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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Mine? Naw, we rescued the little guy from a barn when he was teeny tiny - older one was maybe 3 years old already. Probably too early away from his mum. So I think he thinks of the older kitty as his papa or something. He’s very very close to him.
  2. Lol the little one has this thing where he needs to be literally on top of the other one...
  3. His net worth is estimated at between 4-15 million USD. He’s fine. lol
  4. Better decode that to 24 bit lossless
  5. Would u smash for $30? Mask has to stay on. Who do you think is winning in the Marxist thread? Do you like celery seed?
  6. Plotinus = top tier track. Nice chords b
  7. Super hyped for all the releases coming our way from ya!
  8. Wow! Thank you - I have no idea how I missed that one. I’m usually on top of these things. ?
  9. 54 minute mirage is one of my favourite releases of his - played it through as recently last week. Have you given it a whirl at all? One less pitch - I only listened once and it wasn’t my cuppa. Cylob is hit or miss for me, but maybe I’ll revisit it again soon.
  10. Measurements aren’t enough these days there are so many fits and each brand seems so much different. Classic fit, straight fit, regular fit, trouser style (wtf does that even mean?). And so on. I need some new jeans myself but I’m a big boi and most of what’s trendy doesn’t fit. I need to try stuff on lol
  11. Any chance “Oh Yeah!” from the fact mix will be on the breakier release? ?
  12. I got a small poster with my bewwip vinyl and a two large ones as a surprise gift in the mail! If you ordered the vinyl off AF bandcamp you may get some when it ships. ?
  13. The retirement from what I understand is only from playing live shows where the levels and sound quality etc are out of his control and were affecting the tinnitus! I am not sure if he said this in an interview? But as I understand it he’s still good to do studio work.
  14. Would be fun to trip in that place with all the crazy Victorian style paintings and statues lol
  15. That sky is huge - good thing they have all those pillars to hold it up. First exterior pic I was like "oh shit that poor house is going to get crushed by the sky!!!" Thank goodness the architects saw this too. crazy nice place (like most in that part of saanich), but wtf is up with the décor? lol
  16. What does it mean when it’s released by AF, but published by pmu? Just curious how the label stuff works. Does “publishing” mean they retain the rights long term?
  17. Preorders finally up!! Take mah munnnnnyyy https://analogicalforce.bandcamp.com/album/af038lp-scurlage?fbclid=IwAR1dJts9fbIatQsZ49x29EHpVAsKuabIqGbOHKIaCqvmWHOwkibRfznz5EU
  18. Aye after a couple other lps! 4 albums in the works.
  19. They do taste like citrus or something yeah
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