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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. haha. I have some powdered chemicals that need to be administered in mg. I find it difficult to dose that accurately in a powdered form and there's a huge difference between ingesting 20mg vs 25mg of this stuff. So I weigh the powder and then dissolve it in alcohol or water so that there is a consistent amount of chemical per ml, which is easy to dose with a dropper. ok so that makes it a super fwp lol. Can't find scale to weigh my recreational chemicals.
  2. uhm my scale seems to have evaporated. I can't find it anywhere. And I really only keep it in one place.
  3. 4 bit is my favorite off the album. According to mediamonkey I've played it 68 times.
  4. You really like using the smiley today hey Anchio? lol
  5. Hey Deer.... Try and stick to berries for your fruits. They have the lowest glycemic load. I find they make the tastiest shakes too. Example: 100g raspberries only has 4g of sugar (+2g starches and 6g of fiber!), compared to a medium sized apple which has 26g of sugar! Most berries (even strawberries believe it or not) are similarly low in sugar). Maybe you already knew that but I figured I'd offer that in case you didn't... But I get what you mean about contradicting articles. Now all the sudden they're saying dietary cholesterol (like from eggs/meat etc) has very little effect on body cholesterol levels. Oh and now new studies are showing natural trans fats aren't unhealthy... etc
  6. i agree, research their entire website and recite it to them, even when it's not relevant to the question. http://www.theonion.com/articles/job-applicant-blows-away-interviewer-with-intimate,37296/ That's not what I suggested. And no.
  7. Also, research the company beforehand and make sure YOU have questions for THEM. This shows you're legitimately interested in their company and their jobs. Ask about usual stuff, opportunities for advancement, ask how they would describe the work environment, etc.
  8. Just got BL2 game of the year edition for $10 on steam. It includes all the DLC.... I looked at buying it a few days ago and it was $44. Sale's on for 14 more hours. ps.... think steam just dropped the price for me since I looked at it a few days ago? Is steam smart enough to do targeted marketing like that?
  9. I dunno. I'm sure they're still friends lol. Nothing to see here folks. edit: lol tri.... I've never seen that monkey one before.
  10. I saw. Probably just was tired of all the email notifications each time Mike uploads a track etc.
  11. Come back once you've listened to more than 'a dozen'. A lot of the Soundcloud material is just as good as, some of it better, than the main stuff he was bringing out in the '90s. Just listen to tracks like Organ, Sekonda and Make a Baby, then tell me if you think they deserved to not make a release. rough beat tune
  12. wisdom teeth ripping out in 20 mins.... on the plus side I managed to get two days off work for it. Second fwp I'm so far behind on my homework I have to use these two days off to basically study for 12hrs each day.
  13. you crazy man you! I knew you were kidding but wasn't sure your angle lol.
  14. I hate when this happens.... I'll work really hard all week when my superiors are away on vacation or in another city or whatever, then when they come back they will give me a hard time about some completely minuscule problem. tl;dr I know how you feel man.
  15. only stepheng is done with it, everyone else is still enjoing. just ignore him anyone understands the (vocoder disco) lyrics? i think he sings same thing over and over but i tatata, you, i shall brbrbr...i found a tall...shallala... pewpewpew...love you? im not even close lol, this is impossible lol what on earth are you talking about? I haven't even digested 25% of the aphex soundcloud dump. I'm far from done with it, definitely never said I was done with it?
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