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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. So now you know, will you be surgically removing your right nut? Sounds ghastly. What tools will you use? I think garden sheers and duck tape should do the job. That would get Aphex some publicity "Aphex Twin fan savages his testicles with garden tools" Selected Mutilated Junks, 2002-2012
  2. yeah by terrible i meant 3 B's. Is that anything like 36 C or 34 D?
  3. awe man we could have had fun with that....
  4. to be clear... around which time? 1992 or HAB era? 1992 - it was a show where Paul Nicholson (dancer/designer of the Aphex Twin logo and font) performed as well... I can't recall off the top of my head the name of the show at the moment, though. That's incredible! That track is WAY ahead of its time.... Thanks for the info
  5. to be clear... around which time? 1992 or HAB era?
  6. but why would you spend month's or years to make all those great amazing tracks to just "take a piss". Some of the track have amazing work put to them. It doesn't sound like a pisstake to me, sounds like a pretty serious solid record (at least the released EP). What is kind of non-serious is Steinvord's image or presence. I mean he has no Twitter, Facebook, no Myspace updates, anything, wereas artists take care of their own online presence which is key nowadays if you want to make it. But music wise is pretty fucking serious to me. I hope you get what i mean Yeah, why not? It's not emotionally deep music is it? I think this is simply not true. most of the Steinvord tunes out there are (at least the few stuff he has released) certainly are more into the accelerated intense side, but there is great emotion in these 2 tracks, the melodies are fantastic and anyone with a good ear for melodies will agree http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgcBbe241YU i love this one, and this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3P5L99OOiw It's kinda amazing how it goes from a sort of cheesy childish vibe to a kind of sad-weird vibe in only 2 minutes with great transition. This is good stuff and at this point I just would like to get all those tracks on proper digital format. Well I'm just referring to the music on the ep he's released. I've said before I actually think those two tracks are aphex twin because I think he'll have dozens of these sweet addictive tracks in the same vein as Bbydhyonchord and Orban Eq Trx4. I'm not attributing them to Steinvord because they're completely different than the other tracks and haven't been released by him. huh, but those were sometime in Steinvord's myspace and were taken from there, so Steinvord made them. If an artist uploads a tune to his myspace and doesn't release it in a record those tracks can't be attributed to him? what kind of logic is that. The logic is that there is speculation it is a collective, and some tracks were thrown in there on the myspace to throw people off (oh, this doesn't sound like the rest of the tracks? hmmm... who could it be? etc etc) . Personally I think the untitled tracks were made by Wisp, him being a friend of Richard and all. Listen to one of his most recent releases The Shimmering Hour. Sounds a lot like the untitled tracks. Kind of similar to the Tuss situation, if you remember.... So because they weren't actually released on the EP even though they were good tracks, I think what he's saying is they weren't actually by who steinvord actually is (IE tom and rich..). I hope that made sense.
  7. What? snare rush snare rush snare rush ad infinitum. ("you now have the option of taking heroin" Chaos AD) I didn't say I don't like it though. I like it enough that I own 95% of his albums, EPS, unreleased materials, and live sets. haha Well if you own everything he has released then I dont really understand what your up to.... You either like it or not unless you're rich and like to spend money on things you think are crappy and unoriginal. Irrelevant notes: I think most of Luke Vibert's stuff sounds pretty similar. This does not stop me from owning most of it. Even if it's not particularly inventive within their own discography, sometimes it's just a sound that you can't really find anywhere else, so what else are you going to do if you want more? One must suffer the boring with the great, sometimes. That is a good way of saying it, sometimes I am not good with words, but that is what I was getting at. Vibert and his Wagonchrist alias are prime examples.
  8. True. Then again some of these artists were part of the forums at a time, WATMM is a piece of the "IDM" puzzle, culture wise. If anything it wouldn't be trolling it'd be kind of a nod of recognition for anyone willing to pay enough attention. did Sup make good tunes???
  9. Yeah the phorumwankey intelligent review mix or whatever is kind of funny lol I personally believe at least Tom reads these forums. Doesn't it seem all too ironic all the tron speculation and then he makes dark steering?! seems like a clear nod to Tron, kind of poking fun at the people that were saying it...? Oh or that thread about "clean breaks" and then in an interview a couple weeks later Tom was all talking about "clean breaks" in his interview (lol I know, a different type of clean breaks but still a bit too much of a coincidence..) maybe just a coincidence. Still I enjoy being paranoid and speculating
  10. Its funny because I think untitled97 sounds so much like Wisp.... See his last 2 albums for a point of reference. Also he has been hanging out with RDJ quite a bit recently. I wouldn't be surprised if the speculation that it was a collective was true, at least for the myspace page, and then just tom and rich for the release.
  11. Plus he has that awesome Yosemite Sam pedo-stache. ;) Jk, going to check it further based on your recommendations.
  12. I actually have a pretty extensive catalogue of other music, but for some reason acts like Battles never really clicked for me. Maybe it will grow on me. Since you endorse it, I will definitely keep my mind open to it and give it another shot.
  13. the worst signing of warp is everything that isn't electronic
  14. woah woah, you best not be dissin' Battles. They're IDM as fuck! .. then again, I did have to strongly convince people here that Pivot/PVT were worth checking out, too many people dismiss them because they have a live drummer and guitarist. I can see the appeal to battles but it's just not my thing I guess. What I meant is more so that the wave of artists similar to battles kind of signaled an end of a different warp era.... Now there are a ton of artists similar to battles and it's kind of taken the scene over. I pine for the days of aphex, squarepusher, LFO, plaid... the black dog...... It's just a different dimension of Warp I suppose. Tbh I don't know wtf I mean.
  15. Every new story like this I hear about warp, the more I hate them. What has happened to warp...? Oh right, shit like battles, grizzly bears, etc etc etc.
  16. intelligently challenged ! Glad you are getting internet. 7 weeks with no internet would screw me up.
  17. I don't understand the conversation, anymore.
  18. red wine makes your tongue black? I have never experienced this. I guess I'm not drinking enough red wine =( and my poop. ! My mission for next weekend now is to drink enough red wine to accomplish this!
  19. red wine makes your tongue black? I have never experienced this. I guess I'm not drinking enough red wine =(
  20. Sure you can! Theres this one stuff called cherry jack. It's 11$ for 4 liters. hmm... not here unfortunately ( victoria ) I visit victoria on my way to nanaimo every year. I'll bring you a bottle this summer, with a supply of advil for the fallout lol
  21. You're right. I don't usually make a distinction between classic dnb and classic jungle, not sure why I tie the two together... I do however separate the jump-up shit like pendulum and to a lesser degree dieselboy and all that, from jungle and dnb in general. I hope that made sense. But I agree with you.
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