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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. This whole channel is ace, I am now a fan of Brian lol they're such crazy videos. I love it
  2. I work 7pm to 7 am 3 or 4 days a week on a rotating schedule. *bitchslap* I can't stand the graveyard shift. I feel your pain.
  3. lol that's hilarious. Its a vette but I didn't want to say that so I thought I could skirt around the topic by saying "summer car". Turns out "summer car" is worse. I look terrible in pink... Like a faded kool aid man or something lol Half that would do me in. Now I'm scared for the Autechre prefunk. Go as little or as much as you like, no pressure. We will have a blast!
  4. Over about 3 hours? I guess? Lol. Dunno feels like a warm up in earlier days. That's 3/4 of a bottle of wine and 8 pints of 5% lager. That would nearly fuck up this man Exactly. That's me in a few years lol. (actually I've cut wayyyyy back and I'm almost healthy lol)
  5. I had the most first world fwp I've ever had or seen in my life. My summer car was too low for the mcdonalds drive through so had to go inside to get fries which were admittedly a second meal/snack.
  6. Over about 3 hours? I guess? Lol. Dunno feels like a warm up in earlier days. If they were proper pints (568ml) then that would have even got me a bit wobbly. And we all know my story lol. What kind of IPA was it?
  7. The page 3 girls in the UK are far better looking than here. Trust me. lol
  8. Huh.... so it's not just me that thinks so! lol
  9. The snake soju is not common in Korea, much more common in China. had this in Vietnam also. It was everywhere.
  10. wait, you guys have nudes in non-porn magazines? Negative. Ours model in like bikinis are whatever. Not to be rude but I find most of them fairly repulsive these days, almost like they just go down to the shelter and pick the first woman they see and do a photo op. It's offensive really. But today's was nice.
  11. how the shiz. did you somehow hear us talking about you in chatmm two nights ago? =/ welcome back
  12. First good looking sunshine girl (pg 3 girl for you uk'ers) in ages.
  13. I got 98% on my senior law class project. =D FUCK YEAH " Grade: 98.00 / 100.00 Hi, Your marked assignment and grading sheet have been uploaded. Best Regards, Lorrie " edit: first world success for me for a reason... The first time I took this course (I dropped out of it once), the instructor was a total see you next tuesday. She would mark my projects as 55% when I have a... far higher average. When I asked her for feedback she would say "if I told you you wouldn't be learning" or "I'm not going to feed you answers" or other bullshit along those lines. It really got to me and I ended up dropping out of the course. I can see now she was just being a complete cunt because I complained to administration that it took 3 weeks to mark one of my papers. So in a way this is self validating in regards to my efforts.
  14. your place looks like a ton of fun cat butthole and all lol
  15. It's actually pretty good. Very unique. Combines some tactical elements to straight up RPG. It's kind of all over the place and you have to be alright with chapter style progression (vs free roaming) but honestly I sunk 40hrs into it already and I'm not disappointed.
  16. flol this one in particular made me lol
  17. It's not just you man. I'm only 26 and sometimes get hurt by the stupidest things. Sometimes I get home from work pretty sore just from walking (Granted, I do 15-25km a day in steel toes). I recently injured my neck (pulled a muscle) just by looking the wrong way lol.
  18. Huh? What are they referring to in this table under "shelter"? http://www.statcan.gc.ca/tables-tableaux/sum-som/l01/cst01/cpis01a-eng.html Surely that's housing? Also rent is covered in that link you gave me. I don`t see mortgage though. And I read on another statscan page that mortgage is covered in CPI but omitted for CPIX. wth.
  19. Actually... the real wages calculation already factors in the higher proportion of income spent on housing that you mentioned since that increased expenditure is represented in CPI? No? No. Think it through. I did but I'm no expert in this area. Real wages are an inflation adjusted representation of wages. Costs paid for shelter are included in calculating inflation. Real wages therefore include the increased cost of shelter in their calculation. Can you spell it out for me or show me what I'm missing? I'm not being facetious flippant (better word imo tbqh byob), I actually don't understand. The calculation of real wages doesn't account for proportional spending. No it doesn't. Shelter is included in CPI calculations and CPI is used in calculating real wages. I don't know how to better explain myself How can the increased cost of housing if used in the CPI calculations not affect the calculation of real wages? Edit: there's a gap in my logic here somewhere that's all.
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