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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. I just washed down my ECA stack with a glass of "Red Rave" energy drink mixed with vodka. Concerned I might either pee blood or poop out my liver tomorrow.... Too many chemicals..
  2. That sucks! =( Hey I don't want to poke fun ... but getting drunk ends up in confusion and headache anyway At least for me. lol.
  3. It's Friday night and I can't go out drinking because I have to work sunday and I have my final project due. but I have a 40 of malt liquor in the fridge so maybe I'll just drink that while I study.
  4. Yeah I get the same impression. They've wanted south park to end for a few seasons (since season 12, they did an interview a while back where they said they were tired of south park a long time ago, I'll find and post it) but comedy central keeps throwing money at them. I think they are contracted up to season 17 or 18, and I have a feeling that will be the end of south park. Problem is, like the simpsons, theres always a way to make south park relevant to the viewer so... it might just go on and on and on. Not sure.
  5. I've heard of these!!! I would love to do that but I can't imagine importing a case of onions just for me. I wonder if I could find a specialty grocer that carries them. My new first world problem is that I want to try Walla Walla onions but don't know where to find them lol
  6. Thanks! I started January 2nd. I'm the plant supervisor at a government facility here in Canada. We are the common collection agency for recycled materials in our province. We basically sort different products and then densify it and sell it in huge blocks to companies for them to melt/break down with heat or solvents. Previously I was a management specialist for admin/customer service at UPS Canada, for 6years, so it's a huge change for me. What about you?! Btw just wanted to add a first world problem. I ate a big sandwhich but it had onion on it, now my breath smells like onions and I'm chewing gum but it's not working, it just tastes like onion and mint.
  7. thats awesome man. I did the same thing when I got my new job (took a few extra weeks to relax). Sounds like you're having a great week! I'm emailing your boss now!!! muahahah :)
  8. If it bugs you, bring it up. You guys share the place after all.
  9. Nice! also you can dissolve jolly ranchers candy in vodka and it tastes exactly like the candy. give it a shot. (or 11 shots).
  10. Bought a bag of bagels from Safeway yesterday...... None of them have holes in them. Are they still bagels?
  11. Found out my flight to honolulu tomorrow doesn't serve alcohol.... granted it's a 7AM flight, but still.... I get nervous when I fly and alcohol seems to fix it. I will have to take some valium or ativan instead I guess. Oh well.
  12. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

    1. Ivan Ooze

      Ivan Ooze


    2. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus


  13. Finishing up "Freakonomics". Has anyone read the 2nd one?
  14. Have you seen this stuff? 40 pounds a bottle? =/ http://www.brewdog.com/product/sink-the-bismarck
  15. Sounds good m8. Just plain black coffee for me. Way too many beers last night. Coffee = cure. I had waaaay tooooooo many beers Good Friday, only just recovered tbh. I'll be having a few more in a short while, just refreshing Peroni, no thick, treacely beers. You really like your peroni hey? I notice you always seem to be drinking that. I've only had it once, but I remember it was good.
  16. Sounds good m8. Just plain black coffee for me. Way too many beers last night. Coffee = cure.
  17. "after hooking up with her for a few minutes" like... you nailed her and she told you she was 17 after? Or you were just talking. Either way, wth man! 17 is legal tender. It's not like you were lurking and looking for young un's (I think). just making out with her at a show for a few minutes—17 is not legal tender in nyc, as far as i'm aware. :( I understand, all good man. =) I looked up age of consent in New York and it's actually 17! Not trying to be creepy or anything, I don't know how old you are. Just saying you didn't do anything illegal.
  18. "after hooking up with her for a few minutes" like... you nailed her and she told you she was 17 after? Or you were just talking. Either way, wth man! 17 is legal tender. It's not like you were lurking and looking for young un's (I think).
  19. I hear ya. Am glad someone does, The lols are fadeing away more and more since theres others analyzing every picture if its funny or not, Weres the lol in that exactly I think of the funny pics thread as the funny pages in a newspaper, Were as others look upon it as some sort of failed funny art gallery True. It doesn't help that pics that SOME people find funny are removed by the moderators etc because they don't find it funny.
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