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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Even though my job pays ok, I am looking for a new one because my boss is incompetent. It's like watching a 3 legged stray cat struggle to get into your dumpster for some garbage or something. It is depressing and infuriating all at once.
  2. Come on you can troll better than that Chen
  3. Yeah Ceephax has certainly got some decent output, and in terms of keeping music discussion relevant (I mean... current versus nostalgic...) it is certainly reasonable! Ceephax and Mouse on Mars would be two of my recommendations.
  4. Who are they in your opinion? I think Vibert has influenced tons of musicians, even Aphex' analords series were inspired by the lovers' acid album, right? The wagonchrist moniker has inspired tons of artists including DJ shadow, Kid koala (I read that in some interviews a bit back, will see if I can link). http://forum.watmm.c...e-vibert-forum/ Sorry I know that's there, I've posted in it!... I just meant theres other people with more influence. =P I am hung over and not entirely with-it today. Forgive me. Venetian snares has definitely influenced the current scene, probably more so than any other artist in the last 10 years, though his merit is debated by some people...
  5. Who are they in your opinion? I think Mouse on Mars RE the technical merit + they were around in the early 90's, doing their business, though they were maybe not as far reaching in terms of influence (maybe due to low exposure on the label they were on?) I think Vibert has influenced tons of musicians, even Aphex' analords series were inspired by the lovers' acid album, right? The wagonchrist moniker has inspired tons of artists including DJ shadow, Kid koala (I read that in some interviews a bit back, will see if I can link). I guess everyone has a different idea of who is influential or deserving a featured artist spot, I just figure if Mr Cylob was going to be rude about it/unappreciative maybe someone else deserved some limelight. We should have a poll for it.
  6. I have to get another root canal today. It sucked.... My tooth wouldn't freeze so every time they started drilling it felt like death. They ended up having to use 2x the regular freezing amount, 8 needles. 1650$ too =(
  7. Cylob has an extensive back catalogue, and was one of the big names in the electronic music scene in the 90's when his peers Aphex and µ-Ziq and Squarepusher were redefining electronic music as we knew it. He's a great musician, even if some of his later output was a bit too tongue in cheek (IMO) versus the sonic masterpieces like Flicklife, Diof, and my personal favourite, Kobal. His Ventolin remix is one of the best ones out of the set. When you say extensive back catalogue... do you mean it extends beyond what I see here on discogs: http://www.discogs.com/artist/Cylob I only ask because I figure there are a number of artists with similar or more technical merit, were equally or more so influential to the scene, and, if that rant was indeed directed at WATMM, more deserving of any free promotion efforts. Before coming to WATMM, I'd never heard of cylob aside from his appearance on ventolin - the remixes and being part of cylobotnia. After coming here I went through his back catalogue on discogs and was thoroughly un-impressed. My personal opinion aside, I've seen others share my opinion of him on WATMM in various snickerings about him being featured... If he hates WATMM so much, maybe its time to replace him with another featured artist. Edit: as unimpressed as I was, maybe it was a hasty first impression. I value the opinion of watmm as a collective so I'm going to re-visit his material. I still stand by it though, if he's really that ungrateful maybe we can give the featured spot to someone more deserving. The true fans will take the 17 seconds to type in his URL daily if they care.
  8. How was it determined that Cylob was to be a featured artist?
  9. I got really sick yesterday after getting together with family to honour my gram (she passed away Tuesday). Being sick, I ended up taking medicine. Apparently it was too much and the dxm kept me up all night in a sweat. Too much medicine = first world problem...?
  10. No stress. To the contrary thats kind of rude of your landlord to send something expecting you to not pay your bills on time. wtf is that all about?! it's a bunch of bullshit that my real estate agent assured me is nothing to worry about. considering monday is memorial day, we'll have to wait until tuesday to confirm my unnecessary worries. in other news, i was putting the moves on a lovely young lady, only to find out she's on her period Yeah no kidding, I've never heard of a landlord EXPECTING the tenant to pay late. BS! But yeah, I guess if she's on her rag you could just stick her in the bum =) jk. That sucks man =(
  11. .... serious? You ok? Was that related to the red bull/espresso or are those separate issues? I take in close to 1000mg of caffeine a day, its making me anxious too. I need to cut back.
  12. No stress. To the contrary thats kind of rude of your landlord to send something expecting you to not pay your bills on time. wtf is that all about?!
  13. I try and have a healthy, rounded meal that includes bush-burger at least once a night.
  14. It has always sounded like "my feet, my hands and my penis" but penis is buggered up because it's in a childs voice. "To cure a weakling child" is I believe a reference to a well known case involving a member of the church and a young boy. There are similar commentaries throughout Richards work... Then again, this is speculation as I have only read this in other forums and I'm basing it on my perception of some of his albums. Some very creepy undertones.
  15. What is a wooly? I always thought she was saying woman. I thought it said WOODY? Get me another shirt, get me another tie, get me another woody....
  16. to get you to disclose your hidden cache of mummified bacon strips you've held in high regard since you were aged 6? Is there a story behind this? lol
  17. Interesting! Learn something new every day. Hopefully I don't find out the bluefin tuna here is just yellowfin with food colouring. lol Edit: there should be laws or some sort of authority to report these crooks to, false advertising and all that shit innit?
  18. So just so I fully understand. Kobe beef is not exported from Japan to anywhere in the world?
  19. Unless all of the places here are lying and selling it as Kobe when it's only kobe style? I don't see how they could get away with that at 175$ a lb though, while advertising that it is genuinely from Kobe cattle..
  20. They sell kobe internationally..? it's usually expensive though. Nope. Uhm, yes? Premium Cut Direct here imports it from Japan weekly? It's not like it's restricted from leaving the borders of Japan. You can buy Wagyu at pretty much every grocery store here, and just have to go to specialty shops to buy Kobe. They sell kobe internationally..? it's usually expensive though. Nope. True. But you can get Wagyu meat outside of Japan. Why wouldn't you be able to get kobe beef outside of Japan?
  21. They sell kobe internationally..? it's usually expensive though.
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