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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. I love chickpeas but yeah - I have to limit myself I get super bloated. I don’t think it’s the fiber content tbh, no prob with other beans. Mung & chickpeas = bloat for me.
  2. What is this fraudulent pizza thread
  3. I’m happy you use your money in helpful ways. Not everyone can say that about themselves.
  4. I’m not so happy with the single tbh. It’s interesting for the first bit but honestly it’s the same chords with a little melodic break, 3x repeat. Sound design is good but it goes nowhere... ? Felt the same of ISAM (which the single sounds most similar to to my ears?) Where’s the progression ala his earlier works?
  5. On your 100k+ salary you make in an IT position, shopping at whole foods for your organic vegan groceries, on your HP pro laptop. Lol
  6. That doesn’t answer any of my questions and I didn’t suggest any of that. I just want to know how you’re living. Because I’m pretty sure your endless ridiculous pro communism (yes communism, not socialism; you’re constantly advocating radical non-democratic overthrows to capitalist systems) posts are rife with hypocrisy. You can espouse all of these anti bourgeoisie sentiments all you want but you v obviously support the same system you claim to oppose in thread after annoying thread.
  7. How much of your salary have you been donating to the cause comrade Zeff? I assume you have no material goods, no mortgage, etc? How are you even posting on watmm? State owned library computer? How do you sustain yourself, hopefully not buying food from a grocery store?
  8. See, you're already recreating porn titles from your collection
  9. Invite yourself over sometime! Maybe it’d be fun?! Lol nah though I like my peace and quiet I’d be kinda grompy if that was a regular thing for my neighbours. ?
  10. Lol my msg should have said “I jest”, not “I hear”... autocorrect ?. horseshoes >> cornhole for sure. What about bolas/ladder golf?
  11. They should.... get off their own lawns!!! I hear. But that sounds like a really specific mericuh’ fwp ?
  12. This is 98% me! My big thing is takeout - promise myself I won't have takeout all week, things get busy at work, or I have a shitty day and convince myself it's alright to order something just for that one night (turns into 2-3 nights a week etc) lol. Next thing you know my weight is up 10lb and then I'm on health kick for a couple months, get back on track... then fall back into unhealthy habits. nasty little cycle it is.
  13. feel your pain not much to offer you other than I hope you can find some motivation! It’s tough. But once you get in a groove with exercise and healthy habits it seems easier. Once you fall off it’s hard again.
  14. yeh that's a long ass time away lol cautiously optimistic myself ;o
  15. Fans of Dave Monolith, James Shinra, etc etc may enjoy this. Album is free/pay what you want: The Old Man of The Sea | Nēreús (bandcamp.com)
  16. New Tobin album announced, releasing in September! New single sounds p good - I wasn't a huge fan of the recent ambient-ish albums of his although I appreciate the sound design on them (may need to revisit them tbh). Album announcement: Amon Tobin - Rise to Ashes and How Do You Live (nomark.net) Single:
  17. One person's Playground in a Lake is another's Vinyl Record in a Pond
  18. Ty, I have gathered great intelligence tonight. Godspeed
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