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Everything posted by YO303

  1. 23 on Flep Birds mofo, im Billy Mitchell who dares to be Steve Wiebe
  2. I just googled seedless tangerines and found out they (seedless tangerines) are know as clementines, my whole life i wanted scientists to make seedless tangerines, what the hell, i havent eaten tangerines in ages because they have seeds and all this time clementines were right there in front of me.
  3. apathy, but i finally did it, i went grocery shopping, got dressed at 5 pm and went 11:40 pm what the hell
  4. i been sitting on my bed for 6 hours, and i cant get up. I wanted to go grocery shopping fucking 5 hours ago. I want to drink some water but i cant get up, the bottle of water is literally 3 feet away what the hell is this shit
  5. real movie in theaters now, have i seen this movie before 10 years ago?
  6. i want to pick up my bags and just leave and travel around for a bit but i only have 400 bucks to my name, lol, one of these days i'll have a temper tantrum and just fuck off.
  7. sweetwater just sent me their first piece of spam mail, they still haven't shipped the volcas i ordered two weeks ago maybe wait 'til you ship the items before spamming me please?
  8. have you guys ever written the name Sean on a piece of paper? i dont believe i have, i guess its one of those names
  9. But at the same time.. sorry to hear that that's embarrassing and shitty. Is it something in the preworkout sup that bugs you? lol and no, this never happens, it was probably not giving enough time for the full meal to digest.
  10. So i experienced my first runners shit I was running at the gym and about half an hour in i got the shits, i had 20 minutes left to finish my workout so i thought i could hold it in, baaaaad idea, i couldn't hold in it, it felt like i had a wild animal inside me and wanted to get out. I ran to the bathroom holding my ass (in front of the whole gym), i could not hold it in, literally shit my pants (and this was not a solid shit, this was diarrhea). Wiped myself, took a shower at the gym then went to the k-mart next door and had to buy shorts, boxers, etc. really embarrassing stuff dont have a full meal and take pre-workout drinks before a long run, lesson learned.
  11. what is the difference between these and bush doofers?
  12. situation at Fulham is pretty lol they have a pretty good team, felix is a decent manager but there is no way they'll survive, the hakuna matata mentality of Martin jol still infecting those players. also lol https://twitter.com/AlansAvailable
  13. start the conversation with a fun fact about trains
  14. i love how every fan of the matrix turned into this guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cc5wkQm6B44 what a shitty movie
  15. what is this sport i dont even know
  16. what i meant was he will become a darwinian businessman. Maybe that makes you happy stephen, i dont know, i cant imagine living my life in that environment.
  17. holy shit this is the saddest thing i've read, you are going to become one of those people.
  18. part of me feels sorry for him but then you realize hes a 40 year old playing against 15-17 year old kids.
  19. Being a garbage man in this weather is a bitch (and a lot of fun), thank god the manager had some sense and made us called it a day after working for 5 hours. Then i had to walk home because my ride broke down. here are some pictures of my journey
  20. no kidding https://vine.co/v/M7u7v6YVeHE
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