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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. ambermonk


    Also g 1 e 1 "prototype" @ the end of Brussels and Dublin sets
  2. Not to be a dick but TBH I hear too much of that "we're all screwed" bullshit lately and I'm done with it. We're moving in the right direction, but true progress takes time...even if Trump ends up getting re-elected. Besides, the GOP will no longer have full control of Congress come Jan 3rd. And I don't think things will get any easier for Trump from here on out. I'll say the biggest change now is that it will not get "worse" but it will get ugly. Watergate via 21st century memes, reality tv, and other social media bullshit. Peak misinformation, gas-lighting, etc. Probably some vigilante violence and street riots getting deadly. It'll be a long hangover figuring out what the fuck happened post-constitutional crisis and/or impeachment. I have no idea what the GOP will do as it implodes - harden as the moderates head out? Split? Is a centrist party to emerge if the Dems go hard left? Time will tell. TBH I think we need to go farther left in order to break even. Things will have to get messier in politics before we can return to relative normalcy. Of course the frustrating part is that more domestic terrorism from right-wing extremists is likely and they will try to pin the violence on leftist infiltrators or some bullshit. Speaking of the pandemic of misinformation, the very founder of the World Wide Web just pledged to combat it: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/nov/05/tim-berners-lee-launches-campaign-to-save-the-web-from-abuse
  3. Not to be a dick but TBH I hear too much of that "we're all screwed" bullshit lately and I'm done with it. We're moving in the right direction, but true progress takes time...even if Trump ends up getting re-elected. Besides, the GOP will no longer have full control of Congress come Jan 3rd. And I don't think things will get any easier for Trump from here on out.
  4. Yeah I'm tired of that old sack of shit. Going on his 24th term now...ridiculous. And it looks like Dunleavy's gonna be the next guv'nah, albeit by a narrow lead.
  5. I figured the House going to the Dems would be the most likely outcome. Could be worse. At least it's a step in the right direction. I just hope that arrogant corporate hag Pelosi doesn't become House Speaker, but I'm sure that's likely too.
  6. Kinda figured something like this was coming. And Trump is still encouraging aggression. But I'll be damned if we let these bastards intimidate us out of voting. Yeah and it's likely only gonna get worse. I think the right-wing domestic terrorism we've had in the last two weeks was just the warm-up round.
  7. They really are. Especially considering they take gaming more seriously than the apparent slow death of our planet.
  8. Speaking of Wohl, is that little fucker in prison yet?
  9. Seems likely if Democrats gain majority control of both the House and Senate, in which case Trump may well be in deep shit. However my understanding is that the House is more likely to flip than the Senate. (I've probably said this like three times already in this thread. Oh well.)
  10. The other day at around 7:30 AM it was still a dark night sky. But I noticed it was clear enough to spot isolated "stars". From a panoramic vantage point I probably only encountered 3 or 4, but I wonder if they are actually the other planets in our solar system. If so, I'm inclined to believe that the other planets are in fact (barely) visible with the naked eye.
  11. As much as I despise him holding the highest office in the land, I do not wish him actual harm. As long as he merely stops being relevant or having any acting influence in politics when that time comes, that's good enough for me.
  12. That last one is literally the other way around for me
  13. There's no such thing as being too stupid to vote for him.
  14. Blueberries and sliced strawberries, just straight with nothing added. Figured it's a healthier sweet alternative to all the damn leftover Halloween candy I keep stumbling across.
  15. You're right. Too many people of his opposing demographic end up in prison for lesser infractions (or are innocent altogether). More manipulative sociopaths need to be incarcerated and be forced to shower with high lubrication soap bars.
  16. Behold, the 20-year-old self-righteous, Trump-loving punk-ass who attempted to frame Mueller from mommy's basement amidst fabricated sexual assault allegations Seriously, I wanna punch him right in the face. But with luck he'll end up in prison and drop the soap in the shower.
  17. The MAGA Klan's honeymoon phase is coming to an end, and I have a feeling a rude awakening for them may be imminent, based on the events transpiring in the past two weeks. Speaking of which, supposedly Mueller has already issued a subpoena against Trump, according to MSNBC last night. Supposedly. In the meantime, we gotta VOTE.
  18. where https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/10/30/1808548/-Scheme-to-smear-Robert-Mueller-is-unraveling-before-it-begins-and-it-s-kind-of-hilarious lol I just heard about this a couple of hours ago. Gotta love when desperate smear attempts by the Pepe crowd blow up in their face. Kind of like an over-pressurized beer can.
  19. Well, half of her DNA comes from a man (no pun intended) EDIT: God damn you page brek eat a dWelcome to Page 293 of Dank Memes! Enjoy your visit!
  20. Again I think we have a chance at the House, but the Senate will be a steeper hurdle.
  21. I don't question or dispute the master dank skills of prdctvsm or ignatius up in this thread. That was just the first thing that came to mind when I saw that particular GIF. Plus I was drunk.
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