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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. What's the glaze on top? Edit: sorry what I meant is, is it just a plain glaze (sugar, water) or is it flavored? Why the glaze? It looks delicious tbh just the glaze was a bit of a mystery to me (especially being on top where it would hit your tongue last, and get your hands sticky as fack)
  2. he's focusing on those gains. Needs the calories.
  3. Haven't tried it, but I can't imagine the mellow beats of LD Spectrum going any faster tbh... try it ;)
  4. Yeh, I was kinda rude in my initial posts there btw mr Super. Apologies for that. Now that you've explained it, it doesn't sound so bad. Still a bummer that the artists have to have a "workaround" for legal restrictions on distributing their material but when you put it like that you're actually doing a good thing.. Hope I'm able to get my hands on some of the delicious tunes that are sure to come out (saw some of your expected roster).
  5. Did we all agree that the 1st two tracks were to be listened to at 45rpm? I tried it and they sound even better to my ears.
  6. I will fly to Michigan to buy that vinyl alone if you made it happen lol
  7. x2 x3 (even though I was doing the shatting)
  8. lol funny but at the same time sad... Here in Canadia-land policies are trending towards that.
  9. That doesn't clear up or change anything.
  10. yea but they didnt sell the records exclusively from richard's grandma's bakery in Cornwall lol
  11. lol I know... that's what makes me extra grumpy about it. I'm gonna be that guy that actually pays the exorbitant price on discogs or whatever (I wouldn't actually pirate this stuff.... I was just angry).
  12. I know I'm being a bit dramatic and maybe too vocal. I just don't understand the decision to make it so hyper-exclusive when it will obviously just hurt the fans (discogs and ebay sharks will be all over this). le-sigh.
  13. "hey fans thanks for buying this music for so long, we really appreciate how you've supported this niche scene for decades. As a thank you've decided to make some upcoming releases ridiculously difficult to purchase, it will inevitably be super expensive as douchebags snatch them up and sell them on ebay and discogs. They're super exclusive so you probably won't be able to enjoy it legally, by the way buy a shitty skateboard along with your vinyl like it's 1996." At what point did any of this make sense? fuck
  14. This will be the first music ever that I pirate with no intention of paying for, ever. I don't care about the "physical format" only, but not offering purchase of said format online is a huge fuck you to the fans. Am I supposed to buy a plane ticket to go buy this? Considering jackasses will throw it on ebay for damn near the cost of a plane ticket anyway? Scratching my head big time here.
  15. how do you get fat balls? from eating more pussy? lol
  16. Nice! Maybe I've just never looked hard enough for a place like that here. I'm going to start lookin' though. Nothing like a beastly burger after/with a few brews.
  17. jesus that looks delicious. BCM you're the burger thread god IMO (no offense other peeps with the good looking burgs). You post so many amazing looking burgers lol. Are most of these from one or two really good burger joints in your city or what? I don't even know where I'd go to get a burger that looks like that in my city.
  18. Interesting, thanks for the link.
  19. It's also worth mentioning that I'm pretty sure that track is also sampled in Amon Tobin's "Four Ton Mantis" Nice catch, both of you!!!
  20. Hugh Mughnus

    elseq 1-5

    ^ They are really pricy. Postcards though.... I mean a collector isn't going to USE them... Just seems weird to have a box of postcards sitting on a shelf. Posters make sense (price not so much) but postcards are a weird item...
  21. what the fuck the way he keeps robotically saying "stop resisting" is disgusting (along with the beating of course).
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