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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. because it's a kickass song. lol!
  2. I think (99% sure) it's squarepusher... He played it on his warp20 set, and every song was exclusively his I believe (he announces in the beginning he's going to be play all unreleased stuff of his). I wish his warp20 set would be released dammit! lol =)
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ZdOQBq20UAI
  4. I went to the doctor to get a prescription for some orthotics, because my insurance company needs my family doctor to prescribe it before they pay for it. I need them because I'm developing tendonitis in my lower leg. My doctor wouldn't prescribe me the orthotics but prescribed my some other corrective inserts and some prescription anti-inflammatories. Problem is I already put a security deposit of $150 down on my orthotics and now I'll be out the other $350 if I can't find a doctor to write me the prescription for orthotics! fwp...
  5. I got 90% on my ethics/philosophy assignment. I want a higher grade. But also I am wondering if that means I'm not 100% ethical. I hate philosophy.
  6. oh shit. I didn't even see that! lol
  7. I do this with the garage door.... even though I watched it close to the bottom, I still drive around the block and check to make sure I closed it properly... =/
  8. Yeah, it's expensive, but a fucking ton of work goes into making textbooks! Yes that's true, but when they make a new edition with barely any changes and insist on that being required instead of older editions, that's fucking robbery. Agreed! Prevents us from buying second hand books. Also fairly wasteful when I think of it...
  9. Yeah, it's expensive, but a fucking ton of work goes into making textbooks! Yeah you're right. But when you throw in the $700 or so a month tuition..... I'm just bitching cause it's a lot of money I could otherwise spend on beer. hehe
  10. ? I wouldn't think the university would allow that?! Conflict of interest and all that business.... what class is it? lol it happens all the time in universities. Economic History of Modern Europe. I have yet to encounter it, but I don't doubt it. It does make sense if the professor is a leading authority in their field, and probably all the better that you're learning from such an authority. but the gratuitous overpricing is across the board for textbooks! .... >.< My sociology textbook was 180$!!!!! FWP: I've got tendonitis in my lower leg from walking at work too much, I overpronate.... Goddamn prescription orthotics are $400 a pair. =(
  11. ? I wouldn't think the university would allow that?! Conflict of interest and all that business.... what class is it?
  12. Not sure if acid enough...
  13. Detoxing in preparation for the labor day long weekend. Must have healthy liver to maximize inebriation next weekend! What's everyones long weekend plans?!

    1. auxien


      drunkenness/laziness with the girlfriend..my liver is prepared.

    2. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      Same here! Many beers last night and topped it off with shots of tequila.... headache! Time for round two tonight! =)

  14. Life is short and unpredictable. That could be tomorrow! (I hope not). Better try DMT ASAP. =)
  15. Interesting. I never even thought of sex while on any 2c-x. Is this effect present in low doses? (Edit: I only ask because the gf doesn't like to get wrecked off her face but would probably enjoy a low dose) Would you liken the effect for the female similar to other speedier drugs (ecstasy, coke etc)? maybe only ecstacy, except i think it's harder to achieve orgasm on MDMA vs 2ci. If you haven't tried this with the lady yet, do it the next time you are both on 2ci. I think the tactile enhancement is what really pushes it over the edge. Even just making out feels amazing. There is proabably a tipping point where too much would make someone unable to have sex at all though. For me i took around 10 mg and the other person 15mg Thanks for the tips. I think 10-15 is relatively low dose (I usually take 25-30). I will experiment with 5-10mg to start for the effects you mentioned and go from there! Cheers =)
  16. Interesting. I never even thought of sex while on any 2c-x. Is this effect present in low doses? (Edit: I only ask because the gf doesn't like to get wrecked off her face but would probably enjoy a low dose) Would you liken the effect for the female similar to other speedier drugs (ecstasy, coke etc)?
  17. Well, the main difference the 2C family is a phenethylamine and DMT is a tryptamine (as LSD and shrooms) so they work slightly different on a neurochemical level. I tend to feel phenethylamines are slightly more "speedier" than tryptamines, but haven't tried phenethylamines that many times as tryptamines to call it. From reading DMT seem to cause a way more intense trip than any phenethylamine. But YMMV. Interesting. I think I will pick some up as I have been meaning to try it for quite some time (DMT I mean). I agree that 2c-x class drugs feel speedy to me, though I have no point of reference. I have always mixed 2c-I with a low dose of mushrooms (1-2grams) and have had experiences similar to LSD. Perhaps the 2CI helps potentiate the shrooms, or vice versa. Highly recommended mix, especially for auditory effects. The first time I heard cosmogramma was on this mix of drugs. It was out of this world! I think you've got it backwards!I've been getting into 2c-b in the last week or so. It's really awesome and is becoming one of my favorites, basically within an hour you get launched into a euphoric peak but without the time commitment of acid or mescaline (you're down within 3-4 hours). Also it's less visual (at least for the amts I have tried so far). I would highly recommend it to anyone who has the opportunity, just really fun. Agreed! I really enjoy 2C-B!
  18. I need to venture into some DMT I think... I only have experiences with the 2C drugs (2CI, 2CE, 2CT7, 2CT2 etc)... and LSD and shrooms.. would you guys draw any parallels between DMT and 2C drugs or are they completely different beasts?
  19. If you want to talk to a completely impartial person with no vested interest (IE not here to take your money) about things, you can PM me. And no place is "pathetic" to ask for help. Everyone "looks" for help in different ways, places, etc. Keep that in mind...
  20. Not sure if sarcastic.... well I guess I was a bit extreme and wrong in saying "boring as fuck"... To me it's interesting, but it's dry and monotonous at the same time.... Kind of weird that it can be interesting.. Kind of in the same way calculus is interesting. =/ Lol kantian deontology is just a complex way saying "read the rules"!
  21. I'm writing a paper on kantian deontology and other normative ethical theories. And it's boring as fuck,.
  22. lol. But yeah I can see how you'd be frustrated with that! I mean you HAD to be there because of their poor job. In one part of your head I bet you think... those guys should fix it! It's their fault you had to go back. But in the other part of your head you know it was your own whoopsie. =(
  23. Screw the CRTC!!! was there a change in billing/taxing or something that I didn't hear about in the news?! $15 exactly more than my usual bill and I didn't use anything over, plus telus doesn't give me a damn break down of my cost?!
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