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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. my cable/internet/phone bill was $186.88 =( $15 more than usualy and I can't figure out why!?
  2. I got a letter today that I am on the honor roll for university... and that I'm eligible for scholarships related to my academic performance and field of study... so I went to look for said scholarships.. and the fucking website was down/the links lead to nowhere! 1st world problem =(
  3. patternoverlap is a much more prolific poster than me. a lot more interesting as well. I've always felt like someone who just blends into the scenery here. overlaps into the scenery, even?
  4. I got blackout drunk saturday and don't remember what foolishness I got up to. My friends know but they won't tell me =(
  5. Hugh Mughnus


    Not sure if spam but it was in my junk mail.. There Are litterally MILLIONS of horny woman waiting to have SEX These woman are easily searchable and available in YOUR area We can not make it any easier to get laid every day of the week Join FUCKBOOK Right Now For Free and tap into unlimited SEX No matter where you live! ***NEW*** *FREE FULL ACCESS TRIAL TO MEMBERS AREA NOW AVAILABLE AS OF TODAY* http://www.DatingBootyCallz.com For those under 18 or if your Celibate And Dont Want To hookup click Here ----> http://www.DatingBootyCallzNow.com/remove
  6. Isn't the whole thing ridiculous? An individual who happens to be the CEO of a company has an opinion. That's nice. Who gives a flying fuck!? If they make good chicken, eat it. >.< He has an opinion and he donates to anti-gay causes with the money you give him from eating his chicken, so I wouldn't eat there. Because money is the only thing that matters in politics. But, as stated in the other thread, I was not going to eat there anyway, because it's just a shitty fast food chicken sandwich that only people with no standards would like. Basically, leave me alone so that I can eat this caviar and fap to transgressive pornography with this velvet glove, in peace. STANDARDS, PEOPLE. Lol. I can see your point. Transgressive pornography abound! faptastic caviar
  7. Isn't the whole thing ridiculous? An individual who happens to be the CEO of a company has an opinion. That's nice. Who gives a flying fuck!? If they make good chicken, eat it. >.<
  8. nah, throwing people under buses provides the kinetic energy that every business uses to keep its lights on Is that how that works? We need to start throwing people under buses more! =)
  9. we had our LGM today (where all the labourers meet with us managers and a business agent to discuss problems in the operations) and about 50% of the people tried to throw me under the bus for shit that is 99% their responsibility. Thankfully, the other 50% weren't fooled and/or stupid and were on my side. I seem to be a divisive figure. =( Edit: Meh. I'm confident I do a good job. It shows in the metrics etc. I don't need their approval to feel good about how I've done.
  10. oh... I didn't even get that you were asking her out. I just thought you asked her to hang out. =( my bad
  11. do sex with her conclusion; i looked up her twitter account. she talked about me awkwardly asking her out even after she awkwardly told me she was engaged... a very first world ending on this one Still, couldn't hurt to hang out with her anyway! I keep as many female friends as possible. She's engaged, and marf is pretty much a stranger to her. Continuing to hang out (with the shadowy hope of a relationship in mind) really smacks of a Ziggomatic thread in the making. Don't do it, marf! huh? I don't really understand. What's wrong with having female friends just to have female friends? No different than having guy friends is it? I have lots of female friends (some engaged) that I'm just friends with to be friends with them.... Like, not thinking of sticking them in the pink..
  12. do sex with her conclusion; i looked up her twitter account. she talked about me awkwardly asking her out even after she awkwardly told me she was engaged... a very first world ending on this one Still, couldn't hurt to hang out with her anyway! I keep as many female friends as possible.
  13. I'm on vacation Off the pacific again but I have a blemish on my face so I don't want I socialize because I'm self conscious
  14. I'll see you in a week or so WATMM!

    1. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      why thank you! All over now. =(


  15. so.. how did that go... like after the race? Did she do an interview right away or towel off or what? =/
  16. Collect the blood and use it for witchcraft to summon powerful demons to do your bidding.
  17. Yeah! Pretty sure he said he was coming out with an "album" so hopefully this is an additional 7" plus the album to come out too. Edit: From his website: 8/05/2012 YO mostly finished working on the album now, just got to do things like artwork/videos etc. In the meantime here's a little video I made. So the 7" is a bonusssssssssssssssssss
  18. 300 (It was those rabitty-pellet type ones. )
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