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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. he's a bit nutty but he's nice I find this thread entertaining tbh, don't be mean spanny
  2. only got a about a week or so before the schools get out for xmas break though so will be close US of A doesn't have a gun problem though!
  3. I can't see the department being that worried about 1 officers pension costs tbh, especially knowing this would most definitely make it into the media (and they would be hyper scrutinized). It's probably just a shitty coincidence.
  4. wtf There's a gofundme to help with his finances. Crazy what I'm reading, the guy is a hero, PTSD not recognized by workers' comp in Florida? =/ https://www.gofundme.com/2gv6zp8c
  5. If serious.... that is a pretty upper class first world problem. And also really cool, congrats.
  6. he is such a fucking moron I can barely comprehend
  7. Yeah, I mean I did play a game for a couple days recently where I made paperclips ffs. If that's not autism I don't know what is.
  8. I find randomly generating games are worse. It's more like I play the game and think 'ah, that was a dumb design choice' or 'that was quite clever!' I can never just shut up and play the game: I'm always deconstructing it, the decisions that went into everything, etc. Even in playing Drakengard 3, which is great (sort of), I keep deconstructing it rather than just playing. I can still play games, but there are not many I get immersed in so that I forget the fact it was made by someone. Do you approach books or other forms of expression the same way? I know what you mean btw and I've been in a similar trend. Everything in games seems so intentional, kind of transparent. Plot device this, game mechanism that. etc. Not sure if it's a sign of depression or what. Edit: I mean not being able to find pleasure or whatever in entertainment.
  9. Agreed yeah. That was kind of what I was trying to get at, everyone completely switching to a vegan diet all the sudden has (not fully understood) implications. Trading one set of problems for another. We adopted a "vegetarian Wednesday" type of thing here, one day a week we try and eat vegetarian. Fairly healthy, can't hurt the environment, saves money too.
  10. Do not buy. does not perma harden benus even after applying rigorously 5x / day for 6 months. Scam product. edit: also, not good as teeth whitener.
  11. =) this aux everything I've heard from you is quite good so... I have no doubt what you're working on is... also quite good.
  12. Hugh Mughnus

    elseq 1-5

    adds curve thing to list tanks usagi
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