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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Hugh Mughnus

    elseq 1-5

    They're more accurate tho.
  2. I don't think I've ever seen it as it appears on the right (short stem etc) in Canada. I have seen it appear in various forms in other countries (vietnam etc) where they have replicated it incorrectly.
  3. Bobloblaw ever noticing that thanks is like a contraction of Tom's first name followed by his full non contracted last name of Hanks? TomHanks = thanks? what do?
  4. why do you have birds in your office? lol Who said I worked in an office? Noone =( I was just being funny. GOD, thanks for bursting my bubble, Bechuga. I was laughing my ass off for a minute. Maybe he works in a bird sanctuary :) It would be much better if he worked in an otherwise completely normal boring office which had an inexplicable bird infestation affecting all facets of business operation. What if I contracted aryan flu? Did you consider that? You work at the local Pannekoek Haus!
  5. ^ for sure, with so many people involved, definitely a lot of time! I'm really excited for this release =)
  6. i love how they always make these behind the scene clips, also these guys are exactly how i would imagine avant-garde artists from the 20´s to be. I feel like we're in for a real treat with this album. edit - also, second sample up on TJ? That wasn't always there was it? https://thrilljockey.com/products/dimensional-people i wonder who payed for all that because it looks pretty costly , the whole spacial production, guest musicians, working in 2 studios and so on I got the impression from the video that most of the collabs etc were between friends, a lot of the album improvised, jam sessions/beer drinking etc. If that makes any sense? He did mention a good chunk of it was recorded in their new studio (I recall them posting on FB they were building a new home studio to record this in, I think that was posted last summer or so?). But agreed, some of it does look pretty costly, robots and whatnot. lol
  7. i love how they always make these behind the scene clips, also these guys are exactly how i would imagine avant-garde artists from the 20´s to be. I feel like we're in for a real treat with this album. edit - also, second sample up on TJ? That wasn't always there was it? https://thrilljockey.com/products/dimensional-people
  8. I get that for sure. But if he's successful in this, even moderately, it's a huge win in my books. Hate the fucker. But gun control is high up on my "USA is really fucked up" list. Not saying it'd sway me to support the dementia ridden cheetoh. What kind of gun control do you recommend? Get rid of the dumbass second amendment and demilitarise the entire U.S both at home and abroad. pmuch
  9. I get that for sure. But if he's successful in this, even moderately, it's a huge win in my books. Hate the fucker. But gun control is high up on my "USA is really fucked up" list. Not saying it'd sway me to support the dementia ridden cheetoh.
  10. I think so, or this is a reach to gain the vote of some of the democrat demographic? If he actually follows through, is he less partisan than recent presidents? I'm pretty ignorant on the subject admittedly.
  11. why do you have birds in your office? lol Who said I worked in an office? Noone =( I was just being funny. GOD, thanks for bursting my bubble, Bechuga. I was laughing my ass off for a minute. Maybe he works in a bird sanctuary :)
  12. that was fucking hilarious one eye-raising interview and a major figure just resigns, literally in less than a day - any other time in history and it'd be media frenzy...today on Feb. 28th, 2018 is not necessarily the front page story also Trump literally rambled on about the most anti-2nd amendment proposal ever - this will take a 10.0 floor routine for those Trump supporter mental gymnasts So it is trump who’s gonna take their guns and not the evil libruls. I appreciate this irony. As much as I absolutely can't stand trump and as a gross generalization, his backers.... If trump was successful with gun control/reforms that actually had an impact, I'd have to be objective and put that in a win column. Like a huge win column.
  13. ugh did you have to remove the staples and re-staple each copy?
  14. why do you have birds in your office? lol Who said I worked in an office? Noone =( I was just being funny.
  15. I now half regret breathing in so deeply post flatulence for most of my life
  16. but... camelot arcade isn't there =( It will be down the road. That's how it worked with the recent weme ceephax releases. oh yeh, you're right! I member does diatoms rememmer? : > )
  17. but... camelot arcade isn't there =(
  18. that's bad luck goiter I think you might be cursed now =(
  19. farts are shitty air if you can smell something, it's probably little shit particles or something, no? What if you can taste it? Are you eating shit air?
  20. That's ok, what do you suggest? I mean if discussion of politics on a political thread isn't a place for some disagreement, passionately in some cases, where is? I'm not causing conflict for conflict sake, in fact I'm trying to show the bigger picture so that petty differences might dissolve and unite us beyond the race politics prevailing here. Not disagreeing meng, just speaking from experience. I'm still trying to recover from 6 years ago, I came in guns blazing, still chafe a lot of dicks as a result (primacy effect and all that). Take your time, treat watmm like a woman, ease in, slow and all that. lol =p
  21. I'd recommending integrating into the community before uh causing conflict Mr Alex Twin/Aphex Jones.
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