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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Humans have the drive to achieve when they get something out of it. That’s the whole basis of capitalism. And your analogy doesn’t really make sense because the capitalism game is obviously doing far better irl.
  2. specialization/division of labour etc etc Specialism inherently means differentiation etc etc It should be clear where I'm going with this.
  3. As someone that has worked in meat processing facilities... I don’t think you really want to see inside.
  4. I’m sure there’s more to come. I just want it now ?
  5. Whats the surprise though? That we can buy the same back catalogue off sp.net instead of bandcamp? This is not exciting. Lol
  6. Yes. So as of right now nothing new available. I guess that’s what I’m trying to say (I’m a few drinks in sorry) lol.
  7. Nah they were on the pusher’ bandcamp tho?
  8. What am I missing? Those have been available for months. That site went live in 2020 iirc
  9. Agreed! Some of the tracks from that were really good, classic pusher'. My fav: Acid furlough was cool too. There were a total of what, 5 tracks? Was surprised it didn't materialize into a little Vicacid EP or something. As I understand it the tracks were found via qr codes posted around Tokyo or something? As a bonus after Be Up? I don't know.
  10. this is what I’m hoping for - expanded editions, get some of that archived material from different periods? Would be lush edit: and I should clarify... I guess I meant it seems like something is coming for sure this time. I thought the vicacid.net thing was leading to something but that came and went.
  11. yep! Something is coming for sure. I’d put money on it.
  12. Everything but “Music” apparently!
  13. Waittttt did you fake news us? ? I was pumped! Bad Mause!
  14. But for real I’m happy to hear this - I don’t have any of the classic albums on vinyl so I’m down to fill the gaps in my collection!
  15. Remaster might be interesting yeah.
  16. Cooking shows? Isn’t mtv all reality shit now like big brother etc ?
  17. Stating the obvious here but North circular is off fmwt, which was not a warp release.... so prob we’re going to be disappointed in a few hours that it’s just fmwt going up on bandcamp. ie warp bought the rights to it or whatever (edit: speculating re warp reposting it)
  18. Lol yeah it’s just one of the best tracks off one of his best albums. @Stock lol Still weird for sp camp to post this. Hopefully not just a repress but digi releases with extra tracks would be ? ?
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