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Everything posted by dumplings

  1. has anyone got a link for all the stuff that got posted(deleted) from yesterday and today at all? bros, guys, fellas and pals?
  2. There's more?! I didn't get on my laptop last night and wake up this morning with more new stuff?! The thought of another mind blown week is crazy, trying to digest everything he's thrown at us last week is an age long experience n___n
  3. The percussion on Cutting is mental. Makes me want to listen to Under BOAC!
  4. Cheers manmower, download fine, great work! *Listens to Sams Car straight away*
  5. I've got a days work ahead of me on my lonesome, with the new(old) tracks keep me company. What a Friday! n.n
  6. deco Loc feels like new ground from ae. It's sound is something I wouldn't associate them with first off, threads of ae definitely, but it's got more of a human feel to it (maybe from the vocal samples) and although the more warmer-funkier notes hit something different for me.
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvUEJP-gbw8&spfreload=10 Found this gem of an album this week!
  8. I know we have L-Event but it would be awesome to have some more Exai sounding tracks released. I'd love some unfinished material 'released', like a cheesy mixtape on DatPiff with Sean & Rob on the cover with some outrageous artwork.
  9. Sunday is Jazzday: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTSUcfKmSl8&spfreload=10
  10. I'm Lovin' It. I Haven't had a burger since I last posted in here and have since gauged on lots of Turkish food so, I'm by no means salivating for any of these burgers posted ITT (I'm actually feeling quite sick) but I may well be tomorrow morning, so cheers fellas.
  11. Courtesy of Miracles. The cafe/diner is called Miracles in leafy North London. The burger; Miracles Incredibles. Soft but lightly toasted squidgy bun, onion rings (optional, in or out of the burger), red onions, cheese, bacon, egg and I can't remember the oz but the burger 'patty' is a good inch thick, proper beef, high quality. Errrrrmmaaaarrrrgherd. I can safely say that I've never had a better burger
  12. I keep meaning to abandon this thread, my mouth starts watering even after dinner! That guys burger on the page before looks AMAZING! ahhhh. I could definitely do without a lot of salad in my burgers though, cheese + onions / sauce completes a burger. Save the veg.
  13. This is my first Aphex Twin release, felt the need to go all out and purchase the different formats. I received my Japanese copies today, might try and keep that CD sealed ha. God I wish I was around for the Druqks LP!
  14. Madlib pointed this record out in an interview, what a find!
  15. I can see this album accompanying me well through the winter well enough. Time to lay off syro for a bit and back into a bit of koch..
  16. Osiris really does kick some. Really enjoying the whole thing so far, letting it digest alongside Syro, weekend is set!
  17. I imagine that predominantly everyone on watmm or those itt have already pre ordered the album. I think it's ok to DL a leek in advance right?
  18. Is it an easy process ordering the Japanese version? I seem to remember ordering direct from a Japanese record shop with another record, and it was so long winded. I'd quite like to get top notch albums in a Japanese release also (if possible).
  19. I haven't listened to Exai in full for a good while, but more so playing single tracks here and there to still give me the saesoning. I want to try and stave off listening to ae before syro drops for some reason, anyone else getting them feels? deco Loc buUumps.
  20. sexy pi zza b o n e r immint.
  21. I don't know how to react to news like this?! I can't wait for sure but I'm astounded, everything building up to this has been awesome.
  22. Just finished Thor: Godbomb. 2nd volume in the new Thor graphic novel series. The storyline by Jason Aaron is paced well and the artwork is unreal, Esad Ribic really encapsulates how Thor is pictured for me. I'm baffled why he's not involved in the third instalment of the series.
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