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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. ? ? is this where the “open your mind” sample originated btw?
  2. Not that I can think of? I’ve got all those tunes though ?
  3. Ty. I’ll have to think and educate myself a bit about this before I respond. Have a good night!!
  4. I’m going through a nasty bout of insomnia myself. It’s debilitating.
  5. @ignatiusstop farnsworthing me or I’ll fly down to Portland and give you a piece of my... well I’ll take you out for beers and dinner. Lol ?
  6. Yes. I guess what I’m trying to ask is that social ordering is really functional ordering and this is evident across a variety of species. Why is this ordering natural and fair for other species and not humans? Understanding that other species also enjoy different benefits under their ordering.
  7. Yes historical context is critical. I wonder what Marx would have written in this century? ?
  8. of course not. if the capitalists currently running things disappeared, the greater society would fall into chaos and potentially even revert to previous modes of production such as gang based feudalism or similar. the task of socialism is not to just eliminate the ruling class control all in one fell swoop and then all is well. the workers must be educated about their position and society, and their minds must be wiped free of bourgeois propaganda preventing them from achieving class consciousness, i.e. this awareness of their place, what their place indicates for their wellbeing, and how to transcend to the next level of social and property relations, the next mode of production, which is communism. in this requires the achievement of socialism This is an interesting paragraph to me. Do you see any parallels to hive mentality here? PEEP; place for everything and everything in its place In acknowledging people have different places, one is validating classism imo... it’s not much different than soldier bees getting a little extra nip of Royal jelly that the rest of the hive don’t enjoy. ?
  9. Protectionism is a dirty word though isn’t it? It implies that someone will get a short stick. Not really a socialist sentiment.
  10. I understand. However quick question - do you think these same people, without the capitalists organizing them, would enjoy the same standard of living etc? Isn’t there a reason certain people have emerged to direct and lead efficient production, which ultimately is benefitting all? In other places kingdom animalia we see the same divisions, such as ants and bees etc. Edit: I’m adopting the position that capitalism benefits on balance, based on QOL, life span, etc.
  11. State intervention in labour relations here (Quebec aside) is not really a thing ? No not really. For goods and services in Canada there are requirements as to the % of local parts and labour for fulfillment. There is still a decent amount of protectionism even between provinces. Pure capitalism (the US is probably the best example?) is different. But here even for say, a construction project, there are requirements as to how much labour/tradesman are sourced locally. There are still significant barriers. companies do not have the freedom to import labour like you’re suggesting. Native rights are a very complex and sensitive topic.
  12. I understand. But in practice this doesn’t really happen, at least not in Canada. Workers control the means of production to the point where it doesn’t escalate to state intervention, in part because the capitalists have a semblance of humanism. Aka they aren’t big fucking dickheads. ?
  13. Frankly I’m interested in learning more about the theoretical constructs that underpin your approach. Maybe you can list the main constructs?
  14. I have to disagree. The working class holds considerable leverage over capitalists; this is evident in Canadian wages for example. Ireland is another good example. Quite frequently in Canada hourly wages of unionized workers far exceed management. This is a sentiment that resonates with me - no workers, no company. Control is an interesting construct. I’m interested in hearing how you define control.
  15. Socialism falls along a spectrum, much like the disorder I enjoy. You tend to advocate extreme socialism. However almost all countries practice socialism. That’s where I’m getting confused. There’s a trade off for capitalism, the social contract. Governments in general recognize the displacement capitalism causes, creative destruction... it’s matched with social programs etc. By and large capitalism is fantastic, though there are winners and losers in the short run.
  16. I’m not sure why you’re telling me what I assume lol. I have well developed ideas on this topic but don’t really share them as watmm is supposed to be a place where we discover new music and be happy. That said, if socialism is meant to be, it will be realized at some point. By the will of the people. Until then, I mean... the people don’t want it. ?
  17. I haven’t smoked in months. Should I tonight?
  18. I don’t disagree with the sentiments that education, housing, and essentials should be free.
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