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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. oh I'm sorry hunny. It was actually a deece looking couple pizzas tbh, and I like what you did with your nails in the pic.
  2. it shows how culturally isolated we've become over the past years. I don't see what's unreasonable about 1) wanting to know where the good hard earned money one spent on travel/arrangements etc will be because of the virus 2) wanting to know whether conditions will be safe to travel in a few months. There are thousands of people that have booked flights, cruises, etc that don't want to see their money go "POOF". What's wrong with that? Help me understand.
  3. slap in the face to your burger heritage.
  4. We’re just talking about that now, not sure if it will be canceled or if we will get flight refunds etc. Ideally cases would taper off and it will be safe to go but I’m really not sure! Shitty buzz
  5. I read he was arrested today for drunk driving.
  6. This looks dope! Reminds me of like Minecraft cross Broforce or something. Unfortunately I don't play too many games on mobile but I do have an iPhone and will prob check it out. Congrats on your hard work put into this. ?
  7. For me there is a case now a few counties over in Texas. No longer feel comfortable making fun of it, lol. I'll almost certainly die if I contract it - high blood pressure, asthma, overweight, smoker, etc. ?
  8. don’t send me that NTS ???
  9. Two cases confirmed in my community, about a block away. If I suddenly stop posting, it's been good y'all. love & light
  10. We got our 8s for free yeah. 400USD for the X still seems p high though!
  11. It's in the mail! I was half trolling, I don't dislike the release that much it's just fun to be an asshole sometimes. ?
  12. Why are you getting back into speed though? I thought you were off it for a while... =(
  13. Time to "dump" my money in shitwipe stocks.
  14. Me and my company parted ways in January (first time being jobless since I was 15!) so I guess I'm the "other" category. lol!
  15. US healthcare is ridiculously fucked I think we can both agree on that... I can't believe life saving treatment is that expensive...
  16. lol shit, dlo liked them too you're ded now m8 I tried I'm sorry
  17. @pcock I made it -15 for u -15 rep on watmm is the coronavirus vaccine tho hopefully no one else likes your posts or you're doomed.
  18. are you having a stroke? =(
  19. No, according to the image, those are PCs, I think you got the two mixed up. ugh I'm so bad with all this newfangled technology =(
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