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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. I empathize with your FWP Kel, but you forgot to add that real estate agents sit somewhere on the scum-of-the-earth scale between politicians and lawyers. carbon-composite reinforced swallow? cyborg cumshot?
  2. that costed 400$?!? Holy crap dude seems a bit harsh... was it a school zone? my fwp.. I set my slow cooker (crock pot) to cook some awesome sounding mushroom/beef stew while I was at work. Came home, slow cooker fucking broke. Cold, raw soup. About 40$ worth of ingredients sitting on the counter for 10hrs. Not sure if its safe to cook it tomorrow in a pot and eat it. =/
  3. anyone tried this? Oatmeal Stout going to tonight
  4. "In the months leading up to the EP’s release, a rumour propagated by an image board in the darker recesses of the internet put up a thread which hilariously alleged Skrillex as the identity behind Steinvord. The ensuing confusion which was plastered all over the Skrillex subsection of Reddit and subsequent Skrillex fan forums poking fun at IDM nerds reverence for their favourite artists and Skrillex fans confusion as to where the “drop” was in the new tracks." LOL good times
  5. i don't see how this is a problem. Yeah that sounds like fun to me lol. I love when crazy stuff like that happens to me.
  6. I was in the drive through getting a coffee and this guy had his big diesel truck going in the drive through, so the lady couldn't hear me placing my order. I got the wrong coffee.... =(
  7. I've been working on this damn ethics essay for 2 weeks and it still sucks... =/
  8. Mikeller toilet bajerrrrrrrrrrrrr (whatever that means...) incredible beer...
  9. I LOVE wine gums! The sour ones are even better. :D oh man, the steak tartar will make it worse. Beets are the best thing to unclog. Explosive bowel movement from beets. i had a bunch of shitty g+ts later and i've shit nothing but liquid since morning lol ass piss
  10. Awesome flavour in this one... very easy drinking for a strong beer too... yumyumyum
  11. I LOVE wine gums! The sour ones are even better. :D oh man, the steak tartar will make it worse. Beets are the best thing to unclog. Explosive bowel movement from beets.
  12. .... to be clear, that's not what I'm going there for LOL! I'm going for the cheap booze, the beautiful beaches, some scuba diving, and lots of rock climbing. Also the tour I'm going with has a 6:1 ratio of women to men and they come from all over the world. So that will be nice =) Yeah I think as soon as they see someone from another country they're all over them. My buddy says they were harassing him for sex and he was only 15
  13. A trip to Thailand without experiencing a ladyboy is not a trip to Thailand! Touche sneaksta, touche....
  14. I'm planning my holidays next year which include a 20 day trip to Thailand with rock climbing and scuba diving and riding an elephant and hopefully Thai WOMEN not ladyboys... but I'm feeling lazy and don't want to start actually planning stuff for real. too much work. can't it just plan itself?
  15. hopefully not a flu... =( current fwp. I'm part of a team of 4 for my fundraiser for cerebral palsy.. some of the guys have collected donations of almost $500 but I have collected only $55. I am happy that it's going to a good place though. also my ethics essay isn't writing itself...
  16. amazing beers from these guys: http://mikkeller.dk/
  17. lol I'm not sure what a subaltern is but maybe! nabob and starbucks pre-packaged coffee (for espresso machines etc) are both made by Kraft...
  18. you must have gotten some old ass coffee or something... Nabob isn't generally so shitty? It has been around as a coffee company for almost 120 years and is one of the best selling coffees in north america.... ? And it certainly doesn't usually come in a damn tin! lol I mean it's certainly not my favorite but it's usually not un-drinkable swill
  19. I've finally picked up Will Self's : "My idea of fun" again.... interesting read..
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