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Lane Visitor

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Lane Visitor

  1. I'm guessing with this new art it's something either ambient or atmospheric and minimal acid techno. Or not. Either way it's going to be fucking awesome and I'm not going to be able to contain myself.
  2. They all look like they're just sort of floating/hovering. Donnie looks like he's seconds away from falling forward flat on his face. Some truly awkward people, kinda feel bad for his kids, just born into this nonsense that they kinda just have to sustain at this point lol
  3. Ive been listening to his SoundCloud works recently and was reminded at the sheer volume of incredible unreleased material that I've yet to fully discover. It's like he blessed us with a decades worth of ear candy to explore, so appreciative.
  4. kind of shocking to me that they actually believe that. i tend to feel like, deep down, earnest repubs know that they don't really understand the issues they're talking about, and / or that they are supporting based on some wedge issue, disregarding proportionality to the whole, and that they are mimicking confident opinions they perceived as respected. I agree that those are common reasons GOP voters stick with Trump, and it's built on rhetorical tactics that have been gradually solidified and started before Reagan. Ignorance and wedge issues indeed. Despite that, I stand by that conclusion. Yesterday was a line in the sand. If you excise the Mueller investigation and collusion, and you can, it was still objectively wrong what he did in Helsinki. It transcends partisan politics. It's not the worst thing but it's free of the left vs right debate tied to other wrongs he's committed under his term. There are going to be Republicans who stick with him and those who will continue to call him out on this very basic moral obligation as POTUS. Those in the latter camp will eventually be forced out or will voluntarily leave. You are now witnessing the Trump supporters who have turned on 100% unwavering support for him and the Republican Party over Roy Moore's defeat is about the only other preview of a litmus test earlier I can think of that occurred earlier, with some voting for a Dem, Nick Saban, or abstaining. I've already seen conservative friends of mine yesterday acknowledge embarrassment over Helsinki while others went even further into denial, redirecting, or flat out conspiracy territory. Many are either too far gone or are way too proud to back down. That sentiment of lacking courage is withering away to straight up obliviousness and delusion, if it hasn't already. Offhand I can break down those supporting Trump is multiple categories. I know people personally who fit each one: - Naive Ignorant - the Ken Bone independent voters, those who normally don't vote, those who voted Obama in 2008, etc. Many probably regret it. Others have no idea what's going on. They could easily vote Dem or not vote next election. Many probably won't even know the mid-terms are coming up. - Right-wing Ignorant - the anti-Clinton, drain the swamp, MAGA suckers and those who are the "wedge issue" folks - the Christian and pro-life fall in this camp. So do the rust belt working class folks. This is the legacy of the Tea Party movement. They likely complain about populist issues that harm them while blindly supporting Republicans who enact them. They aren't racist or mean-spirited IRL but they hypocritically excuse or echo that ethos indirectly or via complacency. - Pragmatic - these are folks who think the POTUS is reckless imbecile, albeit quietly...but stocks are doing well. The baby-sitters in the Trump admin fall in this camp, so do all of the GOP members who criticized Trump before he was elected but are happy about de-regulation, tax cuts, and special interests. They are biding their time. They range from moderate to very conservative but none are in the alt-right or conspiracy territory - after all the Wall Street and wealth isn't limited to one ideological side. - Right-wing extreme - the alt-right, the pro-Kremlin, anti-Liberal Democracy elements and the emboldened white supremacists, nationalists, fringe elements, etc. The absolute scariest of the bunch because they are yielding increasing influence on the above three camps and above all else it's undermining the fundamental beliefs of American democracy. They sway the naive via relentless misinformation - faux news, online bots, subversive social media, etc. Their rhetoric is eaten up voraciously by the ignorant right-wingers and is gradually converting them. The pragmatic, establishment right-wingers are constrained by their effectiveness and increasingly undermined by the extreme. It is anything but conservative - it's right wing populism.This a seed Trump planted even if he doesn't believe it himself. He certainly didn't beforehand but his own delusions and narcissism likely means by default he espouses it. We have authoritarians seeking one-party rule in power. Our Republic is being bombarded to hell but is historically stronger in it's Constitution and laws than most other democracies that have fallen to dictatorships via fascism or left wing populist-peddling despots. That's how we've avoided full on civil strife, a constitutional crises, a coup, etc. for now. I hope it can stay entact long enough to flush Trump and those taking advantage of his presidency out. Brilliant anaylsis of the personas. And how surreal is it to see these different groups mingling and defending one another with complete ease and unashamedly unifying as a choir to praise Trump? 41.8% current approval rate. What?? Who ARE these people? How the hell did Russia manipulate almost half our damn country to become loyal to a complete unqualified moron dictator?? And being that this manipulation has been pretty much proven, isn't interfering with our election / democracy essentially an act of war on us?
