situation is. the more i apply myself to the question of what is going on, the more i think that the information fog humanity recently woke up in bears a lot of responsibility. we need to focus on catalyzing the adaptation necessitated by the information era: people need to have adequate information handling practices.
  18. the trump phenomenon has been a massive boon to cultures of bigotry and hate. it's unfortunate, but trump's rise can be interpreted to legitimize those modes of thought. he also directly encourages a culture of prejudice with countless instances of dog-whistles and race-baiting, let alone explicit statements disparaging ethnic groups. there is no question that, if people stopped racist jokes, and stopped sharing negative stereotypes, and stopped insisting on insensitivity, then statistics of hate crimes and other offenses of discrimination would take a down-turn. real crimes emerge from the culture that casual bigotry perpetuates. but we're not talking about private jokes and stereotypes. we're talking about a president who started his campaign with a speech in which he said the illegal mexican immigrants of america are rapists and drug dealers. with rally after rally, touring the country, he poured gasoline on the budding minds of intolerance, nurturing and feeding the historically dangerous human tendency to generalize ethnic groups negatively.
  19. Episode 3 of The Report does a good job of going over one of the harder-to-follow sections of the mueller report.
  20. in case you were hoping that, behind the scenes, trump is taking seriously the russian campaign to hijack american elections, here is a recent, clear, public statement to the contrary
  21. I am wondering if we need to think about "who can beat trump" so much. i myself think about how a trump debate would go with various candidates, but i am not sure if that needs to be the big factor deciding who gets nominated. what if we went with biden because people thought "biden will beat trump" and then he loses and everyone really liked warren better and thought she would do a better job as president. i think maybe people should just support the person they think should be president. i hear people talking about how trump is a formidable force and i disagree. i'm alarmed that people dignify the rich kid conman or any adherence to him. it is wrong to recognize trump support as a legitimate position. that's where the media went wrong in 2015 and 2016, and they still do. they go for the largest percent of eyeballs and it - all the time - means glossing over the profound truth to instead bat around easy talking points.
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