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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. How long was it? I didn't even know this game existed but I googled it and looks p good, might have to pick it up.
  2. v nice. Into gardening now? I would love to have a garden, even if it was just a few veggies or whatever. I just don't think I'd be able to maintain it well enough. Some plants are pretty resilient though, you can grow tomatoes with next to zero fuss. edit: I've a hugeeeee backyard at the new home, might try a few planters or something.
  3. If you have some sort of problem with me up and above asking for feedback on a goddamn videogame lol, there is a platform for that and it's called private messaging. Hope you utilize it as it's one of the paid features here on watmm, no?
  4. You're right! There's no way I could be a different person 6-7 years after I first started posting here. People don't change at all! Again, so easy to craft a pleasant and helpful response but instead you opt for conflict for no reason I can identify. I was just looking for some info on a fucking vidja game. That's all. Way to go man. lol gross over-friendliness, sorry you've met the real me now.
  5. Except, it doesn't. Hence my question. Anyways, looks like something autistic plebs from 1996 would play on their Dell laptop so I'm not really interested in searching it out. When you stop sipping the cunt juice let me know. It's so easy to craft a pleasant helpful response yet you opt to be a dick, quite telling. I'll choose reciprocation over recidivism tonight. ;0
  6. wow thanks, I've never known what a shooter is before! Thank you for your insight and useful feedback. I'll just google it since you're being a fucking cunt.
  7. literally nauseous from the last few pages of this thread start a gravol thread mah man!
  8. Hugh Mughnus


    complete and utter shit just like most of trap, so yeah you're right it belongs in this thread that song makes me want to kill myself
  9. these are delicious, love em. A1 is disgusting tho
  10. Mikkeller is probably the best or at worst 3rd best brewer in the world, easily.
  11. She's got that slice configured in the feeding position, it makes me want it. And the purple is working too. Would you let her feed it to you?
  12. Why in the shit would anyone want to buy oprah brand pizza? What I mean is, what is the marketing schtick there?
  13. Hawaiian pizza is dope if you get it from the right place. The sweetness needs to be adequately matched by saltiness of ham, + mozzarella only as the cheese (I've seen places use part pizza mozz + cheddar =/), and just ever so slightly well done so there are little spots of browned cheese and little spots of char on the crust. Umami imho (close to, anyways. No bitterness but still).
  14. lol I noticed that earlier today. I tried it out and it actually worked fairly nicely. I was writing to a decorator/designer and gmail filled in a lot of what I was going to say =/
  15. thx guys! It was pretty stressful for a bit there, we weren't sure what was going to happen. Sigh of relief* no don't
  16. I recall it coming up in a thread or two sorry! I just meant I didn't see the comment myself. It def feels the most Syro-ish. Somewhat like circlont 14, no? It seems similar to that track at least in palette for me.
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