  5. What the actual fuck? There's so much absurdity in all of this that it's hard to keep track of or even put it all together. And it's moving to fast for us to even feel like we even need to connect anything cuz it's kind of spelling itself out in real time.
  6. New rappers need to look to Pac, Bone, Biggie, Wu Tang, Mos Def, Talib Kweli, JayZ, The Roots, etc. Real hip hop has soul. This trap shit is the equivalent of teeny bopper boy band stuff. The whole "goes hard" thing which is also prevalent in dubstep, EDM and bascially any rhythmic / bass driven modern electronic music is in my opinion the total opposite of what music was made to do. Dance music and hip hop have always been bass oriented but it's been about the groove and arrangement and attitude and music. Now it's about the DROP and the BASS and the FX only. Like it's a giant Dolby /THX commercial.
  7. Yeah I thought it was gonna finally fizz out like 6 fucking years ago but it seems to only be getting bigger and bigger each season lol The lazy rapping combined with the lazy trap beats has become a mainstay of urban music today it seems. I feel like a 70 year saying this stuff but come the fuck on already with EVERYONE sounding like either Drake or ASAP Rocky or somewhere in between. I think what really gets me is how it's all wrapped up in this dark fake avante garde aesthetic. As if making rap imagery a tad more artsy is somehow next level. There are some cool things I've heard and seen here and there, but for the most part it's all blah. I wish the real rappers and hip hop producers would start a battle with the trap bs. Cuz there are still and always will be amazing hip hop, but it doesn't get as much love as the fake stuff. There should be a new East coast vs West coast, but instead of regions, should be boom bap vs trap lol
  8. forgot about this classic Ken, I'd like to request an Acapella rendition of Aphex Twin's "Curtains" please. Ty.
  9. I can't help but love this... Who is this? That print is so small.
  10. Really dude, you're gonna take a cheap shot at Armored Saint? My uncle was in that band and they were quite respectable in their time. It was a thing of the era to have epic themes and fantasy-inspired apparel. You can bully 'the Saint' all you want my my uncle and the gang have changed lives with their music, which AS fans agree is timeless.
