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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. both illuminaty and scientology are harassing our chosen messiah for his monies, musick and beliefs and prevent the new downloads he got beef with young thug and chris cummings on instagram everyone on watmm send a "get well soon afx" card on his soundclown accounts sup stephG, what's on the news? also fuck yeah, it's a goddamn awesome track he uploaded O noes! Beef with chris cummings? Tom cruising?
  2. no haha how could anyone not like dr lopez? shoots cuervo* chugs molson* hi five! edit: funny you mention cuervo, the last night we were there we did a "circle of death" (bottles get passed around in a circle while everyone chants circle of death/fear no evil until the bottles are empty) and I ended up chugging a bottle of cuervo (at least the last quarter of it).
  3. Well, he's this guy right? And I don't like him. He's not likeable really. And he's on an internet forum of all places! Whatever shall I do? Commits seppuku**
  4. There's a person on an internet forum I don't like.
  5. lol she (you mean the girl on the left right?) jumped into the photo at the last minute which is why I was laughing it looks super awkward though you're right here's 2-3 seconds later with an extra in the pic too lol
  6. I played it last week and really enjoyed it, more so than when it came out I think.
  7. after 3 bottles of rum at jungle beach a few weeks ago edit: I'm the one in the middle lel Ha-long bay junk ship day Sapa Valley... I forget why I was hiding in the back
  8. Hey I've been gone for awhile... just trying to catch up.. would it be fair to summarize what's been going on as: there's tons of new rdj and mike P tracks on the soundclouds, most are completely awesome, none are or were ever download enabled?
  9. haha spike pits? anywho, I'm off, cab's here! cheers watmm bye for now =)
  10. Vietnam is number 10 on the list so I should be good so long as I don't wander around in the jungle at night lol. Top ten countries with most number of mines deployed on their territory[2][3] (millions) Rank Country Mines Rank Country Mines 1 Egypt 23 6 Iraq 10 2 Iran 16 7 Cambodia 7 3 Afghanistan 10 8 Bosnia and Herzegovina 6 4 Angola 10 9 Kuwait 5 5 China 10 10 Vietnam 3.5
  11. fws... I leave for Vietnam tomorrow. Should be fun!
  12. I've been watching it some nights when I get home. It's an awesome show, hard to believe it was nickelodeon, some of the references in there are pretty adult themed. Apparently when it was being conceived Ren and Stimpy were supposed to be gay, but MTV wouldn't allow it. crazy
  13. By all means, keep on! The snippets you're posting are crazy interesting. Any interview in particular you'd recommend?
  14. that's incredible man... some really smart people out there.
  15. lolol "homeless cultural appropriation"... don't think I've ever seen that sequence of words before.
  16. Kind of looks like a jizz patty, but I imagine that's melted cheese? =/
  17. Here for ya in Calgary if you need anything man.
  18. man... watching a playthrough vs playing it doesn't do it justice. i never watched vids of it before playing it through with friends on a nice setup w/the sound cranked. fucking frightening don't understand watching playthroughs of games but i have another friend who does that with half the games out there instead of buying them. seems especially weird for a free game I agree, but if the guy has no PS4 what is he to do? I've got a ps4 but didn't have 1hr or so to decide if it was a game I was going to like lol, actually playing the teaser would take roughly that long no?... having the walkthrough to skim through was much more convenient. That said, it's the first playthrough I've ever watched at all.
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