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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Usually I feel amazing the day after, even with lack of sleep. You're probably right though (everyone reacts diff to sleep loss). Glad you had a good time. Some of my best memories are dropping some acid and enjoying good music and beer
  2. whut...don't even know how this is possible... I don't know, most of it's just not what I like. I've listened to every album from beginning to end and don't like all of it. I like their songs that are more structured. Different tastes in music is all, no biggie. But if the rest of the album sounds like this spl9 then it should be a good'er.
  3. I actually liked spl9, pretty cool shit. I personally don't like any autechre other than amber, quaristice, and the odd track off of each album, but if spl9 is any indication of the rest of the album I might actually get into it. officially stoked.
  4. Talk to her about it man, there's no sense being quietly worried for your loved ones life. My GF is the same way, but she's slowly getting better about eating more throughout the day now that I've shown concern about her habits (she occasionally won't eat until like 9 or 10pm when she gets off work, wtf?), and we've started cooking together very regularly, which helps a lot (in multiple ways). I also make little bag lunches for her to take to work sometimes, lol. She digs it. good advice. you should tell her Limpy. not like in a "hey, why you not eatin" kinda way. but that you care about her health. she might be a little annoyed if she doesnt like to talk about it. but if its because youre concerned about her im pretty sure she'll understand. Agreed... In my experience as well Limpy, these problems don't just sort themselves out. Get it out in the open so that you can give her more support.... Good luck
  5. I just pre-ordered the LTD U-ziq Somerset Avenue Tracks 1992-1995. Cant wait to hear it!
  6. FWP... I have some starbucks gift cards but starbucks is 2 blocks away and I'm lazy/working on my final sociology project. they should deliver
  7. broken hearts across the globe. hehe indeed. What? You have a vagina? vagina isn't the only thing you can finger baby. I was thinking like, guitar strings... pointing.... flipping book pages.
  8. If you take a cross section of all the work theyve put out, i'd say it is much more consistent quality-wise than Aphex's output. methink this justifies our excitement despite any previews or text lol
  9. broken hearts across the globe. hehe indeed. too funny
  10. you need those fingers squee. for fingering. edit: among other things.
  11. that doesn't really sound fair... 86.5% is an -A though isn't it?
  12. I'm about to encounter the same thing, going to get a B in sociology of work and industry.. =( cheer up though, a B is likely better than many of your peers. edit: that last part sounded kind of snooty. I just meant a B is still a relatively good grade.
  13. Definitely refined, classy almost.. I mean... without a bottle you're just pissing all over yourself or your house like a savage. lol
  14. Wait, did you get all those synths, or trade them? If you traded them, you made a shitty trade. If I read that correctly, that is.& I got the chance to play around with an arp2600 and cannot believe it sells for that much. Its cool, but not that cool. Sorry, i was vague. didnt have my coffee. yes, i got the synths. Dont mean to sound like a cocky know it all, Yes, Samplers were very very expensive in the 80's.I doubt Mr pusher saved up ten grand for his first sampler.. it didnt take long for them to level out to around a thousand dollars at the start of the 90's. The 80's were crazy, it went from synclavier 250k, to fairlight 100k, to emu sampler 10k, to akai 1k within like 5 years. Moore's law i guess? more companies jumping on the bandwagon, market saturation maybe?
  15. sit on your "switched" hand until it gets numb and you can't feel it. then it's like a stranger doing it
  16. I think I'm curving a tiny bit to the left lately. Must switch hands for a few years until it evens out.
  17. sounds like a stressful day. wheres the new snares album? =/ edit:... well done.
  18. I just got back from locust grove oklahoma. And I need a nap because I'm tired.
  19. I have the exact same problem... I don't know why I'm so anti social
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