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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Yeah that's what i was thinking. Along with the idea that he probably wanted to get out of his travel shirt anyway. Which undermines the first thought, sorry. Man POWER!!! but the shirt is really samey . lol It actually suits him a lot more because the colours match his complexion and hair colour and it's a better shirt overall because the fabric appears less rough and uncouth (even though it looks like the same fabric), rather more smooth and stylin'. Perfect for drinkeez by the pool. It IS a sharp shirt. Looking sharp BCM boss. have a good vacation
  2. Lol, i thought you meant you would be getting paid 75 dollars for every minute you worked on music not 1 minute of completed music. hahha! i suppose i should have been more specific that's fucking rad of him, what kind of music do you mainly find yourself composing? also, have you beat 2048 at all? there is a technique to beat it. I've gotten to 4096. Stopped playing after that, though the game was super addictive.
  3. How is getting paid for making music a problem? He doesn't know how much to charge. lol
  4. What's wrong? Peace7 is BetaFribas You're Alcoalphafribas.
  5. No... it can't.. You're Alco.. Legendary reviewer of everything legendary.... =(
  6. Having to wash dick and balls off after intercourse. Maybe not a fwp. I don't know.
  7. I'd still be surprised! I'd be like "oooohhh! That surprise was surprising! I'm surprised!"
  8. anchorman 2 - it was terrible and shitty and terribly shitty and any other combination of shit/terribly and any of their participles that you can think of.
  9. 50yrs old with a burger filled life is just fine.
  10. Yeah, I'm 24. Nah you didn't say anything lol. Internets. =D cheers
  11. I had an awesome time! Not a ton of stories really, not any that would make sense without pictures!. I did get arrested by the military for some reason though one night lol. If you ever get a chance, you should definitely go. It's a beautiful country.
  12. Compo mendes mm

    1. may be rude

      may be rude

      wb stephen. how was it? got pics?

    2. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      Thanks! It was amazing! I've got about 1000 pics but half of it is shit. I need to sort through them, then I'll be posting some here =)

  13. I'm failing to see what the problem here is. I mean eerybody wins here right? Maybe he doesn't like reading and it hurt his eyes reading delet's philosophy and his contact lenses are now dry and that's the actual fwp? Alco fwp specualtion thread
  14. Obligatory Machu Picchu pic lol.... Going through lots of Peru pics to post here for your photoshopping pleasure...
  15. Your genitals are strange looking. Other than that... what? lol
  16. I'm happy you're back :) hehe thanks m8, I was having WATMM withdrawals on some days. I was able to pop by on wifi but internet in Peru is godawful slow. Glad to have the amenities of a modern world, but hate getting back to the grind (work, school, life lol) Keep the old ball rolling up-hill lest you have to go get it and start all over. I BELIEVE IN YOU BABY Good question m8. My time there was certainly worthwhile, but at the same time I fear I've lost touch at this point. Can't say it's completely off the table as an option tho. I am currently planning a ton of travel. How well does a 6'2" blue-eyed, muscly white dude do in Tokyo/other cities in terms of bang-ablility with the local Japanese ladies. I am mostly wondering if it's worth it or not, purely based on if their society has one night stands with strange foreigners in commonplace... I like those with travel, thus the reason I stick to Europe. Iceland, Ireland, Portugal, Czech Republic and Hungary are the places I'm going to when I head out in 9 months, I hope to have bastards in all of those countries. Lol!
  17. I feel really bad. I emailed a while back when my boxed set never arrived and they re-shipped it, and a second one arrived last week (like a month late). Now I have two and I only paid for one.. I emailed back to ask if I can send it back.
  18. I'm happy you're back :) hehe thanks m8, I was having WATMM withdrawals on some days. I was able to pop by on wifi but internet in Peru is godawful slow. Glad to have the amenities of a modern world, but hate getting back to the grind (work, school, life lol)
  19. Came back from my vacation, don't want to be back =(
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