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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  2. Hey quick question. Why do older Autechre albums like this have a few hundred replies, but the newer material has 1099128098124081049814081048 pages? Was there a server crash or something?
  3. LSD + parheric triangle = yes
  4. I'd put my money on Fat Boy, he's less than half the age of Orange Clown. heh
  5. Recipe look delicious, thanks for sharing!
  6. Hmm, I'm Russian and don't know what Russian potato salad is. Have a good recipe to share? =)
  7. I'm trying to check out halo2 wars, but it's pissing me off. Anyone try the game yet? The cutscenes are stuttering/choppy as fuck, to the point they're unwatchable. I've downloaded all video codecs I should need and can't find any fixes online. Any ideas? Computer is brand new, top of the line everything. GPU is showing 10% load during videos so not sure wtf.
  8. Is that bad? I tend to think that's a good approach maybe. I dunno.
  9. just had one of these, really nice, unexpectedly fruity though.
  10. Oh ok, all good. I just felt the term niche is appropriate because he's got a relatively small fanbase and very unique sound. (also not sure why it won't let me delete the formatting in that post there, tried in two browsers to delete the page break etc stuff but it won't save lol)
  11. <p>That's not very nice, no need for name calling. I'm just asking a simple question, not sure why you feel the need to be vitriolic this morning.<br /> Also yes, niche artist. Don't think many would dispute that characterization of him.
  12. This is the Colundi Sequence thread, mate. You are correct, and? lol http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Bogdan+Raczynski+new+album+2017 No relevant results. Good jerb lol. People here are "in the know" and are better suited to pointing out where I've heard this rumor on a particularly niche artist, than google.
  13. This is the Colundi Sequence thread, mate. You are correct, and? lol
  14. Honestly this Colundi Yule album is a stellar release, tons of good tracks on here, actually not one track I skip over? I recall reading in a few places that Bogdan was working on a new release, but I don't remember where I read that? Can someone refresh my memory?
  15. I also have trouble attributing these 12 tracks to 6 artists. The six artists billed to play at the event were Aleksi Perälä, dgoHn, D'Arcangelo, Jodey Kendrick, Dave MNLTH, DMX Krew and more to be confirmed. 01. Aleksi Perälä 02. DMX Krew 03. MNLTH 04. D'Arcangelo 05. Jodey Kendrick 06. D'Arcangelo 07. dgoHn 08. MNLTH 09. Bogdan Raczynski 10. Jodey Kendrick 11. Wisp 12. dgoHn or Jodey Kendrick or Kunst Just wanted to point out (if not obvious) that the vocal sample and some of the melodies on #11 are the same as track #1 off the RWD - Vol 1 release.
  16. I don't think anything, it's why I'm asking a smart man such as yourself questions so that I can better understand the situation. lol But what you've said here makes sense, guess we can only wait and see what happens. =/
  17. Sorry for my ignorance, I mean to what end are they playing the Trump admin? The article seems to suggest that they have no problem with the deployment of warships to the region and are acknowledging that military intervention may occur, and seem to be ok with it, because they admit they “do not believe the conditions are right today to engage in discussions with the government in Pyongyang” < seems to suggest China agrees diplomacy is not the go forward method to use. I'm probably reading that wrong, I'm just trying to understand what you think China's angle is because I have no idea myself.
  18. How do you find time to make such nice tunes with all the burger eating?
  19. China playing the Trump admin. what do you mean by that?
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