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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Yeah, I've tried to be as playful and light-hearted as possible to keep her in good spirits. She bounced back pretty quickly, though. She's a badass. that really is fucked man... glad she is so tough and she is ok....
  2. I want to hear 15 different variations of 90101-51-1 made in similar quality (not those 90101-61-1 or 90101-51-6 rubbish mixes).
  3. not even ham? Or stuffing?!?! This is an outrage! just got back. a nice little surprise was there was a roast. so it wasnt a total shit fest. but still it was pretty awful. but hey its not over yet! i get to see them again on Saturday! ughhhhhhhhhh come to my house and play super smash brothers instead jk you should spend time with your family screw that shit. Smash always trumps family! I hope theres a new smash bros for the wii u, soon. my fwp is I have no wii u.
  4. not even ham? Or stuffing?!?! This is an outrage!
  5. I have that saved to my desktop for when I need a pick me up "Now watmm will be without tits or asses forever because JR can't appreciate them titties. " lol
  6. They're all the same thing why tag different argh
  7. send me some ativan to fix my fwp I'm really sorry to hear that Mr. Squee.... Keep that positive attitude.
  8. I ran out of ativan and I don't have a prescription for it. Wouldn't be a problem but I have a panel interview Tuesday for a great opportunity and I'm getting anxious.
  9. Is the other 3% the tube itself? Or mystery material? but yeah that is pretty much what sausage is.. ground meat in a tube.
  10. Have you rubbed his face in it? Or better yet, taken a dump on his favorite spot to sit or sleep? Maybe then he will see the error of his ways. I think his favorite spot to sit or sleep is also the bathroom floor. He really likes that fucking floor. But yeah, I'll try shitting on it myself and see if that works. Lol your bathroom is going to be one big shitbox! Maybe you have to start peeing on your own favorite places to mark your territory too.
  11. Have you rubbed his face in it? Or better yet, taken a dump on his favorite spot to sit or sleep? Maybe then he will see the error of his ways.
  12. Stella artois shirt! Both glasses is nice. Kind of like the older ones though the black gives nice accent.
  13. Let me guess... It's a project that they weighted ridiculously high as well? Like 30% of your final grade or something? I hate those...
  14. touche brother... touche.
  15. not sure if posted already http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSCcnrSnXFY
  16. I have a job interview thursday and I'm nervous.
  17. ... Seriously? I did too... I needed them for a recipe today that I was making... Last night after some special baked goods I passed out and I had a dream that I was stealing artichokes! Actually now that I think about it the dream was stealing canned ones. Still weird!
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