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Danny O Flannagin

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Everything posted by Danny O Flannagin

  1. Are those equations on the whiteboard? haha
  2. fuck, i actually really like this song even though I hate everything Wiz Khalifa represents. Might need to turn in my IDM card
  3. Jev, review my music please
  4. I fuckeeng hate people too. There actually really fun if you mesh well with your group mates but 9 times out of 10 your paired with random people who don't give a shit and just want to pass the class as a GE requirement for their Kinesiology degree.
  5. I'm in 4 classes this quarter in university. 3 of these classes involve final group projects. It's a goddamn nightmare coordinating meetings and waiting for responses to questions. 2 of the groups are fine, everything is running smoothly except for a few bad apples that choose to edit the Googledoc at the very last moment before turning it in. One group in particular isn't engaged at all so I'm unofficially the leader/dictator telling people what to do. Really wish i could just worry about myself for school.
  6. I cringed so hard in the theater when he said that, and i could feel it coming. Have writers gotten lazy? I guess most people didn't notice
  7. haha, the fist pumping should loop endlessly
  8. This is what "professional" artwork is. and yes, people actually buy this shlock
  9. Have to agree with you on the ethereal beach scenes. Almost feels like a christian message at the end, makes me cringe
  10. I really like the shapes in that one. How do you go about drawing something abstract like this? I usually get lost pretty quickly and don't know where I want my lines to go. thanks a lot kicker! i dunno, i think it's intuition when i draw and i just get lost in the lines and shapes. I really like your drawings, they all look like autechre tracks. They also kinda look like graffiti or something. Have you ever tried spray painting onto sheetrock or something? I think your stuff could look really cool with a paint pen as well
  11. Someone linked this in chat yesterday. Equal parts hilarious and infuriating to watch. "oh shit a fire, guess I'll put it in the corner of the room against this wooden wardrobe and ineffectually swat at it with some cardboard boxes. Welp, that's not working, let's shake this large blanket at it (which would totally smother the fire if I were to use it properly). Oops, that appears to be just fanning the flames. Ok I've got it! I'll make hundreds of trips from a kitchen that is apparently in another house with the smallest bowl I can find half-filled with water" Also, why would he put the burning matches into the trash with a bunch of other flammable material.
  12. Hmm, maybe try good earbuds? that's exactly what I use for commuting and stuff like that. BUT I like to produce music, and I don't want to wear out those (Sony XBA 3) with normal listening to exhausting mixing (plus earbuds are not that good for producing). Yesterday I won some cheap headphones, with a freq.range of 18-20, which I believe is okay, and I thought I could make music with them... And yeah, they don't sound thaaaat bad but it feels like shit with my glasses... :( take off your glasses, rely on your ears to make music, haha
  13. nile - in their darkened shrines that i'll keep you happy for quite a while you old fart I'd go with Black Seeds of Vengence, though. Mastodon- Leviathan <OR> Remission Thou- Heathan Nails- Abandon All Life Light Bearer- Lapsus Indian - From All Purity
  14. Lol that's awesome. Lego's age range should be - "8 to whenever the fuck you feel too cool to play with lego's because adulthood has stomped the life and wonder out of you" haha, i thought i remember the packages saying 8 to 88 years old or something like that. Sorry 89ers
  15. do you spend a lot of time on the facebook? More than i want to
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