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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. I did roughly 25 hours of math homework this weekend and I want it to stop. Too many greek letters for one weekend.
  2. Oh shit I don't know why I was thinking 2hrs and 32 minutes..... Still 2hrs. 2 freaking hours! That's pretty great (hopefully).
  3. I'm kidding. I'm actually looking forward to this one! 4 vinyls, 2.5hrs... Going to be fun!
  4. not sure why all the hype. It's just going to suck like the rest of autechre's work
  5. lol it says "fuck anthony fantano" as the description. awesome
  6. Let's see if we can get him to post on watmm too! and then trace his IP and find him and rid the world of him! =) Sorry I don't like him... I cant remember which ones but he was reviewing an album I really liked (think it was a flylo one or squarepusher one or something and he got the album name wrong (he was reviewing the right songs but called it the wrong album or something along those lines)). wow... can't believe such a vague fuckup made me hate that guy so much.
  7. It's probably worth it! But also try this Odins' Tipple one that I posted there, trust me you won't be disappointed!
  8. Yes! Awesome man thanks very much. Where I screwed up is not factoring out the common term so that I could divide the factored term off both sides. I knew it was a simple step I was missing! Cheers
  9. Rob schneider is.................. a pencil sharpener!

    1. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      lol love that episode.

  10. lol ;) cheers man! Really appreciate you taking the time to look at it. Can you take a look at my steps and show me what I'm missing? I know the answer you gave me is right, I just can't figure out the final step. 1 / g(t) = t / (1+t) put both sides to the power of -1 that equals g(t) = 1+t / t set g(t) = y now it's y = 1 + t / t how do you get from there to "t = 1 / y - 1" (the inverse of t=1/y-1 is the answer you gave me, y=1/t-1)
  11. Isn't it t / 1 + t? Well.. not quite. 1/g(t) = t / 1+t = g(t) = 1+t / t (put both sides to the power of -1). Now that we have g(t), set g(t) = y we have y = (1 + t ) / t Solve for t (I want to isolate t but cant figure it out, I know I'm just missing something simple).
  12. I can't figure out this relatively simple math problem. Given 1/g(t) = t / 1 + t, what is g^-1(t) (the inverse of g(t))...
  13. It's what you do with the chair that is offensive. don banne me plkeased
  14. Yesterday I woke up with several hours of sunlight to spare, which was pretty lush. Plus I only got 4 hours sleep, so I figured that would probably help turn my schedule around somewhat. But I still wound up staying awake until 8am and slept in until 5pm today with just a c-hair of sunlight to spare... is it okay to say "c-hair" here? c-hair c-hair c-hair c-hair c-hair c-hair c-hair c-hair c-hair c-hair c-hair c-hair c-hair c-hair c-hair
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