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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. @BerkI love the concept of this thread though. Interested to see where it leads. Big fan of one pot meals, slow cookers, casserole dishes etc.
  2. Not actually a casserole dish per-se? But we use our paderno dutch oven all the time. It's like the... original instant pot if you're experienced with cooking. Saute, boil, braise/roast etc as long as you know what you're doing you'll get an amazing dish out of it.
  3. I’m pretty vocal, blunt, and basically a jerk about music I don’t like. I’m cognizant the guy is super talented but sometimes the direction he goes baffles me a bit. I’ll always give these artists my ear though even if eventually throw their record into a pond ? Looking forward to this album based on what I’ve heard!
  4. Thank Frank! I have some new stuff to dive into ?
  5. I did a quick google search on population distribution and coastal regions and it seems to be a pretty complex & interesting topic on it but the papers generally fall into the socioeconomic domain which is kinda what I expected. Can't dive in tonight to try and explain the eastern phenom but hope to tomorrow. Thanks for bringing up such an interesting topic!! ?
  6. I’m not positive but I know an int’l economics course I took touched base on this, but I’ve drank most of the specifics away from memory ?. I know the Silk Road etc heavily influenced migration and settlement patterns for example but that tended to be east from Japan so.... ? I’m curious now though so inclined to check my notes to try and understand a bit better. Edit: also just a note - although the history is centuries old populations only truly exploded post industrialization. So there's that to consider in the timeline. Naturally only those areas producing/industrialized would see explosive growth in population & then generally speaking people wouldn't necessarily migrate far from birth places. Kind of like mold.
  7. Japan most certainly - better fishing (long culture/history), exports to NA, and slightly less mountainous and volcanic. Not sure on Australia?
  8. Purely speculating but I imagine you’d find a big correlation with export patterns is what I’m saying.
  9. Access to ports and the industrialization and agglomeration etc that accompany that access? West coast is p busy too tbh but population tends to increase where there’s ports. Eastern ports in NA are probably busier given access to Europe/longest standing trading partners. same deal with China and Japan (shipping to largest consumers, USA it makes sense for ports to be in the east. Also at least for North America the east was settled first right? So maybe just a remnant of hundreds of years of settlement pattern
  10. I think Alcos review should be pinned pls its the least we can do to honour his achievement getting his review degree
  11. The vocals are actually what turn me off about the majority of his releases. Feels/sounds like I’m in a hot topic or something at the mall. I thought the teaser track was tastefully done though? Didn’t go overboard like I expected.
  12. Putting that north face gear to use hiking the wilderness
  13. There’s a new David Attenborough series starting this week?
  14. New artist to me - this release is my first! Definitely going to check out more though. ?
  15. On first listen, this is really good. Could be a uziq release tbh if I closed my eyes. Something is off with the mastering though even at medium volume its hurting my big ass ears. Worth buying for sure. Thanks for sharing. September Remember and The New Last are my favs with Never Met a close third (James Holden vibes there).
  16. I’m hoping ? this comes out a couple days early. Gf has the 23rd off and it’s her birthday that weekend so hope to dive in for her birthday with some good food and maybe an edible ?
  17. P much this. His live shows are good too if you ever have a chance to see him. Super nice guy.
  18. If he’s questioning you while you’re trying to listen to the next autechre album you tell him Santa doesn’t exist ?
  19. Yes but the second preorder link says “preorder synthetic storm 2xlp” ? must just be the name of the coloured vinyl ?
  20. Ooo nice! Wait, confused. Is the album titled “in decay, too”? What’s the preorder link for “synthetic storm” LP right under it?
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