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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Canada closing borders to all that are not citizens or permanent residents. also the US is exempt from the ban lol ? https://calgarysun.com/news/national/trudeau-to-announce-restrictions-on-international-flights/wcm/6e3648a8-4c60-4356-9e84-728f0f58be12
  2. Hugh Mughnus

    Rob pls

    alcofribas Orb... Bro.... Rob Alco = The Orb = The Bro = Rob confirmed Remaining letters = alcfias… Facials? =O
  3. ?? I brought beans etc to help Spiral recharge his anal exhaler maybe we'll be blessed with another h o t - o n e
  4. I brot a mask in case I sick alreddy.
  5. I’m sure I just have a cold but it’s hard not to think, in the back of my mind lol, that it might be something worse! hope that clears up for you soon
  6. Guess who woke up with a mild cold this morning? ?
  7. Can I come in? I'll bring poutine and maple syrup and I'll be nice to NTS sessions.
  8. Did they give a reason why? I’ve been waiting for a response to my claim for 9 weeks now
  9. pointless thought. I just learned what a Prince Albert piercing is. why the shit anyone would do that intentionally. I can't even.
  10. I actually dialed 1800-CLEANASS just for fun before realizing cleanass is 1 too many digits. it was ringing but I didn’t let it get to an operator, when I googled the number it seems like it’s a South American hotline of sorts
  11. Unfortunately, it will probably wake almost no one up. The US is f'ed right up.
  12. Shit - not what I wanted to read...
  13. @Alcofribas any chance we will get an alco review of the Coronavirus? levity needed
  14. I went in to Superstore here and holy fuck I was frightened. The line ups were going half way into all the aisles and everyone was panic buying toilet paper and medicine. I got n95 masks for work but the normal medical ones are gone nearly everywhere. Also this guy, who has a lengthy criminal record, has been doing this: https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2020/03/12/were-hustlers-amid-coronavirus-fears-this-couple-has-made-more-than-100000-reselling-lysol-wipes.htm Jesus man, that's low. I expect we see a lot more of that in the coming weeks... Airdrie Walmart (last night I think): A friend of mine posted pics at that same Walmart this morning, she went as soon as it opened - all grocery shelves were essentially empty.
  15. Welp, people are panic buying here like nuts. Lots of the large grocery stores (including Walmart) are sold out, shelves empty. Some looting starting (that's not very Canadian-like wtf?). Guys I wanted to make homemade burritos tonight this sucks.
  16. People in the US pay crazy money to go to the NCAA March Madness and Final Four. That shit is nonrefundable I bet, and a lot of tickets are sold by scalpers. Not to mention the Tokyo Olympics. I'm not familiar with either of those! It really sucks that is non-refundable IMO, in any other context (IE contract for sale of an item or services rendered) it would be. The only reason I even bring it up is because these are people about to be isolated, probably losing salary from not being allowed to go to work, having to pay a premium for healthcare related to the virus as well as a premium for things like getting necessities and groceries delivered... =(
  17. Oh, you're probably right in a lot of cases! People worried that their tickets to Wrestlemania or their $60 club tix are cancelled... I don't know, those are low priority. I'm thinking more of the people that have booked cruises (typically you have to fly to the location before getting on the cruise? Like you're responsible for a separate flight to get to the point of disembarkation.). They're out potentially thousands of dollars depending on how companies are handling it. Myself for example I have flights to Iceland and hotels booked there for June - I have no idea if I can get refunds if this stuff gets out of hand. Which sucks because I'm kinda poor right now and could use the money (I could use the distraction of travel much more though!). lol I'm p sure my flight to Portland for the pusher' show next month will be refunded thankfully. ?
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