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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. I tend to have pretty bad ADD sometimes, I can't focus while studying and I'm constantly switching from my studies to random things online etc. When I throw on Colundi as background music this seems to take the ADD away. Just an observation.
  2. It might seem almost gimmicky to some people, that custom musical scale, but the colundi releases are my favorite ambient releases out there (aside from SAW2). There are so many moments that for whatever reason make my hair stand up, or this sounds stupid, but I notice I'm breathing heavily or holding my breath or whatever. It just holds my focus so well (especially colundi 1 and 2). Really special releases in my books!
  3. close... colundi blue KKK style pylon outerwear? =/ jkjkjk.... this is exciting, I'm looking forward to more Aleksi!
  4. are you serious? They are miles apart. =/
  5. Looks like something he compiled recently imo. Other 'collections' are AB6, apparently a planned second Polygon Window album that never made it, the Phlegm EP on R&S (see previous page), Mr. Men, Q-Chastic EP, and rumours about something concerning the alias the Rave Colonel... Am I missing something? Sorry I missed a few things man.... Can you elaborate a bit on the Mr. Men and Q Chastic EP? What tracks do we think belong to those?
  6. fwp... im trying to get someone to photoshop my profile pic because I'm stupid and don't know how. Tri.... pls <3
  7. Did you smoke some of the herb? That stuff makes me really anxious and I get all fast heart-beaty.
  8. see here, five-track EP, formerly an exclusive download on some crappy ezine site or something. They're actually some of his best tracks IMO, well worth tracking down huh... and I thought I owned all of his releases. The Raft completely slipped past me. Anyone know where to get it?
  9. ? It should automatically update all graphs? Mine certainly does. I don't need to reselect data and remake the graphs? Something to do with macros maybe? Probably - I'm working with existing charts, so whoever made them in the first place probably fucked up. The bars or wedges in the pie charts change, and X-axis labels change correctly, but some of the data point labels don't change. (edit; and they don't pay me enough to figure out what's wrong with the data ranges, so fuck it). I want this shit to be fucking self-learning. When the hell will the singularity get here. I know if you are working on a spreadsheet that was created on a different computer, excel usually automatically turns macros off because they can be used to spread viruses/malware. You have to go in settings and manually turn macros back on. Another common problem that causes this is when there is a "fit" problem in the columns/rows where the data for your graph is contained. This sounds ridiculous, but sometimes you have to turn on "wrap text" in the data areas for it to display and update properly in the graph....
  10. ? It should automatically update all graphs? Mine certainly does. I don't need to reselect data and remake the graphs? Something to do with macros maybe?
  11. Thanks! =) fwp: our sunshine girls (pg 3 girls for you brits) are usually really nasty. Today's didn't even shave her pits I swear.
  12. just got a message that she's alive. No idea what happened though. geez embarrassing sex with the sad drunk? No I don't think so.... friends are mentioning going to the hospital.
  13. just got a message that she's alive. No idea what happened though. geez
  14. I hope so! It's really uncharacteristic of her, she isn't known to disappear or do anything stupid like that. The bar shouldn't have made her close alone though... it's illegal exactly for this reason. Staying positive though!
  15. Not really a fwp but I don't know where else to vent. A really good friend of mines wife (also a good friend of mine) has been missing since 10PM last night. She works at a bar in the sketchiest part of our city and she was told to close the business alone yesterday.... I'm worried. Not sure why my life has to play out like a drama series.
  16. Why are you wearing nail polish? lol I bit my nails my whole life. I quit this past new year (fw success yay). But now my nails are weak as fuck and they break on everything. Nail polish strengthens them, and I'm trying to buy some time while they (hopefully) get stronger. Ah, alright. That makes sense. That was a far less fabulous reason than I envisioned though lol. Are there supplements or something you can take to strengthen keratin?
  17. LP around march/april. source: booth. If it's not delayed, of course. If it stays on track for then, we should get some kind of announcement pretty damned soon... Sent using magic space waves True, delays can always occur! Let's hope not. March release of this year would be consistent with their release schedule though (every 2 - 3 years). sadly, Sean came online recently to debunk the whole "march release" rumor recently. Not sure wtf I was thinking or where I read that it would be march/ish. Probably just some crossed wires in my brain. I'm IRL brain damaged according to some users. lol
  18. Ironic how that happens. Worked with a guy who literally lived a block away and was always late Yeah, and it pisses my boss off no end. It's not like I'm hours late! But...still, I have no excuses. Can't even blame traffic. but in the back of your mind you know that if you're early.... you're at work NOT getting paid... right? And losing valuable time NOT being at work...so no regrets, really Damn straight! I could never let go of that back when I worked in customer service. The fact that I arrived the minute I was meant to start my shifts as opposed to 10 minutes early infuriated one of my last managers, but to me a 9am shift start means a 9am shift start. Otherwise you're losing out on an hour's pay every week. Fuck that. same here guys! My manager loses it that I'm here 5 minutes before start time. My response is always the same, I'm only paid 8hrs, why would I start 30 minutes early for free?!
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