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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. eminems? lolol that's what I was thinking earlier. tried to find an image on google of a candied rapper to post but didn't come up with much
  2. Did you happen to get the name of it? Also sorry that it's gone.
  3. what kind of beer is that over on the mid/right??! "Heineken... for people that jump in sand in places that look really hot but are cold enough for a scarf"
  4. which fingers, and how many? 2 or 3? I believe it was the middle and third. I've since grated cheese and eaten a burrito, and the amazing smell has disappeared. cant tell if this is very cleverly disguised innuendo...
  5. grr I have to decrease my word count on this essay from 2000 to 1400 words. =(
  6. That sounds like a good thing to me! Did you work nights before or something else (afternoons, early mornings)??
  7. I think it clears some stuff up. Why would he add "I mean, nothing I could say about it in public"? If he truly didn't know he would just say, "no clue m8".
  8. Still not seeing how that's a problem. lol. Oh no - I might have to move from my cush job to one that's even more cush! I'm just bitter cause I'm doing manual fucking labour 3 days a week, the BC government is on a hiring freeze, and i want a real job. At least it's not below zero in Vancouver though lol Lol! Yeah it's been about -8 or so the last few days, and it snowed quite a bit (about 25cm) on Monday. I'm sure you know how Calgary drivers get as soon as theres a tiny bit of white on the ground!
  9. how come? Not a loaded question. I just don't know why they would be dangerous? My boss fired the last girl who picked up an unsolicited call from a recruiter. Her unwillingness to slam down the phone and scream "I AM A LOYAL EMPLOYEE I SERVE ONLY THEE" was apparently a problem. It's the joy of being an at-will employee. Wow your boss sounds like a gaping vagina... ! (No offense.. he might be a nice guy..) That's terrible, people should be able to freely explore their options. My employment contract doesn't include any exclusivity clauses so I should be ok, I hope.
  10. Maybe I should have been more clear. Now I have to decide between working at my current job where I am just getting comfortable and learning a new job that pays marginally more but has more opportunities for upward mobility. Also, I want to ask where these people are getting my resume because it's weird. The division manager at my current employer moved on shortly after he hired me so I didn't have an opportunity to ask. Seemed pretty FWP to me! Stephen-Fail.... And Lopez I'm a student too get off your cunt and get a job lol how come? Not a loaded question. I just don't know why they would be dangerous?
  11. I just got a call from a company (real company with 16bn annually in sales) asking if I was interested in being an Ops Supervisor. I don't have my resume posted online and I didn't apply for this position. This is the same thing that happened with my current employer! I never applied they just called lol.
  12. Well one major problem with the way we study and predict things like global warming right now is that we are taking hundreds (sometimes thousands) of years of geological and other weather related data and projecting that on the lifespan of the earth which is in the billions of years... Hundreds of years, and thousands of years, are not an adequate sample of this data to be able to project it on billions of years of existence with any real accuracy. Its a fart in the wind really. Chaos theory is fairly relevant here..
  13. http://www.geocraft....s/ice_ages.html http://earthobservat...s/Oscillations/ http://www.michaelma...scillations.htm http://stratus.astr....ter5_node3.html http://www.ncpa.org/...Article_ID=2319 http://www.usgcrp.go...s/000320FO.html Last link is pretty good epic science post thanks! Hope it helped!
  14. http://www.geocraft.com/WVFossils/ice_ages.html http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Features/Oscillations/ http://www.michaelmandeville.com/earthchanges/gallery/Climate/oscillations.htm http://stratus.astr.ucl.ac.be/textbook/chapter5_node3.html http://www.ncpa.org/sub/dpd/index.php?Article_ID=2319 http://www.usgcrp.gov/usgcrp/seminars/000320FO.html Last link is pretty good
  15. I think akg has a couple pairs that collapse that seemed decent.. then again I'm just looking at the pictures of them and haven't heard them so I don't know. I'm kind of in a similar situation, theres jack shit to choose from locally. I have to order everything online meaning I can't try any first. there should be an international headphone store in every major city in the world lol
  16. I'm still trying to figure out what headphones to buy too! (made a thread months ago). By portable do you mean earbuds? For full size I'm really considering denon ah-d5000. If you find good earbuds let me know. I've had mixed success =(
  17. well... I think I've got it under control, it's just the physical effects of withdrawal that is hard. I've gone from drinking 10-20oz of hard alcohol per day every day for 4 years straight down to maybe 6 or 7 beers by choice on weekends when I've got friends over, not drinking during the week etc. Key word there is choice, I choose now... I think I've made some good progress. Still don't like sweating my sack off when going to bed! Its similar to when people quit smoking after 20 years I imagine.. Like my head is in the game but my body has a different plan lol. I've read in some places it takes a couple months of abstaining to get your body to sort itself out. I just have to tough it out! I guess my FWP should have just been sweaty sheets lol WATMM is my AA. lol
  18. I had a couple beers on the weekend, and for some reason the withdrawal was especially brutal last night. Usually it's worse when I drink a lot and then don't drink the next night but this time I only had 6 or 7 beers saturday. I spent all of last night sweating and tossing and turning, only to go to work at 4AM. I got home and fell asleep instead of working out and now I feel all groggy and weird. oh and I need to wash my sheets because they're sweaty and gross from last night. >.<
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEv0_wRx6QU love Kraftwerk, this song in particular
  20. sorry about my bad language. The not-drinking makes me easily excitable lol. I'm thinking of switching to media monkey or something itunes is making me mad.
  21. New FWP. Fucking fuck iTunes turned on "Organize My Music Folder" without me turning it on, it did it itself the fucking POS. Now I have to redo my whole music folder the way I like it. That's 17,000 fucking music files to move around. I've got a backup but it's incomplete. Sad panda.
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