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Danny O Flannagin

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Everything posted by Danny O Flannagin

  1. Ya, its because if you headphone jack accidentally falls out, ipods automatically stop the music. I actually like this feature because my headphones are always getting caught on things and pulling out the cord.
  2. haha, this is like something straight out of GTA
  3. Flol review by numbers. why do people need to be told that you can buy the new Rihanna album on iTunes?
  4. What? How did they make it to 2 without getting their guns taken away?
  5. I used to watch Fantano a lot a few years ago but i stopped because I realized he isn't telling me anything I don't already know. I checked out this review and it was kind of a waste of time because he explains daniels career and provides descriptive language when talking about the songs but never provided any kind of analysis that I haven't already thought about. I guess this review is good for someone who has no idea who OPN is and wants an introduction to the OPN and the album
  6. she does :) gig was pretty cool, like lawrenke said... soundwise it was a mixed bag unfortunately, some tracks were great on the system, some had severe spectrum troubles - too much high frequencies, weak bass.. this varied a lot between tracks. but cool, cool. Did he play like versions of his tracks or where some of them basically the same as off the album? hmm the abtract stuff from GOD, interludes if you will, were more extended. probably some segments in some songs were different or re-ordered as well. but I can't tell for sure because I'm not that familiar with the details of the album yet. also those sound issues made certain tracks just sound completely different... e.g. sticky drama sounded rather terrible tbh, the bass was non-existant where I was standing at least. all in all there wasn't much "surprise" in the set, but it was very much a loud and in your face crazy high-frequency meltdown with lots of strobe lighting. Dan once asked the mixing desk to shut off the strobes because they were malfunctioning (I understood that as triggering wayyy too often, but it was fun) Did he have any merch at the show?
  7. Maybe AI? Both movies are about robots'n'stuff Maybe, robots are good but AI isn't really about industrialization like Metropolis is comparing Metropolis with Children Of Men will give you an A+ I love Children of Men but I'm having a hard time linking the two films, theres no robots in Children of Men and it's really about a society in ruins rather than an orderly industrialized society like Metropolis I can use films going back to like 1970 but I honestly hate Blade Runner, shoot me.
  8. she does :) gig was pretty cool, like lawrenke said... soundwise it was a mixed bag unfortunately, some tracks were great on the system, some had severe spectrum troubles - too much high frequencies, weak bass.. this varied a lot between tracks. but cool, cool. Did he play like versions of his tracks or where some of them basically the same as off the album?
  9. So I need to write a paper for a film class comparing Metropolis to a newer dystopian sci fi film. Any recommendations? Preferably a film that has scholarly papers written about it
  10. This guy is simultaneously insufferable and entertaining. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0kqmMTpF2o
  11. tbh no but I don't default to "must be god then amirite" as a conclusion, even a temporary one (I say this as someone who is spiritual and irreligious btw) i was more baffled by the "getting a zero on the math test" anecdotal story: it's point, relevance, meaning, etc. I just kind of gave up on the rest of the video because of that This. Scientists admittedly have more questions than answers. But thats the point of science, to learn more about the universe. and to put god in a place of a question is kind of a boring cop out
  12. Fuck, that sucks. I kinda get something similar where I can't piss in a public restroom when other people are in the room. Its really weird and annoying especially when I really need to go. Funny thing is, literally the moment the door closes as someone leaves, its no problem
  13. they really honed in on a lot of gross out and weird ass visuals and aesthetics i recall from nickelodeon and other early to mid-90s kids shows and tv movies - and just really went all out with it it's the only inspiration of course but a part of it imo I was thinking the same thing, especially with all the green goo and the weird studio lighting
  14. The Official Jev Still Doesn't Understand DJ Tools Thread
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