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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Both are pretty solid shooters. I reinstalled Wolf: TNO nearly a month ago but haven't gotten around to it yet this year. Though I did play thru both the Fergus and the Wyatt timelines two years ago. I'm playing Prey at the moment on PC, which I think echos System Shock quite a bit. More so the second than the first though. And War Robots is still my top game on Android. How's Prey working out? Are the graphics as good as they look in trailers etc? Worth playing? I'm on the last level of DOOM and need a shooter replace it.
  2. I didn't even know what cucked or cuckold was until chatmm last year. WATMM learned me so muched.
  3. Didn't we have a whole thread dedicated to those at some point?
  4. Not sure where else to put this...lol But I got caught in my regular "click through a ton of wikipedia pages learning useless shit" when I landed on swordfish (the fish not the movie). Anyways, I'm reading, and in one paragraph it says "It also requires a fishing level of 50 and cooking level of 45". Lol is that a runescape reference? Looks like someone snuck it in as a joke.
  5. man sorry to hear. that shit is a total plague round this way too. My wife has a handful of relatives who are on-and-off addicts, no matter how many times her family tries to save them and bring them back, and no matter how many near-death experiences they have, sometimes they will just keep slipping back into it. In one case I think we're pretty much waiting for the phone call to find out that they've died Not sure how bad it is out east, but it's an absolute epidemic here in Alberta. Way more killed from fentanyl than homicides. Fuck that shit and the scum that distribute it. Sorry to hear you guys are affected directly =(
  6. Negative, I've not heard much about Dead Cells. (I see the reviews are almost universally positive, 9/10, 10/10 etc) I will check it out though, thanks for the recommendation! I'm nearing completion of Doom (2016 one), need something to move onto after that, heh. edit: wow, does the trailer ever look good!
  7. I really love games like that, but sometimes find they don't have enough mechanical depth to keep me interested enough. "Press X for quick attack, triangle for heavy attack" doesn't go very far tbh.
  8. she noticed the title of the award? what with the ADHD and all?
  9. If true, there's no way in hell that wouldn't be seen as a conflict of interest...? Right?
  10. well yea, that's the point innit... all is good edit: sorry for derailing thread lol... the cows are even looking at each other like "wtf is this hooman ritual???"
  11. These tracks have been on heavy rotation for me this month, thoroughly enjoying.
  12. lol ur fucked edit: it was nice to know u bech.
  13. I don't find Ativan to be potent at all, typical dose for me is 2-3mg. I understand everyone reacts differently though. That said, ativan + alcohol (or any benzo + alcohol really) drastically changes the effects, so if he was drinking that could make a world of difference. (Edit - maybe I mis-spoke RE potency. I guess what I meant is I don't find I have much in the way of physical side effects like I do with other benzos? It's obviously potent given it's common usages, IE anti seizure, fast acting anti anxiety etc...) And Chim is right on the withdrawal + worsening of symptoms. Something to do with it's mechanism of action/being a quick acting benzo iirc.
  14. these assholes are from canada. this is cultural appropriation. absolutely sickening. Sorry eh. I'm really sorry eh. I'm sorry again, but a Canadian apology doesn't stick without an offer of maple syrup eh? Apologies for apologizing, I'd like to offer a bottle of maple syrup for this apology. Sorry.
  15. Ignatius bringing the dank. This thread seriously makes my shitty days a little brighter. thx guise
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