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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. how can you see the image then if their downloads are restricted even rightclick => copy image url? because you can also search by direct image url I can see, I just can't download. I didn't think to do the URL thing, thanks. But you could also just tell me the answer mr.
  2. wow good job. Someone that's not sarcastic can you tell me what that screenshot is from? I'm on a work computer where image downloads are scanned and restricted.
  3. oh wait, right, I'll never be able to run this whats that
  4. seizure after seizure today..... when I'm not having a seizure I'm in a constant state bordering on deja-vu, it's a super weird feeling.
  5. First world success.... today's pg 3 girl is actually female. The last dozen or so I wasn't too sure....
  6. He should have had Spirytus in the competition! Even at 96% alcohol it goes down smoother than other vodkas. Also it has the lowest highest (whoops) amount of distillate possible in a spirit, meaning less flavourants..
  7. I'm not saying you'd be able to distinguish one brand from another necessarily, just that low quality vodkas have characteristics that make them decidedly less pleasant than others. Unnecessary burn at the back of your throat, and a weird rubbery aftertaste. Just a note, I'm not correlating price to quality all the time. Wyborowa for example is less than $30. But you can definitely tell this $17 bottle of highwood vodka is a $17 bottle of vodka lol. Edit: this is a decent short article on it. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/food-and-wine/wine/if-vodka-is-just-ethanol-is-it-essentially-all-the-same-from-brand-to-brand/article22178962/ The differences in flavour are due to the quality of the raw materials and the distilling process...
  8. Flavourless as in not flavoured (added flavours) but it definitely has a taste. And I can definitely tell cheap vodka from good vodka! Not sure about the high end stuff (60-80-$100 type of thing) but I can definitely tell a difference between say, Smirnoff (shit) and something like spirytus or wyborowa (good). Polish vodka seems to be the best in general, IMO.
  9. I always think the same thing after tearing apart half a ribcage of a piggie. Meat right off the bone rules. Always a twinge of guilt though.
  10. lol that's what we're doing tonight. Cheeseburger, chips and really cheap liquor party (plastic bottle vodka lol) too. Gotta keep the experience authentic.
  11. "CD ROM" lol Sampling opportunities abound
  12. This lol... How much money do they think she spends on rubbers that they'd work it into a job offer lol
  13. Just a guy on kijiji, he said he was a recent convert to xbone =S. The games were: Destiny Shadow of Mordor Far Cry 4 Rayman Legends (not new but still) Grand Theft Auto 5 Also there were some other games installed on there from his PS+ account. The second controller is a big bonus too, they're like $50!
  14. Got a smoking deal on a ps4 yesterday (5 new games, 2 controllers + the console still in the box $400). So for now I'm playing FF Type-0. Going to pickup bloodborne soon.
  15. what a bunch of bullshit. Nintendo is headed the way of sega, we will be playing nintendo games on our ps4/ps5s as downloadables. >.<
  16. wow brave cat! most cats are so scared of vacuum cleaners lol
  17. How does it compare to DS2? I think I'm gonna buy a ps4 and bloodborne this weekend.
  18. smooth like power steeeringg

    1. GraveGlitcher
    2. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      I believe Baph or Hellospiral would be better suited to answer that question sir. They are our resident "smooth like power steering" experts.

    3. GraveGlitcher


      go on Stephen, you got this.


  19. lol I like that better than the album version
  20. I won't say who, but yeah. ;) I do believe she is a member, joined 2011. Edit: info given to me by another member. I have no way to know for sure, maybe he was joking.
  21. I'd file charges. Cheating doesn't necessitate physically putting your hands on someone and trashing their stuff. Still a funny vid.
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