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Lane Visitor

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Lane Visitor

  1. lol so hilarious, and yes eerily prophetic!
  2. Man, it's fucking weird to see this verbalized but I am also striving towards health. I broke a sexual dry spell at the first of August and I just started fucking devouring junk food and wanking nonstop like an animal. I got back on track throughout September but looks like I'm in for another round when Richard unlocks the pleasure gates. Picture me in my car with a pizza and Mountain Dew, wanking and crying to MetzOr don't picture it actually--would be a well grim sight Lololol YESSSS!!!!! Fuck u guys r getting me hard for new aphex. God i hate leaks and youtube and streaming right now. Tempting to listen, but i shan't.. I think a listening experience in pure solitude, and a giant pizza is required for me as well when the cd hits stores. I cant see discovering this long-awaited return any other way. Pizza, Aphex Twin and me. :D :D :D
  3. I'm feeling in such syro limbo mode right now.. I didnt pre-order cuz i just moved didnt want to overdraft my first month of living in my new place... but i also haven't listened to the ahem album online anywhere yet... nor do i think i will... but then again, i did hear some of the previews on one of those reseller sites like bleep.. very low quality streams.. only heard it once in my headphones plugged into my phone on my way home from work.. i felt a mixture of pure excitement and giddyness, but also felt kinda guilty for A. hearing it for the first time via shitty previews and B. that i didnt pre-order.. but i was also in a bad mood that day cuz of life drama shit... nonetheless what i heard sounded amazing... but, i think i will hold back from listening to the album in any format/way until the physical copy hits record stores after buying a copy and prob a vinyl. i may even then buy the 24 bit version online if thats still available then. i had to confess my syro actions/lack of action to my fellows watmmers. looking forward to hearing this full album all the way through for my first time on DISC! :D edit: until then, i will live through the excitement of the ones on here whove heard it (:
  4. Woah, this is my hometown from the year after I was born. Super personal vaporwave. This is incredible! Amazing work on that project, and looking forward to checking out your next one! (:
  5. https://soundcloud.com/route8/facing-worlds
  6. How Aphex would it be if at the listening parties, they gave out headphones for the lucky guests to listen to Syro, and all that played was white noise for an hour? Lolol
  7. Well, at least you know the soundwaves comprising Syro's audio structure will be reverberating off of the walls and into your earholes. yumm
  8. is richard gonna be at the listening parties to sign autographs? will i be able to give demos of my music to warp a&r reps while im there? will there be a beer garden? is there a cell phone-charging station? there are things we need to know here...
  9. zing! there he is. great stuff JD hahahahaha YES!!!! oh god, what i would do for some sort of aphex twin/ american psyhco co-joined theme. "American Twin: The Aphex Syro/Drukqs Outtakes filmscore set to American Psycho alternate ending and outtakes edition" mmmm
  10. haha me too! great moments there... i think my next glimpse at aphex was his complete opposite - come to daddy- on mtv one late night in front of the tv when i was young... freaked the hell out of me in the best way possible.. but what was even more eerie and mysterious was that juxtaposition of the tranqil, ambient, spaciness of his remixes on further down the spiral, with the brutal terrifying chaos of come to daddy. my tweenage mind was like wwwtttffff what genre is this aphex twin thing, and how could what i just heard on ftds and saw/heard on mtv be the same artist?.. i had no idea what/who it was but i knew i wanted more of the weirdness lol
  11. This is the ATP/Minehead track My question regarding this and metz tracks.. how the HELL does rdj get such liquid, plasticy, smooth, yet still cutting, agressive and super dynamic sounds? it's like everything's floating in a pool of perfect reverb/delay, yet it's it not cuz it's perfectly sharp and defined.. it's like fucking 10 dimensional. windowlicker and flim was the same way, but this ATP and Metz and his other newer stuff is like even more high resolution sounding.. ive heard this similar effect on his rdj album.. ive also heard this type of quality/richness in a number of commercial releases, but not to the affect of how aphex pulls it off.. anyway, i always wondered how he gets those bubbly tones.. do you guys think it's more in the production/production tools/programming, or more in the mixing/gear ? or both? like half half??
  12. you can still buy vinyl of The Brothers - Tomorrow's Hype, so I doubt the standard versions of this will sell out good point, thanks for the insight *calms down* :D
  13. i wonder if the cd and standard vinyl will still be available to pre-order in a week... what do u guys think? if i buy it all right now, im living off of tablescraps if that until my next paycheck lol
  14. YESS! Mark Isham! haha just came across this tape rip of floral shoppe.. god, it sounds so good.. its no wonder it's still heralded as the flagship vape album mac plus 4 eva
  15. It would be interesting if they were all just old unlreased Aphex Tracks remastered and shown now to hype up his real shit. I dont think so, there are many fairly talented people out there who use this as a method to get attention. I'd like to stress the quality on these fakes that pop up prior to the releases from these artists (Aphex, Autechre, BoC), is quite a mindblowing phenomenon. not aphex... just discovered the uploader's soundcloud has the same track lol funny this person didn't even hide it: [sc5]144204192[/sc5]
  16. ahhh barcode is... 0123456789012 like just counting from 0 to 9 and then starting again hmmmm
  17. _______ |/ | | | | | | _ |___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hangman time! is there an R? "SYRO release will be October" ?
  18. but imagine idm and aphex breaks with those sounds... smooth and modulated and ran through tons of gearporn :D
  19. hahahah me too.. i feel like this news needs to be everywhere from cnn tickers to billboards to my phone blowing up with text messages.. i even checked the cnn entertainment section just in case of the rare absurd event that aphex news made it there as a sort of ironic yet super epic idm news release.
  20. Yes, papa! I was wondering that myself.. http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/us/definition/american_english/Syro- http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/syro- http://dictionary.reverso.net/english-definition/Syro- i wonder if there are any geographical/ cultural undertones to the album/concept.. or if it's just a funky name ;D
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