  11. Just made this ambient thing yesterday on a whim ?? https://soundcloud.com/donovan-hikaru/donovan-hikaru-4th-of-july
  12. 808 State's Ex El. It's a go to of mine and have been playing it on my way to and from work for the last few days. Such an awesome journey as is every 808 State release. Really love the chilly exotic world vibes and light plastic quirkiness of it. And the features of Bjork and Bernard Sumner are sublime. A+
  13. Digging this, it's like a groovy sonic youth track
  14. It helps to think of Lane Visitor posts such as these as pieces of art rather than shameful confessions or venting. :D
  15. I never gamble unless I'm on vacation in Vegas or something but decided to randomly go to a resort / casino that's near my home tonight to play a few slots and have a few beers after getting into a little argument with my wife. The scenario already felt genuinely American to begin with. I withdrew $100 from the ATM and chose not to view balance or get a receipt. Found several fun looking slot machines. I like the idea of randomness. There's almost a Zen like feeling of taking something hard earned and letting it go all to chance. Found a zany Egypt hemmed 3-D interactive slot machine where I had to press the screen to catch butterflies now and then for some sort of bonus. Really weird and my seat shook and the machine whispered in my ear about the sphynx or something. 2 beers in and this great American slot machine pulled me in while I joked with the guy next to me about not needing drugs when you have entertainment like this. Lost the $100 somi took another hundred out and went again... This time to a machine that wasn't nestled away or next to anyone--one of those isolated machines with the giant spinning wheel bonus bullshit on top like a wheel of fortune thing. My back was faced to the entrance. It was desperation and shame at this point. Any of my local friends or our couple friends could see the back of my sweaty head at this point, hunched over a fuckin money stealing machine on a Friday night at peak social hour, by myself pathetic and hollow. This machine was fitting I thought. The theme was... Money. Dollar bills, 1s, 5s, 10s and so on, and if you lined the same ones up yada yada. Benjamins and Jefferson's spinning around making cliched 90s game show and cash register sounds. Threw it all away in 10 mins. Texted my wife that i lost $200. We got into an argument (of course - and over money I thought , how American, how cliched) - an argument that I apparently created cuz she was never actually upset in the first place but I guess I was just over-sensing a certain vibe maybe cuz of the drinks. As I walked toward the lobby, a busty red dressed scantily clad woman with fake seeming eyebrows and exaggerated everything blew a fat stream of smoke out of her mouth and nose straight into her cleavage as she power walked toward the middle of the casino. Standing outside the casino, it dawned on me this was the most genuime American experience I've ever had.
  16. Utterly unreal isn't it? His blatant lies and deceit are like a random page out of 1984. The cult of Trump is quite terrifying, even moreso than Trump himself. Both of my parents--one a libertarian and one conservative--though divorced, living in opposite places in the US and completely at odds in every world view incl politics... And even different beliefs/religion... are both Trump supporters. My wife whose ultra liberal just avoids the convo and so do I when we go over there to either of them. It's pretty awkward.
  17. that's pretty fucking rich coming from these cunts I have to play devil's advocate a little bit here, the US pullout has some substantive reasoning that makes it a little more complicated than Trump simply pulling some absurd pro-Israel / anti-UN bullshit. That said it's still an exaggerated claim that this is some courageous defiance by the USA. It's not like the charges against Israel are largely false, it's the fact that the same body won't condemn far greater abuses by other countries INCLUDING council members. Well said. This list here is the eternal reason why Israel has been forever cast as the sole oppressors of the world packaged comfortably and sold to liberal causes. And many of us well meaning liberals don't fully understand the darker side of it's source. Zionism = racism movement, the BDS movement and other destructive efforts are exports from none other than egregiously human right violating countries--a number of whose governments and leaders promote their passive (or even blatant) not-a-huge-fan-of-jews-ism (or unrelenting anti-zionism at the least). Has Israel violated human rights? Yes. Are they Dr. Evil incarnate of the modern global hierarchy? Nope. But bullying entities like elements of the UN Human Rights Commission will have you drink that Kool Aid.
  18. ...the idea that that only way to fight against or stand above the noise - whether it be political tryanny, cultural jadedness, media burnout, the blandness of mainstream culture and so on... Is through creating your own memes, 10 second snippets, lolable kickstarters, in the hopes of standing out for 10 more seconds before your message is shredded into digital dust. We're all infected with ADD and there's no cure. And there's no revolution in a world like that. That's why Trump can become president, that's why Charlottesville happened. That's why kids are shooting up schools by the dozen.
  19. But for real, I've felt the same way with all of this. It makes you feel helpless and angry. Sometimes wish we lived in a different era where the idea of "revolution" didn't take place from the comfort of our friendly little mobile devices, and where we didn't forget each tragedy, each injustice second after second as it competes with the utter noise of political cartoon, soap opera reality and memification of our apathetic western world.
  20. Hmmm well, we can start a hashtag #NoSeparation... It's sure to open up the eyes of the infrastructure and change the world... just like how #BringOurGirlsBack #Manchester #Paris and #MeToo did. And the best part is it only takes a few seconds and it feels good too. Thank God for our social media lives and identities. #futile
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