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Everything posted by dumplings

  1. dumplings

    elseq 1-5

    It's a chunk of change fer sher but when it comes to the chre' I've no doubt that whatever they release is worth it. Have a nice seqs and chill.
  2. dumplings

    elseq 1-5

    http://i.imgur.com/RHyhXvi.gifv Going through the traecs briefly, enjoying the thread hype but realise it's past my bed time.
  3. OoOf, nice stuff. I haven't kept up with the pace of all his dumpage so this is a refreshing hook back to it all.
  4. Haha love how the dog just seem to shake the moment off, looking guilty and embarrassed. Poor sod.
  5. Yeah I'm still having a lot of fun with Destiny. I've logged 350hrs on it though, maybe time to step back a bit. lol. Add me up if you want to do some raids together sometime. Zsajdba7 is my handle. I'm usually on around 10pm mountain standard time Sweet, I can definitely see how you've clocked so much time on there, I wouldn't worry too much! XBOC or PS4FX?
  6. Destiny and Rocket League. Love Destiny. I'm one of the players that bought it post-Taken King and I can totally understand that the people before TK got dumped on hard but I'm enjoying the game so much that I won't be boycotting it for shit. I'm casual with it so grinding for guns and armour are a prolonged saga compared to the others that do the Raids everyday. Slowly getting up to that rung.
  7. It's 07:39 and I want that burger in my hands now.
  8. Thanks for the links guys. Parallel World and Cosine have been on heavy repeats recently.
  9. Bild saying Xhaka is a done thing to Arsenal, after Wengah apparently meeting his family and discussing monies etc. I'm not getting my hopes up but that would be a nice signing.
  10. I started watching (finally) The Wire this weekend. 3 episodes in and I already feel lost in that world. It's steered me back towards listening to some goon/90's boom bap too which is a good thing.
  11. It's not a secret at all, not when your name appears on a release... He also uploaded the first ever Gescom track (G1) to Facebook a few years ago. Ah, not such an open secret then, I didn't realise that!
  12. Isn't it an open secret that Bola is/has been apart of Gescom? One of the best tracks from the laeds. Great compilation also, to think that this^ track is paired with a bit of alternate BoC too, dang.
  13. Morning after dumpleton was sublime.
  14. Not sure if this works OK (on the phone) but I went to Five Guys for my born day last month. Guuuuuuhhhhh. Had a double-cheeseburger, fries and malt shake. After, I still had the belly space for another and ended getting a massive bag of fries for free, noice!
  15. Still waiting on these pictures Audioblysk. Am hungry. help.
  16. "Dats a fuckin' toona bro, Aw man Jay" I've watched this so much hahahaha. Sounds like Pesci.
  17. Didn't that company also make pudding pies? I remember a colleague of mine that was talking about having them when he was younger and they were actually quite nice (pudding pies). Can't find them anymore though, Fray Bentos lives on instead.
  18. He's actually a super villain. How would one remove GFK's verses from that album though? is that even possible?
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