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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Also thinking about this whole NPC meme being circulated lately by the alt-right/MAGA cult/Proud Boys/whatever...I've come up with a counter-label. Whether or not it will gain any currency I cannot say, but I think I'm gonna start referring to them as So named after the area in the brain that appears to be the primary governor of everything they say or do.
  2. The man famous for "sessu?" two years ago doing a 180...interesting times
  3. ambermonk


    Matt Damon as ghey lover? lolllll
  4. Man you're lucky to have a Trader Joe's. Chocolate-coated potato chips are one of my favorite treats of all time. We don't have one where I live and it's for a stupid reason.
  5. Yeah I thought the Far Cry 5 ending was a big letdown as well, even though it had solid gunplay. The same can be said for Fallout 4 really. But that's not to discourage you from trying it out, because it still has a lot going for it, especially with mods. Something I've learned on my latest playthrough though is this: if you hold off committing to any faction allegiance until later in the game, then chances are you'll have more freedom to explore and roam about, especially with the Minutemen.
  6. Shit. If these state-level voter purges ultimately succeed in maintaining Republican control of Congress after the midterms, I am seriously considering going expat.
  7. I honestly couldn't begin to imagine what kind of life that would be, never to leave the neighborhood or town you grew up in, were born in. But then again this is coming from a spoiled military brat and former exchange student.
  8. So it's gonna be Bethesda.net exclusive. I thought about making an intentionally ridiculous/stupid player character if I ever ended up buying it, but now I'm not sure it's worth the trouble.
  9. The murder (not just "disappearance", for the record) of Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul is really starting to making me question the morality of the relationship between the Saudi and US governments over the last two decades. To me it basically seems like a mafia alliance at the highest echelons.
  10. My breakfast banana got all brown and mushy towards the bottom from when I accidentally dropped it a few days ago after a grocery run. My advice is do not drop bananas.
  11. If you buy bananas, be careful not to drop them. Because the area of impact gets brown and mushy to the point where they're no longer edible. Also, they say if you go fishing on a boat, do not bring bananas on board.
  12. Oh, cool. Thanks for clearing that up. Didn't know what I'd do without your help. More alt-right edgelord shit. It'll eventually be forgotten. pretty much lean all the time. We lean new things every day.
  13. Now that you mention it, I didn't notice the stick on the left propping up the upper jaw the first time. Rising ocean temps, acidity, and trash pollutants are still a major problem tho.
  14. ^ I saw that yesterday. Good on the student's parents for raising their kid right.
  15. I admire the ambition but there's just no way they can really justify this. So many games has promised the same and end up releasing sequels or do-overs, or end up shutting down. Like I said, time will tell. I understand Bethesda's trying to move the Fallout IP into uncharted territory with multiplayer and such, but it's a risky move to say the least. I know exactly what you mean. While I thought the combat was vastly improved, the story just wasn't there. But fortunately there are large scale mods under way to set the game in new locale, like Fallout Miami and Fallout Cascadia. Even the team behind Fallout 4: New Vegas (whom have been officially praised by Obsidian) are scrambling to finish their project, last I heard.
  16. I heard Fallout 76 is gonna progress along the Fallout lore timeline in real time. So on 11 August 2027 IRL, FO76 will reach the point on the Fallout timeline where FO3 took place. I know Bethesda already announced that the game "will continue to be updated forever." Interesting to see how things will play out. I'm still not convinced enough to buy it though. I'll wait and see what players have to say for the first week following release. Who knows, maybe it'll be a late bloomer like No Man's Sky was.
  17. And these voters are likely the same folks who stood up to DAPL and the Morton County sheriff's department @ Standing Rock two years ago. Seems like they never stop getting shat on.
  18. I completely crashed on that game. I got the frigate as well but every just seems like such a hassle and I don’t want to be limited by my stupid inventory. Also, maybe it’s just me but the way they bombard you with information is ridiculously overwhelming. It's a bit much. Try switching over to "Creative" mode - basically it's God Mode. You don't get the dopamine reward hit for completing tasks, but it's a nice alternative if you just want to chill out and roam the galaxy. You guys have probably gotten further into the game than I have. And I agree that inventory management can be a pain in the ass at times, which is why I'm always keen on hunting for Drop Pods in order to acquire more Exosuit slots. But I think it's truly a game meant to be savored rather than rushed. So far it's been much more relaxing than constantly having to babysit Minutemen settlements in Fallout 4.
  19. I just got rewarded my first space frigate in No Man's Sky by helping the captain fight off pirates, and he put me in command. There's so much to do and explore in this game it's insane. In fact this could easily keep me occupied for the rest of 2018. If there's ever gonna be a new Star Trek game, I wouldn't be surprised if it borrows heavily from NMS's game mechanics.
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