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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Wot? If I had to guess the FE release will be the two housewerk EPs released recently (notes on the second release said ep1+2=lp or something to that effect). the rest all appear to be new goodies
  2. Mods can u pls change title of thread to “Upcoming u-ziq releases!!” Or something similar
  3. From his official FB page. “Get ready for a magic pony ride...in about a year”
  4. Yeah it looks like it! His official fb page says “in about a year”
  5. something completely diff than the upcoming LP? Says lunatic2 at the top.
  6. Lol right? I have two or three compilations with similar artwork from that period that are all ?. When I get a min this weekend I’ll dig em out and post some tracks.
  7. @chim @neuronedo either of you have digis of that compilation by chance or you’re just streaming it on YouTube? It’s incredibly rare the only ones I can find to purchase are like... missing discs or are damaged ?
  8. Nice!!! Yeah man it’s one of those kind of rare compilations that’s legit/well curated. I don’t think there’s a bad track on there ? Quite a few lesser known artists on there too which is cool.
  9. Yes! Such a dope compilation, seriously good stuff. Glad you’re enjoying it ?
  10. ? ? tbh I fully agree with ya. I’m just hoping this remaster in particular is a bit diff - I’ve upgraded my home system quite a bit so between new dap and equipment I’m kinda hoping these remasters are like icing on the cake ?
  11. But.... I was listening to a remaster of one of your albums earlier today?
  12. Have to agree VH, sounds really good! Cant wait to hear tundra and SP theme
  13. less than a month away! ?
  14. I’ve been adding yoghurt to my protein shakes & blending it up with mango! Really delicious
  15. I just upgraded from a 400gb iPod classic (5th gen with the Wolfson dac). Honestly it did me well for 6 years or so? But it had major issues right from the get go - apparently the software architecture only supports up to 240gb or something? So right from the beginning a large number of my tracks showed as “unknown artist” or “unknown song”. Many albums had missing tracks (presumably filed under the unknowns) and so on. cost of ownership ramped up pretty quick too, replacing the audio out jack, ssd disconnecting, etc. Maybe not an issue if you’re handy enough with electronics and can mod and repair one yourself. I’ll never go back though, huge hassle... happened often enough that I’d be ready to entertain a group or have some hyped up releases to put on with the missus and the unit shit the bed for one reason or another. Oh and the most annoying part - due to the software limitations once I had exceeded whatever track limit there was on the unit, it was a crap shoot adding new albums - quite frequently I’d add a new album or ep and the whole unit would get deleted and take 4+ hours to “rebuild the device database”. Well, the tracks were on there but the unit needed to go through a lengthy repair cycle for them to be playable. ?
  16. Interesting as those are my two least favourite tracks off the album! (If there was a gun to my head). Enjoy them still but there’s something about the levels on terminal slam that kinda bug my ears & I’m not a huge fan of ambientish anything. This says more about me than the album of course. this has been my fav album of his in a long time, had it on repeat today with my new DAP even!
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